How you holdin' up, Veeky Forums? Having a good day?

How you holdin' up, Veeky Forums? Having a good day?

Dogs woke me up this morning. I'm pretty tired but I still have to lift in a couple hours.

I'll smash down this old preworkout my gyms owner gave me before I head out.

Hopefully this tinder chick texts me back, I'm really looking forward to clappin dem cheeks if you know what I mean

Final nightshift of my 48 hour work week. Finally feeling like I've beaten my drug addictions and I'm working to get myself back to the point I was at earlier this year before I JUSTed myself. Been trying to get my boxing training back on track and I've finally found the method to do so. Looking to fight again in february and from that victory chase my dreams. Sick of being a wagecuck

It's good ma nigga. How are you OP?

Pretty good actually, had a very active past few days off
> tuesday went for a big bike ride around the city
> wednesday did gym in the morning and running at night

got work tomorrow but i feel like i've made good use of my time off

>got work tomorrow but i feel like i've made good use of my time off

I feel you. I'm really aware of how limited my time is since I started to approach 30, I feel like I've gotta achieve my shit now because I'll be slowing down soon. I wasted my 20's chasing girls and partying and half arsing my boxing training rather than fully committing and focusing.

I had a thought a while back which bugged me out; "how different would my life be if I had never touched drugs or alcohol?". It's made me realize just how much time I've wasted on the wrong shit. Got alot of catching up to do.

I just wake up, lift, work, shitpost, sleep.

I'm super unhappy with it, but at the same time I'm content?

Like, I realize this is depressing, but I have zero motivation to meet people or anything

A-ok - just had a brief attack of body dysmorphia. Heartbroken by how tiny i look and then doubly crushed by how many moles I have. Proving that no matter how big I get I'll still look like shit

weird how I have the same moles every day but sometimes I see so many more than other days

yeah woke up today, remembered i don't need anyone but myself

bank account full of numbers

and im white

I've given up on people m8. Been through girlfriends that let me down and had friends who have let me down.

All my buddhism studies seem to have paid off, it seems the only way to win the game is not to play it and just be happy with the shit you've got. I've got free time to do what I like and I'm always busy.

>boxing training

you sound fucking retarded and 5'3"

>and I'm white

Well that's always good

That's why he took drugs lmao

I skipped a midterm so I could lift.

I'm 5'8 Senpai.

Been boxing for the last 8 years, been pretty depressed though and numbed my shit with drugs.

You sound bitter Senpai.

Im really tired but okay otherwise. Been working on learning piano when im not at work, in the gym or playing another instrument so that has been taking a good amount of my time up. Think i have a date later with this guy (no homo) but we'll see. Missed a lifting session this morning because i had to work instead which bummed me out but i guess ill go tomorrow instead. Still feel really off mixing up my traing schedule though but whatever. All in all, holding up pretty well for once.

>buddhism studies

kys now before cold reality hits. You sound like a beta-male communist.

>it seems the only way to win the game is not to play it

This is not winning. There is no choice in playing the game, everyone plays. By not playing, you are just standing still while everyone with their shit together laps you, and they will look at your arrested development with pity in a few years.

>Doing pretty good but overworked/underpaid

Leading an investigating right now, 12 hour days, no over time pay, have a meeting first thing in the morning. ready to quit and move to another job in January, stressed as fuck but think things will be ok soon

i work at a sawmill for shit pay and addicted to pain pills
>hit ohp 150lb 2rep today
that was nice

Blogpost incoming

>end of the fiscal year at work
>have been kicking ass
>boss always telling me thanks and shit 100 times a day
>feeling great about my work
>get off and go get a haircut I desperately need
>contain my autism and actually do okay with the whole smalltalk think
>I think one of the girls even mired me a bit

And then things get weird
>feeling like a normal well-adjusted adult
>head to walmart to get a costume as well as a belt because mine broke
>can't find any of the stuff for my costume
>find a belt I like, but not in my size
>leave without buying anything and I'm upset
>go to toys r us figuring they would have some of the stuff but they don't
>very mad at this point
>I know it's not a big deal but I seriously just want to go kick a bunch of kids in the face
>take wrong turn heading back home
>feeling as angry as I've ever felt, want to crash my car into a light pole
>anger slowly descends into depression
>lay in bed until I fall asleep
>wake up an hour later not feeling as bad
>go lift and make a nice post-workout meal
>feel fine now

Do I have a brain tumor or something?

