Veeky Forums cheap halloween costumes

Veeky Forums cheap halloween costumes

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Go as a faggot.
Really cheap, you just have to be yourself.

Fuck you user.
Still way to dyel for that.
M-maybe next year.

>wasting your money on a cheap sword and not the finest steel

Any morphsuit

step 1: find a Halloween event to go to


Adidas tracksuit and bottle of vodka


a nice suit and you're Putin

slutty lumberjack
>short jorts
>work boots
>flannel tied as belly shirt
Like $10 at a thrift store

Why is this even a question? Fucking Hulk Hands, bro.


I fucking love this idea but I don't think many people would get it

>get a scorpion jacket
>when people ask you who you are, wait 5 seconds then say you drive


Why are you all so thick.

He asked for a halogen costume, not a fuming fancy dress costume.

Go as predator, or some big monster to show gains, if no gains then go as something actually scary..

Hurry durr it's haloween I'm gonna dress up as spiderman XD

>Blonde wig
>fake tan
>suit with red tie

Go as America's saviour

who else /cheap/

gonna rip up a black T-Shirt to show off gains and put fake blood on it to look like I've been mauled by a wolf or some shit


>halogen costume
ayy where my Fluorines at

what do i wear if im a dyel runfag

this year im going as 11 from stranger things

no one is gonna think your costume is as cool as you think it is, just wanted to let you know

Write gopnik on your forehead and refuse to sit on chairs, just squat everywhere

Just go as Hentai Kamen. Easy shit

i thought it was pretty lame already since its going to be one of the most popular costumes this year

Cruising on test costs less than whey

>bathrobe: $4
>pajama pants: $2
>white v neck tshirt: $1
>flip flops
>trim beard

Ezest constume of my life


Carry around a package for bonus points

i go as terminator. I just get undressed and walk around completely naked and talk with an Austrian accent. Telling girls that i need their clothes. its free, i get to show off my body plus girls get to mire my junk and glutes.

Dicks out for harambe
Saved me a fortune

Is spoopyscooberts a troll

ir really bothers me that he would refeer to el wire as led rope