At uni

>at uni
>"shit these women are all slutty, but maybe it isnt as bad as it seems"
>look up virginity statistics
>average woman loses it at 17

Why lift when you're just waiting to die?

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't post cox on a sfw board

That series of 2-3 episodes is phenomenal.

Also, every virgin on this board would do well to stop obsessing over their "problem." It will happen when you just let go of the anxiety over it. Example, all throughout high school I wanted to lose it so bad. Never did. Week before college started I just gave up on it and waited for uni. Lost it 2 days later.

>Also, every virgin on this board would do well to stop obsessing over their "problem." It will happen when you just let go of the anxiety over it.

>chad trying to prevent the beta uprising

fucking normie tactics

tfw 22 and never done more than kiss a girl
tfw missed out on teenage love

that's how it goes. fuck me.

Seriously. It isn't a case of you must be:

>6'4" 225 lbs 8% bodyfat
> Handsomest face
> Broadest shoulders
> Comedian tier

Many average to pretty women (5/10 to 7/10) will fuck near strangers if you don't go complete sperglord. Just need to relax and be yourself.

Just fuck you

seriously, i hope you kill yourself

Sloots here loses their virginity at 14 to damn.

It really isn't difficult to fuck a random slut at a bar or even off of tinder for gods sake.

I had a conversation with my highschool buddies, they ware just cracking jokes, me being virgin ofcourse i stayed the fuck out of most of it, they asked my have I ever fucked a girl before, I just said fuck it and no, im looking for a virgin, they burst out laughing saying that literally its impossible to find one after 15, they all got laid in highschool and said all the girls by that time already have lost it, finding one with in 20+ is like 1 in a million or something
im 25, just fuck my shit up senpai

>literally says JUS B URSELF


They're out there user, goodluck.

>it's literally a chad preventing beta uprising episode

Whatever man, just trying to share honest advice. Take it or leave it.

I'm a 23 year old female kissless virgin and it makes me happy to know that more guys would still want to fuck me than girls would still want to fuck virgin guys. Sometimes I love society's double standards.

But I am rapidly approaching the age where it's weird to be a virgin so I'm trying to meet more people and see if I can find the right guy.


Almost quints good god. Curious what you look like and how you've managed to make it to that age as a female?


I'm lonely but I think it'll only be temporary.

Thing is I used to be a turbo-autist and I'm slowly getting more and more confident.

I lost one of my friends I used to go to cons with because I don't want to play video games anymore and instead work on developing myself. He's happy remaining a loser.

It can be hard though since I have no girlfriend or close friends in general to root for me. You know what I mean?

I've tried e-dating women from /r9k/ because no matter how "normal" I become, I can only really relate to people who used to be or are complete outcasts. None of them had any ambition so they never worked out.

>tfw no virgin gf that is in between social groups trying to cultivate herself
>tfw can't romantically lose one another's virginity to each other and do things together like art, film, books, and drawing
>tfw squatted 275lbs today and some fat woman mired me

someone please respond

You guys just make these threads to whine and circlejerk about how getting laid is impossible.

Do any of you even actually lift? Shower? Brush your teeth? It's really not that hard. Seriously. Do those things, and read "no more mr nice guy" followed by "the book of pook", if anything that should give you a decent start.




Kill yourself

dude lmao read this book
dude lmao just go out and get laid

As long as you're not fucking ugly you can EASILY pick up a girl to fuck on tinder. Shit, I had 2 at one time before and that was to just see if I could do it. Don't like tinder? Fine. Join a club. Reconnect with non-autist friends, go to bars with a bro. Don't blame me for your problems. It's all in your head. If you're attractive girls will want to fuck you, and they're not as picky as you think they are.

Have a (You), friend. It gets better, and you're on the right track.


Sometimes I wonder if people like you even realize the shit you say or if you're that detached from reality. It's really astounding

>just shower
>brush your teeth
>be attractive
>girls will want to fuck you


Alright, then convince me. Tell me what you think the reality is. If it's so astounding then please tell me what you see. I'm honestly curious, I'm not trying to attack you.

It's astounding to me that you can think that you're "giving advice" by saying

>seriously, just shower and brush your teeth. girls are so easy to pick up because i personally had a threesome, therefore it is easy as fuck. just be attractive and girl will want to fuck you NEWS FLASH

And you're so deluded that you think this is actually giving "good" advice

It's really amazing

post face

heck, no, just post your lips, jaw and height

I have done accounts on tinder and i didn't got laid at all

i'm ugly, but bone structure ugly, like my mouth and teeth look like some mexican druglord from the old westerns, and I HAD BRACES when i was younger

why people can't fucking get this?

i don't even mouth breath

>Just do all this normie shit, it's no big deal!
We don't socialize with normies because
and being outside of a normie social context makes it hard to connect with sloots. They're right to mock you. This is a fucking circle jerk, though, your goddamn straight about that.

