Giving back

Veeky Forums you have been good to me, you shared your wisdom with my dumb ass helped me pay off my student debt and have helped me start approaching the comfy life so its time I gave back.

You have approximately 4 hours to get in on XLM before the next climb starts happening and we see 1000sats again before the sell walls start to appear.

Nakamotospeed to all of you, I love you Veeky Forums.

is that you mr bogdanoff?

OP i want to believe but any shred of proof for user? As much as i love u OP i need a little somethin

Op here, everything i said earlier was true, except it'll hit 1500 sats today!

I personally think FOMO will drive it to 2000

sorry OP i cant trust u


god I wish

I cant really say much without getting in trouble at work but pic related. Higher-ups have been talking about something massive happening with blockchain today and also XLM this week and I think this is it. Also we all keep getting flooded with both old and new shit because we're all supposed to be "up to speed"

I dont think it'll go that high, I think the richer people here are trying a buyin where they can steadily increase the price daily after 1000sat jump then a correction.

trying my best not to get caught here. Veeky Forums got me into this job in the first place but I dont want to lose it

nice one user. so what do you see as a reasonable exit point before retracement? and where are we buying back in?

not op but

i'm getting 1/2 my xlm out at around 900 sats and then buying back in whenever it goes under 700, if it's dropping really fast maybe i'll wait til 600

I cant really say. I think*** 1200 maximum. Upper management people are being very fucking tight-lipped about it but I've caught snippets of convos about how they want a sustainable growth pattern and one guy even mentioned that if there's a mass dump, its a great opportunity for the company itself to buy up a fuckton of XLM to prevent what happened to DGB (IBM has been formally monitoring different blockchain tech to avoid same pitfalls.

will be back in an hour or so if i can, scared I'll get caught where I am right now.

also retractment will be 850-900 to trigger mass buyin but dont trust me on this. I honestly dont know

so sell at 850-900 before it drops a shitload and then buy again for cheap, got it thanks, will be back here if it fails

I'll be keeping a close eye on it.
Will also be keeping a close eye on this happening. First sign this is the case and I'm calling it quits with my gains and putting it in FUN.

James I swear to god if this is you then we just became best friends.
I saw that Veeky Forums tab open on your laptop you fuck.

Lol, sprung. Could be worse though I guess.

how do you know its actually him?
>don't assume

how do you know I wasn't just looking for an excuse to post Mike Tyson forcibly making two pigeons kith each other?
>dont greentext like a plebbitor

who's shower




I already FOMO'd and bought at the ATH. I'm holding these bags OP so I pray you deliver

seems I'm wrong, the announcement today is about the internal use of XLM and conversion of finances to allow us to move money around faster and adaptation of existing systems. XLM investment is later in the week after some setup procedure apparently but theyre starting a gradual investment process now too for more stable growth.

sorry guys, wanted to do good by you but I was wrong.

everything i'd seen up until now suggested this was a short-medium term hold, but from what you're saying it sounds like it could be a good long term hold

dunno what to do now

will you give updates for the event you talked about?

Thank you very much anyways, OP, our moon will come

if I can then I will. I still owe Veeky Forums for getting me here and off my poor ass

where do you even work? IBM? either way these updates are appreciated man

my nigger

Someone elaborate why IMB just wont buy good chunck of XLM since they are partners now, instead leting in anonymus anons?



Delete this user.

Maybe they're testing the water first, want to see the public and government reaction. If positive signs keep coming up, than they will go all in.