/owg/ - Olympic Weightlifting General

A thread for the discussion of the sport of weightlifting and all things related. Keep the insults and shitposting to a minimum.

>I don't have many webms edition

>If you are new to weightlifting please read these first and check the other sources they link to before asking questions:
pastebin.com/1HgVcGam (embed)
pastebin.com/wCXeXfkk (embed)

>helpful blogs:

>The information that you are looking for is probably in the above links.
That includes routines, shoes, information on the lifts, etc. Check out the pastebins for literature or the reddit faq for general information.

>youtube stuff:

>prev thread

Other urls found in this thread:


superior black man genetics btfo everyone

world recordz and shitz

he doesnt even fully extend

lol @ people on instagram saying he's the greatest of all time


Guys is this legit? Adidas Powerlift 2.0 for 45 Euros

seems reasonable, adidas is a german company and 43eu sounds about right

amazon is also extremely trustworthy

Is there any good olympic weightlifting programs that i can get for free?

define good, the best programs are such because they're tailored to you

Everett has some OK ones

well, just prooven then.

All i can find from him is on catalyst athletics. I aint going to pay 10 dollars every month

aren't there free ones here?

look at the clip on yt in slow mo
hes hitting his dick hard lmao

>tfw too scared to do snatches

Don't b a pussy

Why though. If it's not over head just get out the way

But that's all I've ever been.


didnt see, i just had to registre for their maillist

Why is owg upset about this? Because he didn't fully extend?

it's because his tech is in truth fucking garbage, classic american weightlifting, but I wouldn't personally rip on him for it, he's a strong little dude who lifts big weights w/e

Tbh he gets ripped on more cos he's American. No ripped on ehab, Pavlov, etc tons of guys with out great technique. Shit, everyone of klokov snatches look different. Even dimas didn't have what was textbook 'good technique'

Shit tech gets ripped on regardless of nationality dude

Not as much
Just look around the internet
Am.not even American it's just fact

technique doesn't matter in weightlifting, the only thing that matters is winning and setting records, both things that CJ has done a remarkable job of.

>all this hate on a kid that just set a world record because his form 'just don't look right'


I also hate blacks

Might b because most of those posters are american so they feel more right to criticize their own cunt than others

yeah true
you do get the feeling he could be even stronger with some tweaks though, regardless of how true it may actually be

I don't like blanks either, but I don't take anything away from his lift. Just like I hate Muslims but still enjoy watching Ehab and Salimi


This I agree with. More so on his snatch though

50kg difference between max sn and max clean and jerk is ridiculous

unless ur ilya iliad or some of those other goys like steven botev


spotted the phone-posting /pol/ster

ded thred ded spert

By the way I'm gonna try snatching light weights this week, wish me luck senpaitachi


>ywn be a cuban midget with tiny femurs
why live

Omg doesn't even fully extend and look how straight his back leg is in jerk lol what trash

it's ok CJ, you still got gold

How do you safely dump the weight mid-jerk if it's too heavy?

If it's forward it'll be easy to drop in front, if it's over head just dump it either side, naturally your trailing leg should come out of the way if it goes behind. Looks sketchier than it is

he's a big guy

was he natural?

for you

You guys are weird.

>wake up like any other day
>look outside bedroom window
>this fucking creep is staring at me and wont move
>fuck he is now attempting to break in through my catflap
>keep hearing him mumble something about his "blue shoes"
>fuck someone help
wat do?

ain't nobody checking dat trips?!

>Stefan Khristov Botev was an Olympic weightlifter for Bulgaria and later for Australia. He was coached by Ivan Abadjiev.

sounds pretty natty

Call animal control.

Guys a couple Qs.

>Have any of you used Hi-temps? Is there much difference? I'm trying to find plates for lifting at home, hi temps are all fun and games until you realise the max you can fit on a bar is like 180kg with all 25kg, basically I can do everything except I'm fucked for deadlifts.
The floor is wood which is why I'd rather get hitemps over something else but not if it doesn't make a difference.

I need to be able to do lifts and also slow pulls indoors on a platform, in a wooden shed. Minimal noise preferred.

What would you do?

How do I stop myself passing out doing cleans? Even at pathetic warmup weights and using my poverty-level power clean working weight of 80kg I feel incredibly dizzy and passed out a few times

your rack position is sitting on your carotid artery, fix it

shift it forwards more onto anterior delts?

hello have you heard of seated muscle snatch its the most improtnat excercise to do if i could only do one excercise its seatec muscle snatch setatecd msucle snatch actually increasesboth of snatch and clean 50% efficiency of jerk asweel big man coming of you bodybuild freak

increase in seatec muscle snatch of bigger squat and lift from floor great vmo activateing wake up them up

fish me big result bigger muscle stronger man...

not bad for 1.5 week of actual prep

also i changed my starting pos to be more straigh up which is helping with pull strength, i just need to get them stronger

because precisely what you said from any other point of view kek

Does everybody shave their legs before a comp? Do hairy legs catch on the spandex?

legs aren't shaved, and ive never heard of it being an issue

You probs shouldn't shave, the bar contract makes you prone to ingrown hairs


OB is just a hairless twink :^)

honestly though last time I wore a single the chest hair looked stupid, I was like a weak version of a giant 70's russian. I'm gonna wear a t-shirt next time I compete

Because I have a forest on my legs and I don't want to spend that kind of time to look like a prepubescent boy

>technique doesn't matter in weightlifting

yea ok.