>Excited all day because tomorrow I'm going on a date with a super cute girl who I like
>Text her tonight to confirm
>She says she can't cause she has to pick up her brother
>Have a feeling she isn't interested
>Just text her back "No worries, if you ever get some free time hit me up and let's hang"
>Know she won't
Why, when am I gonna get a fucking break with a girl?

Pretty sure my life about to crash and burn.
>Anterior pelvic tilt
>Squat is shit and dropped from 190 to 135
>Probably about to bomb my mid-term on Friday
>Don't know if I will be able to nut up and make a move during my date on Saturday

This happened to me too breh, chick cancelled on me twice, probably not interested

First day of lifting I feel really good. I'm sore ass fuck any methods to help with that?

That was like reading the blog of a hamster. Not a brain tumor, you are just low IQ.

built up stress from work probably

>graduated college and going to head off to law school
>medical shit comes up and insurance pays $0.00
>essentially put life on hold
>shitty min wage job and so poor I can't afford to live on my own
>all friends are long gone

I feel like I'm being forced into the neet life. God I want off this ride

Eh my nana just passed away
At least its a rest day so i dont have to lift while sad :(

user, at least tell me you hit a PR.

Im barely passing Nursing school I gotta step up my game. EVEN IF I HAVE TO STOP LIFTING for a while of course

Mother is texting me asking what's wrong after not contacting her for months. Didn't wish her a happy birthday

Ex gf broke my heart a few months ago but is now back and using me for sex

My job is easy mode but the banter of coworkers ruins me by the end of the day and I hate having to go back.

I've googled suicide related things the past couple of days, like reasons not to kill yourself, wanting to die but not wanting suicide, and if you owe anyone anything

Followed my ex ex gf to a different city where I don't know anyone and have no interest in staying. It's a really depressing place and I want to move but spent all my money. Currently broke

I have plans to fly to Chicago and visit my friends and they are all really excited to see me and have made tons of plans. I've thought about cancellling everyday. I'm worried that when I get to the airport, I just won't go.

I guess I'm not doing that well, user. And the worst part of it all is that I'm a very comedic person. When people talk to me I genuinely make them laugh and no body knows any of this about me. I'm having really tough time and I'm really worried about me. I'm really worried


Why aren't you talking to your mommy?

forget about her user, you'll make it. go have a fun ass time with your friends. good friends make everything better.

I just set this bad boy up in my friend's warehouse. Got an insane deal on craigslist. Picking up 480 in plates and another bar this weekend and probably a rollaway bench as well.

I will do curls in my own goddamn rack.

>I will do curls in my own goddamn rack.

Lucky guy

Why wouldn't you go user? That sounds like fun!

Personally I've been thinking about rushing a frat in the spring because as a sophomore, that will be my last time to rush. I realized that the only things I do are smoke weed alone, lift alone and hit on girls alone and I'd rather be doing that with bros than alone.

Supposedly the frat is so big most brothers don't know each other and they'll accept anyone. I rushed both semesters freshman year. I guess they didn't like me. Oh well.
I'm cutting, but I think the stress from school and my stimulants is making me drop weight to fast. A week ago I weighed 173, Saturday and Sunday I pigged out at an all you can eat buffet, and now I'm 170. 6'0 shitty lifts
CMU by the way
>Inb4 not your blog faggot
That's what this thread is for.

started going to a new gym. have to get used to the new digs. so far have observed:
>skellington benching 115 lbs (with good form, props)
>bear mode dude squatting to depth...with 65 lbs (maybe getting over an injury)
>cardio bunny caught me checking her out off a 3 mirror bounce

all in all, not a bad place aside from only 1 squat rack

>>cardio bunny caught me checking her out off a 3 mirror bounce
worst feel desu

Yeah, you should be ashamed.

