Jason blaha ice cream fitness

Is jason blaha ice cream fitness a good novice routine? It seems to be just like SL but with accesories. So have any one try it?

Yeah he's the only decent fitness youtuber

Some say it's too much but I started doing it because stronglifts felt like too little and I'm enjoying it. I'm bulking though, I have heard it's way harder on a cut.


Jason, please go away.

Do SL + dips and chin ups

Scott herman

if you do ice cream||fitness you will be able to hunt moose at age 50 and not be in a wheelchair like layne norton

>combines an excellent novice strength-based program with some hypertrophy work
>wondering if it's good

Jesus christ Rav, don't you have anything else to do?

i heared hes inner city.

It is dogshit because of those accessories.

Just do SS or GSLP.

His routine got me to a 180 bench, 260 squat, and 365 deadlift at 150lbs

If it's just SL with accessories then why not just do SS? SL is a fuckin meme bro

blaha is prob the only real good youtuber left around

ICF is good, and his tips in general are excellent

fair enough

You're right and it's fine depending on your goals, but don't take his general word for gospel.


He's clinically insane but he does give a lot of good advice ironically.

I like this guy.


He was at the farm, if you know what that means, you know he means business.

Blaha is a pro, man. Don't fuck with him.

Jason, please stap posting here.

GSLP + accessories > SS + accessories > SL + accessories


It's SL with stupid accessories (eg: shrugs). Do SS or SL instead

Jason just go. You're embarrassing yourself. Don't you have some super secret mercenarcy operations to do? Or are you a psychic reptilian illuminati super stud this week in between shifts at the KKK?

You're a joke and the punchline is you don't even seem to realise it.

Isn't Blaha just some insane guy talking about fitness, but even after years of "lifting", he still has a dadbod?

But his also a mercenaire who committed war crimes (all secret, of course), a published author (under a pseudonym, of course), a succesful bodybuilder (with records lost to a fire, of course), and a highly respected powerlifter (with no wins in any registered meets, of course).

He used to be.
Cant get behind his fucking lies anymore though.

Lying about his entire life and argues that he was a big, strong bodybuilder, a Chad, a mercenary and in the kkk.
But in reality it was spent infront of WoW and Veeky Forums and he was a fat ass no lifting faggot.

What's your favourite blaha feat of badassery?
Mine is the multiple covert assassinations he has carried out

I know he gets a lot of shit and I kinda get why.

But his advice on lifting is really good. It's always backed up with scientific studies and whatnot. His major problem is that he never managed to get his bodyfat under control, which is crucial in order to be taken seriously on youtube and the online fitness community.