I'm running out of webms


Your ded kidd................. I have all le tools in my otolbag to outsquat you.........................

im fucking HUGE im fucking BIG im fucking GINORMOUS fucknig HUGE theres nothing JUST QUITE LIKE ME im one of A KIND IN THE WORLD nobody can COMPETE im fucking HUGE not just in the body but in the MIND and in the WORLD socailly HUGE im a chad in the gym a chad on the girls a chad in the SOCIAL WORLD and most of all im the CHAD OF Veeky Forums because I own this thread, i own this BOARD i own this WEBSITE... cuz listeni m... \


and im...


im gonna front squat 220 hehe your dead kiddos


How thick do I need to make a platform to be safe when doing cleans and snatches? (No jerks)

Ill try not to drop the plates but just wondering.



so i let a coach program for me a while ago
4 weeks later and im injured and hate training
he really doesnt want to let me go back to programming for myself, but im not gonna follow his program anymore
how to stay on good relations with him (ie not get kicked out of gym)
help guys i dont get people

Stop being a pussy and follow the program. If you are getting injured and hate training, it means that you are far away from your comfort zone where the best gains happen. But now you act like a pussy and that's why you are getting injured. Keep focus and kill the weights m8

You should read pas' blog sometime

Just be like yeah sorry this prog ain't meant for me
Or make up some excuse like how you're busy with school so you wanna program for yourself to be more flexible with your sched

ye ill try the school excuse thats gud
ill also probs tell him i dont wanna be gud i just wanna have fun

This is a fair thing to say. You've hit some decent numbers for an amatuer lifter so just tell him your goal now is to enjoy it even if the gains are slower (let's be real if you hate training you'll likely never make gains unless you're a top athlete forced to work)

>far away from your comfort zone where the best gains happen

not if you're getting injured retard


you're retarded and has never trained under a coach equally retarded as you, i can tell

one more si joint question pas
when you were recovering and it went away, did you do nothing or did you lift

surely if you're struggling and injured he should adjust accordingly

Does low-bar or high-bar build the best quads in the long run?

why start so low? As far as I know you and I are roughly the same in terms of level (im hovering around 67~ and hit a C&J pr of 105 today) and I have a comp in about 2 weeks. My coach will probably have me start around 100 C&J. Was it just fatigue and not enough prep or something else?

i start low because when i start farther over my ass shoots up/i jump back/leave bar way out.
I feel much stronger in this position

yeah my best are 82/105@~66

and it was because i got fucked by a cold really close to the comp and as such only had 1.5 weeks of decent training before the comp.

r u on drugs lol

a highbar squat will work the quads more than a lowbar squat, without a doubt. assuming highbar is done in the standard olympuc style, lowbar in standard raw PL style.

draw your conclusions from that. think about it like this though. who will grow bigger quads? a guy who does some highbar squars every workout, or a guy who does some lowbar squats then a lot of dedicated quad work?

just because you squat lowbar doesnt mean you cant get big quads. so if you want to put up big numbrs in PL comp, and want big quads.. id reccomend a lowbar and extra quad work honestly, or highbar as an assistance move

ye all the time

lol I meant low as in low in your starting weights but your starting pos look good if you were worried

ohhhhhhh fuck im an idiot, and yeah cause i didnt really have a good amt of prep time

I'm trying to do high bar squats, but when I finish my sets, I can feel it a little bit in my biceps. Is this bad? I read that you want none of your arms to support it. I think I might be using my arms because I follow that cue from that alan thrall video where you try to pull the bar apart with your arms and try to keep your upper back as tight as possible.

should I use a thumbless grip?

When I watch OLY lifters like Klokov and Torkity do overhead press their elbows rotate backwards at the top of the rep. I've noticed this is extremely difficult to do. How can I increase my shoulder flexibility so I'm getting the full ROM out of my presses?

Pic unrelated

I'm fucking trash at this guys. Does it gets better? I'm not going to quit but some days it feels like I'm wasting my time

I love the post lift celebrations. Especially when they sperge out.



if you have a coach that's not teaching you proper technique progression leave immediately, trust me i've been there and it's frustrating when he thinks you should be progressing fine with barely any technique work just by following his program. he might be good at programming for athletes with established technique but it's useless for beginners

leave and either learn on your own or find a coach that understands how to teach technique someone like this dude

How did training go today lads? This was my first heavy session off deload, and I'm feeling good. Technique feels much better, a lot cleaner

What's the best and easiest way to reattach this?

>Buying Adidas

Kek you get what you deserve
Adidas has never made a comfortable pair of regular shoes. Why would they make a good pair of weightlifting shoes. Adipower faggots on suicide watch while Romaloe masterrace stays cruising with steady gains from superior build quality

>mfw I'm never happy with a snatch PB because I always felt like I could've gone heavier

The elbow rotation is a consequence of them internally rotating their shoulders for the overhead position.

If you want to get a feel for that, stand with your feet under your hips, raise your arms to each side, perpendicular to your body. Focusing on your shoulders, rotate your whole arm forward such that the 'inside' of your elbow joint is pointing toward the ground; they don't need to be straight down, just turned in that direction. From there lift your arms upward, maintaining their rotation, until your hands are pointing up toward the sky.

a shoemaker should be able to reatach that for a couple of bucks.

my adipowers have been doing pretty well, still look nearly new

I got them in 2013 (although I only started doing wl with them about a year later, before that I was football player tier power cleans in running shoes)

I guess it's also worth mentioning that I had to take about 13 months off total from wl in the last 2 years as well hehe