Just check them out like a man. Women don't mind.

You're saying 'I think you are attractive'. It's a compliment.

Especially coming from a ripped dude.

Checking out girls through mirrors is fucking pansy ass shit

One thing that bothers me is I tell my self not to look. End up looking anyway

>just got a second job in addition to college
>last semester before graduation
>live in the southeast and might have to move to the shittiest city on earth to get a job in a few months
>sick as fuck for a week and a half, haven't lifted that whole time
>life is a blur of work and sleep and not lifting

status: currently not making it

Get a fight under your belt, prove to yourself that you can achieve something most people will never have the guts for. It worked wonders for snapping me out of depression about 6 years ago and I've been fighting ever since

>tell myself not to look


>look anyways

This is bad user. You gotta be strict with yourself. You are the one person that you *have* to be able to trust.

Kind of went into an alcoholic slump during midterms the past month. Almost everyday I could I would down 6 tall boys of beer, eventually was finishing handles of liquor in a few days. Went back into depression for a bit and found myself listening to Hank Williams on repeat.

Stopped drinking and everything is great now though. I think midterms just got to me. Fuck school I need to graduate already.

Bruh how is piano? I was thinking of getting one soon and learning too. Used to play another instrument and I thought it wouldn't be cathartic

have you tried sax?

My mom went and blabbed to her coworkers about my weight loss. Now one of her coworkers wants to set me up with her daughter so I can help her lose weight. Although I wouldn't mind having a qt to get fit with, I have no idea what she looks like. But the real problem is that they're really religious and I don't have the patience to deal with that.

Also what the fuck am I supposed to teach her? My reasons for losing weight are really personal to me.

there's some leftover steaks in the fridge and i'm trying real hard not to cave and eat a big fat one

other than that, pretty good

>met a girl about a month ago
>very cute, the kind of girl one would introduce to his family
>she's a virgin
>she's very down to earth
>fancy her a lot
>she told me she likes me back
>haven't tried anything serious for almost 4 years
>mostly hook ups
>one night stands
>fucking tired so I want to try it
>go out with her
>she says she wants to take it slow
>manage to kiss her
>haven't felt this happy and full in a long time
>hate chessieness but she brings it out on me
>my mood depends on what she does/doesn't do
>I'm very good at physical real life conversations
>I'm very bad at virtual chatting
>don't really feel like chatting her up thru facebook or whatever
>think that she may feel unimportant
>fear being too obnoxious
>fear comming out as obsessed
>feel unstable af
>kind of regreting this

Was in percussion during high school so I figured piano would come a lot easier than another instrument haha, it's fun?

Suddenly struggling with my baby weight and it's quite frustrating. Just wanna pick up heavy stuff mang.

I just finished gathering sources for my senior poli sci (i know, i know) project and tomorrow I'm gonna blast out like 15 pages on the Sikh separatist movement.

I feel alright, waiting for the adderall to wear off so i can fall asleep.

decent day i guess

How about you just explain to her that you don't mean to come off as distant while texting/chatting and that you need some practice to get used to it? This of course is assuming she's a reasonable and understanding human being.

Take a step back and think it all over.

Go on roosh v forum and read up the game section. Plenty of good tips there.

Teach her the goods of anal sex.

I told her and she told me that she's ok with that and that I shouldn't feel forced to talk to her to make her feel relevant in my life. But I'm really insecure and doubts always come to my mind even tho her friends are always telling me that everything is going well and that she's happy.

I don't believe in that PUA stuff, but I will give it a try

Yeah that definetly won't be a disaster.

>go on date
>see grill could drop 30lbs
>small talk
>want some advice on how to lose some weight, your mom thought i could help you get skinny haha
>drink thrown in face
>bitched out
>stuck with the bill

Sounds like a blast.

