Happy without training

My girlfriend made me this and posted it as her display pic on facebook and insta

I don't need training and diet to be happy and life live to the fullest. I have a great job pulling 120k a year, a house with my girlfriend and a great family and friend base.

you obsessive losers forget the real things in life and let me tell you if you want to be truly happy you need to put them on the backburner. I used to have an 8 pack and be mega ripped but I was not happy weighing my food and counting my caloric intake.

Take a leaf out of my book, I am not here to brag just letting you guys know to relax and remember training isn't needed for a happy lifestyle.


You know those cute older couples you see feeding each other jello, and falling asleep together watching Jeopardy? They are never fat. Fat people die young, they don't get to grow old together.

You know I find it funny, not only will you end up with chronic wake-up-at-2am back pain, your weight's gonna compress your spinal discs such that you end up even more of a manlet.

I've got a job that pays me $120,000 a year too. I'm a power engineer.
The difference is that I'm going to be making that money for roughly 30+ years longer than you will

Fatness doesn't determine how long my girlfriend and I shall live.
I'm 6'1 on a bad day, so yeah...
I highly doubt you are a power engineer lol,

>Fatness doesn't determine how long my girlfriend and I shall live.

>I can be happy without training and being fit
Good for you fatass. Keep telling yourself that people train just because they're unhappy.

>tfw I got b8ed

>My fucking sides

Spoken like a true tumlrbtard

Your girlfriend is ugly and so are you

I'm happy doing what I do and I'm glad you are happy doing what you do isn't it great we live in a free society where we can pursue our interests?

Maybe invest some of that 120k in cosmetic dental procedures, but I'm sure there's a weight limit on those chairs.

>120k a year

And that's the best you could manage?
You don't need to hit the gym, just higher standards.

The fuck do you even have a gf for? You should be out there trying as much strange as you can. Your fatass will be dead at 46 anyway.

Fair bunch of jealousy in this thread,


And goooooo!

>I'm happy you guys
>I'm so happy I decided to make a thread about how happy I am
>haha no I'm trying to "justify something to myself"
>I love my fat body and my fat girlfriend
>I'm happy you guys

Nobody cares about your ugly fucking girlfriend or if you're fat and happy. Nobody is saying it's impossible for fatfucks to be happy. They just can't be physically attractive to 90+ percent of the population..

The only thing trolling anyone in this thread is the idea that your mexican ass could make 120k a year.

>life live

Shit I'm actually triggered

I dont think OPie is actually that guy in the pic but honest to god I could not be happy looking like that. I'm definitely a person that feels good when they look good, and fuck, OPies image is anything but.

Also MRI scans of you fat fucks are annoying please lose some weight.

this is bait of inferior quality


you shouldn't pick on your facebook friends kid.

3/4 fake smiles tend to disagree with you, OP.

I never post or reply to shit on here... If you're being honest good... But you have to, somewhere deep down, realize that if your gf wasn't fat she wouldn't be with you. More likely she even has the added feeling of "If I'm with him, and he's that ugly he won't leave me. I'll be the one to leave". I can bet that at some point in her past she got broke up with and it scarred her, so she went with the safe route (aka dating a fat gremlin).

A lot of people are point out how you're going to feel, but think about your gf. If you help her get more fit, she will gain more confidence and leave you... So your only course of safe action (where your relationship is concerned) is to NOT help her become her best self and let her live her life with needless pain (physical and emotional) only to die early. It's sad really.

TROLL THREAD 2: The Revenge

>I don't want to weigh my food and spend all my free time on diet and fitness
>Therefore I will eat like a slob, avoid exercise entirely, and allow my body to balloon to outrageous proportions
>These are the only two options


The thing is, you have a great and SHORT life. because your morbidly obese body will cave and wither before you reach 40 you fat Shit

>Fatness doesn't determine how long my girlfriend and I shall live
>being this ignorant