Question 3 is a bill that will require all farms to drastically increase the size of their cages.

This includes cages for chickens.

First off, it will render MA factory farms non competitive. Thousands of hardworking people will lose their jobs, end up on unemployment.

It will also increase the price of chicken breast in MA.

As we all know, chicken breast is one of the healthiest, cheapest, best sources of lean protein. And it's about to get a whole lot more expensive in MA.

This is a direct attack on bodybuilders, as well as anyone looking to provide their children with healthy and nutritious food. And if it gets passed in MA, it will be passed around the nation, state by state.

I have been fortunate professionally to the degree that the price of chicken breast is a non issue.

Still, if you are in my position financially, have a heart and fight for bodybuilders that are not so lucky.

Bodybuilding has been a passion of mine for years.

If powerlifting, BB, or the gym in general has had a positive improvement in your life, your owe it to your fellow Veeky Forumsizens to strike down 3.

you're a fucking idiot

shoo shoo gains golbin


I'm voting yes just becayse fuck u

enjoy paying $10/lb for chicken breast m8


>implying you are old enough to vote

Well we pay that already in other developed countries.

I'm sorry for you but that is no reason for us to accept such a fate

plays think of the chiken.s

they hav feelins two

keep bumping this shit

There are so many people that are young guys trying to get into bodybuilding or powerlifting, guys that are poor college students, working entry level jobs, and this bill is a real nightmare for them

>you have to include chicken in your diet
When will this meme die?

When did I say you 'have' to?

Chicken is the cheapest, best, healthiest, tastiest source of protein and is very popular among BBs

>tfw rich and voting yes to spite dumb poorfags

>the people working in those factory farms will go on unemployment
>collecting our tax dollars

You didn't think it through did you dude?

t. rich

We have had this in CA for years and prices barely changed if at all.

Eggs and chicken can only be shipped so far without freezing so unless all the farms in MA only produce frozen chickens this is all just FUD.

Idgaf about birds but it really didn't do shit here.

>people working in factories go from earning money to buy what they want to being completely reliant on the upper ruling class just for food stamps

Nah man, if you're rich democrat is the way to go. Republicans might lower taxes negligibly but the left turns the lower class into slaves.

By volume, whey is much cheaper than chicken as a protein source.

I hope it passes. Imagine living on top of another living thing while another one lived on top of you while you all shit on each other.

Prices will go up here.

I don't understand what you are driving at.

The concern here is loss of jobs and industry as our factory farms are driven into a state where they cannot compete.

Irrelevant to what I posted, also this isn't a thread to fight over R and D it's a thread about question 3.

You're going to feed your kids whey protein, and that's a healthy meal?

You can't just eat whey guys.

> Imagine living on top of another living thing while another one lived on top of you while you all shit on each other.

Still going to happen just in bigger cages.

Anyways, I worked for IBM for years, I personally lived

>another living thing while another one lived on top of you while you all shit on each other.

for many years so if anyone can pass judgement here....

>eating murican chicken
Enjoy your gyno faggots

>can't just eat whey

It's like you're not even trying to leave humanity.

Americans truly are the niggers of the Western World

>eating meat
Have fun with your heart disease and cancer.

What the fuck do you eat then dyel

What does india have to do with anything?