>Deloaded last week
>Finding new 6 rep maxes this week
>Set goals for each lift
>Hit my squat monday, couldn't go higher but I did what I aimed for
>Hit my bench yesterday, went higher by 10lbs fuck yeah
>Break today
hype as fuck for tomorrow, deadlift day. Then OHP day on Friday. I hope to go over my deadlift by a lot.
OHP I hope to hit. No way I'm going over 1pl8x6 reps.

thought of sax for the sheer catharsis, i think you'll like it

Just beginning to get over ex-gf, trying my absolute best to slowly phase out any thought of her- deleting pics, trashing gifts.

Friend started coming to the gym with me. I thought he would start flaking after a few weeks but he's quite dedicated. Never thought I would have a gymbro but I guess I do now.

Applying to jobs. Hoping for the best, not just for me but for everyone else in this thread


Canceled my gym membership today cause my gf kept bitching about me going with my bro and about other shit so that bummed me out. But my being with my son made me feel better so i guess it evened out

I'm back drinking again, killing all my gains with literal poison.

Why I gotta be like this, why can't I stop.

Know that feel. Got into with babys momma this past sunday. I drank half a $5 dollar cheap vodka and half a bottle of new amsterdam. Dont remember when i blacked out or when i stopped drinking. Bro told me i was lifting in the middle of the rain and i dont remember that shit. Havent drank since but might tomorrow. Were gonna make it bro

Take care bro, if you can avoid it, it brings nothing but misery and pain. I've wrecked my life situation by boozing too hard. Got sober for a year but relapsed recently. I'm trying to control but pressure gets to me and fucking let it slip.

I'd normally say you gonna make it we all gonna make it, but today I'm not so sure. Fuck

Pic related


>Canceled my gym membership today cause my gf kept bitching about me going with my bro and about other shit

You to brother. I know where you're coming from. I drank almost everyday straight for a year and a half until the 1st if September and drink for a month and it felt pretty good. Ive lost friends cause of it and I stopped cause i got stupid around my kid. And it was whatevers until Sunday when i got into that argument. But i think relapsing ain't bad unless your gonna get stupid drunk every time. Take it slow and have a beer a day and if you have more just try to tone it down until you reach your goal.
Drinking may have prevented my gains but i made a lot of gainz during this last year. Just more self control. Keep your head up

No joke. I went with my brother alot and she would bitch about me canceling or changing my membership to my bank(she pays gym and phone and i handle credit card bills). This last week has been hell so today i slept in with her and my kid and got mad i woke late and went with my brother. She bitched me out so i said fuck it and canceled it. Luckily i have weights at home so i had a back up

>canceled gym membership because of gf


>tfw no gf, no friends at all, and doing shit this semester in university
life is like a blur now. I just wake up, go to school, lift, do homework then repeat everyday. Ever since the beginning of this year the thought of just ending it all seems like a good idea, but i cant seem to get the courage to follow through with it.

It's been 15 minutes she didn't text me back. Is she getting D'd by the BBC?

There's something seriously wrong with me. I've always felt very different to other people. I can't understand how people can get so happy and so sad about things. I see people in college and they seem so enthusiastic about life. I cant understand it. I can't remember the last time I wanted to get up in the morning. Maybe I never did. This isnt a recent thing, ive been like this all my life. I feel like any rational person would have killed themselves by now, rather than putting themselves through the misery I put myself through everyday. I force myself to do things I hate because apparently its meant to make them easier, eventually.

I work so fucking hard, for no reason. I dont have any purpose for it. I just work hard so I can go to bed and know that at least I'm trying. Even with all this depressing shit going through my brain, I'm not giving in.

Thanks bro. I'm holding it together for my kids sake, gotta try and find that balance.

I lost 25kgs after quitting, I'm back in good shape now which makes it easier to start up again.

Coming off a cycle of test I hit some severe depression, also lost my drivers licence for over a year.

Feels good to talk about this, no one cares irl

i was in your same position guys

let me tell you. it doesnt get any better. its even worse after you graduate college because you realize you went through the most social times of your life with nothing to show, and that now your life is over

user I live in Chicago, come and let me buy you a drink. I can tell that we will get along.

