Hey Veeky Forums

Hey Veeky Forums

I keep tweaking my lower back (mainly on the left side) and it always happens with squats or leg presses. I stopped doing deadlift because of this.

I've taken weeks off and the pain doesn't completely go away, it stays at 10%ish. Now I always wake up stiff every morning...

I've already seen an orthopaedist and it's nothing spiral related, just muscular.

This has been going on for months now. Has anyone had this happen to them? My form is fine, it's just a perpetual pulling that keeps happening for some reason

muscle imbalance maybe, or maybe you're not letting it heal all the way? I know leg presses are hard on the lower back

I've had this happen, mostly during squats since my lower back was a pile of shit for nearly a decade. When you've got a weak lower back you first let it heal and then you look for a way to fix the issue. Once I strengthened my back doing proper deadlifts my lower back issues went as well.

You could have a leg length discrepancy, or an uneven hipline for whatever reason.

When I had a hairline fracture 4th lumbar the doc told me it was because I had weak&tight hamstrings. You may be in the same boat.

I feel you famm
Just watch your form
Stay away from foods that cause inflammation
Ice and heat when your back flares up
Low weight, low reps until you get stronger
Watch how you sleep
Be careful when you drink alcohol/ caffeine/ sofa as this may cause kidney pain- this might be the real problem

Sacroiliac joint dysfunction, caused by tightness in the musculature surrounding the hip joint.

Likely culprit is the piriformis. Go YouTube "foam roll piriformis" and do that right now. Do it before every lifting session and you'll never have an issue again.

>Likely culprit is the piriformis.
Yeah, no.

Stretching might help though.

stretching and/or foamrolling*

You meat heads need to stop using made up adjectives. No one knows what the fuck that means.

>My form is fine

you'd be surprised

PT's overattribute hip problems to the piriformis muscle.

and? common issue, easy to test for, zero risk involved.

If you get a false positive, you're ignoring the real issue, and allowing shit to get worse.
That's happened to me personally.

go on...

So keep paying close attention eventhough you think you've found the "fix".
If your solution doesn't seem to be working, don't write it off as a fault of your solution, but see if you haven't misdiagnosed the problem.

>not op but similar issues
when I squat, lowbar at lmao 1pl8 I get pain on the right side of my lower back. It feels like my psiatic nerve is getting hurt or something.
Is this a form issue or something genetic? It usually goes away after 3-4 days.
I want to be able to squat but this is holding me back.
Deadlifts are fine and Legpress is also fine.

hi. I've had similar symptoms for years. I've seen 3 different physiotherapist and 2 doctors. the overall diagnosis is that it's a collection of symptoms that are not associated with one particular cause. they ruled out a bunch of stuff (hernia, scoliosis, inflammatory spinal disease) but apart from that, all they could recommend were exercises that alleviated the symptoms and improved my posture. I've given up on completely fixing my problem, but the symptoms are manageable.

what helps:

hamstring stretches,

core stability work (all kinds of plank variations)

warming up before anything

always standing and sitting straight


no, I mean your story

>had hip pain for many months
>went to PT, he stretched and massaged and whatnot
>seemed to help, hip pain gone, not tight anymore
>go deadlift
>hip pain back
>repeat this for a few months
>go through several PT's
>doesn't help
>go to sports doctor
>tells me I have a leg length difference
>try to deadlift with a wooden plank under shorter leg
>pain decreases, still persists
>get the idea to do (semi)sumo
>lean a bit to the side of the shorter leg
>almost no hip pain anymore