My day has been shit.
>be me
>be consultant on some tech project
>send erroneous data to client
>fuck up in front of manager
>job slowly killing libido and interest in hobbies

Also made out with some girl I have no romantic interest in a week ago, used to be friends but now it's weird

Piano is pretty fun, it feels more elegant than any other insrument ive played, which im enjoying. You should try it out though. Piano is pretty enjoyable, even when it is frustrating.

When the fuck am I gonna catch a break?
Car troubles, school problems, family problems, work, etc
And don't even get me started on girls, I've had the worst fucking luck with girls lately

I stayed up late doing coursework and then cried when I was done. Nogf has been getting to me.

Have you tried SSRIs?

I guess. I have some pretty mixed feelings, nothing really awful like a lot of other Anons.
>Shitty internship, boring to death
>Constantly tired due to sleeping 3 hours every night
>Tried to date this awesome girl, we hit it off really good
>But she's already in a relationship with amother girl
>Got shitfaced on tuesday night but talked to a Finnish qt I met in a bar, she even asked for my number
>But missed a workout because to shitfaced
>Skelly mode but have a hard time eating more for gains
>Today, going to the gym, and after that gonna have a drink with a bubbly, petite 18 yo with a firm body and a bright smile. 2nd date but don't know if she's interested in me.

>just got back from gym
>barely did 50 minutes
anyone else get random days of massive fatigue that reduces your lifts by like 30-40%?

How long have you been lifting ? Never did that to me, but I've been lifting only for a month and a half.

9 months
i go about 5-6 times a week but occassionally ill just have a day where im extremely tired for some reason

>Not giving in
Proud of you, bro. Try getting into a hobby you like, other than lifting, vidya or animu. Preferably a hobby where you meet people, like playing a musical instrument, cooking, or being part of a reading club.

>5-6 times a week
Holy shit no wonder you're tired. Why don't you try having a break ? Like instead go to the gym 3-4 times a week, and rest on your days off.

I thought 5-6 times a week was completely normal, I generally only train for an hour and half each day

>don't really feel like chatting her up thru facebook or whatever

Im the same way bro.I just told my girlfriend straight up that i dont like it and she understood. Just make sure to say goodnight and text her reminders that you like her and you'll be fine.

I'm no Veeky Forums guru, but try going less to the gym and sleep more. Maybe it'll work.

Got back from the gym a couple hours ago. Been going for a month now, it's become almost like a meditative state while I'm there. Everything feels intense and I can just let it all out. Anyone else know this feel?

For the first time in a long time, I feel like I'm gonna make it....but you know what Veeky Forums, we all are, we're all gonna make it...

lots of people train 5-6 days a week, but the fact that you don't even know if your routine is 5 or 6 days tells me you don't really know what you're doing. if your performance decreases it means you're underrecovered, so either eat more or make one or more of the days light days where you lift lighter weights.

I know what you mean. I like listening the music or motivational speeches while i lift. I almost go into another world.

you skipped a midterm because you weren't ready

yeah, I lift just as much for the mental benefits as the physical gains at this point. honestly I'm not sure how I would handle life without the gym. there's just so much stress, loneliness and sadness, but the gym keeps me going.

>I'm really looking forward to clappin dem cheeks if you know what I mean

She´s not gonna reply, never gonna make it, have fun waking up with your dogs for the rest of your life

I was in a party at my friends house, ended up making out with one of my friends girlfriend. We were pretty drunk at that point..

So of course the guy saw the thing and got mad as hell, aswell all my friends there.

Fuck drinking, i'll just focus more on lifting instead from now on

But whatever, its been a few days now and everything's pretty normal at the moment.

Just dont know what to do with my friends. I think they all hate me now kek

i mean, i didnt really want anything from her honestly and i fucked up, left the party soon after it happened

Yea brehs, it's such a zen feeling, like I almost can't imagine getting distracted by other people/sloots at the gym if you're going hard and excited but at the same time terrified of attempting that PR