Here's an experiment to try
>make another tinder
>use only your worst pictures
Tell us how many sloots you pull then. I'll estimate not many because the basis of tinder is validation for emotionally broken people, and fucking the hottest people you can is the best validation.

Hopefully you get ovarian/cervical cancer or breast cancer

>inb4 ur just a bitter virgen

No I just hate women

>It's hard to have a threesome
>It's hard to go on okcupid and find a poly girl and then bang her and meet one of her friends


What's really amazing is a LOT of people that complain about women "typical nice guys" don't take care of themselves. That's step number 1. Of course there's a huge mental game as well but looking good and taking care of yourself is the first pillar. You're being so defensive I feel like I've struck a chord there.

>dude just b urself and ull get a girl I swear

Ok and what if I love with my mom because my dad just died? Women nowadays are picky and shallow as fuck; I'm not gonna be able to get a ONS or a gf my age who knows I live at home with my widowing mother.

I'm not a virgin by the way so I know a little bit as to what women are like

I don't think I'm a "nice guy" at all. I am merely stating that your advice of, quite literally, "shower, brush your teeth, and just be attractive and girls will want to fuck you, it worked for me"is good advice.

Literally acting like "just be attractive and girls will want you" is some breaking news. That's some real good advice there. Just be attractive.

That's part of the game man. Use your best damn pictures you've ever taken of yourself. Yeah your jaw isn't perfect, fuck it. Figure out what angles work for you, once you game them a bit they're going to be willing to forgive your flaws if they're not horrific. I promise.

I have a girlfriend now, but I slept with about 8 girls from tinder in a 4-5 month time frame. Most of the time I just made them friends with benefits because the chase was too much work.

>tfw 16 year old gf

Who /made it/ here lads

it's not about taking care about yourself holy shit

i'm more Veeky Forums than you, i'm pretty sure, but i'm BUTT FUCK UGLY, my mouth is deformed as fuck, my smile sucks even AFTER braces, and top of that i'm FUCKING short

this is simple, you need to accept you just have fucking luck and that you have got it all because you are a pretty boy

Hooking up will be tough, sure. But if you can find a girl you actually like she's not going to care that you live at home. Most of us 18-24 are.

I don't understand what you're saying. Are you saying it's hard to become good looking? Are you looking for some other option?


17 year old gf over here. High school junior.

Your advice doesn't apply to sub 5/10 males which is why these genetically inferior incels are so triggered

>dude seriously like, I easily got a girlfriend now and also slept with a good number of girls from tinder. in fact, it just got kind of annoying chasing them, so i just made them all friends with benefits, was pretty easy.

The thing most annoying about your posts in here is that it's like you're completely oblivious to the fact that you're clearly good looking and how much easier your life is because of it, and you think that your experience will basically be the same for other people not near your level, just because it worked for you. Just the complete detachment from reality.

But if you can find a girl you actually like she's not going to care that you live at home.

I think you mean "if I can find a girl who actually likes me".

Unrelated, but i litterally just fucked a model, then kicked her out even though she wanted to stay the night
feels pretty ok man

im still empty

Bruh it's not that hard to hook up with girls living at home

I'm only 21 but it hasn't been a problem.

I like to do them in my car. Drive them somewhere secluded but people might still see us. A lot of girls get excited from the semi public factor and it turns them on BIGLY

It's only a problem if you think it's a problem. If you think it's a problem, are worried about it, then it's a problem.

I just tell them that I'm living at home RENT FREE and I eat FREE FOOD and they're like 'oh haha user I bet you're saving so much money!'

And desu dude I am.

Mirin your 3" slanger

Managed to make it this long because while I've crushed on guys in the past they've later been revealed to have the particular kinds of mental issues which I find to be deal breakers. I'm also one of those naive idiots who wants someone to live my life with, not something with an expiration date. Kind of wishing I had an arranged marriage because I think my parents could pick a good match for me. And at least then I'd know who I was going to be with forever, and could stop worrying about finding them.

Like I said, I'm trying to get out more and see if I can find anyone I like enough.

I would judge myself as fairly attractive. Modeled a few times but of course the only pictures online are from the time I was supposed to look like a corpse. but here you go, judge for yourself:


>I would judge myself as fairly attractive.

I would judge you as delusional

Watch as you don't get a single >LONDON on a board full of desperate autisits that sperg out over anything with a vagina (or boipussy)

You sound like a stuck up entitled cunt and your photos make you look like a stuck up entitled cunt.

Have you considered drinking bleach? It's totes fashionable rn

Ffs can you even read? I'll forgive you for missing one thing because it was implied, but the rest? How big do I have to type

For you to get that most of us are ugly and socially retarded?
>Just play the game!
We literally can't fathom the game. We have no understand of our actual smv and no opportunities to develop understanding. You need experience to get experience unless you're a young child. We missed the boat, son. You're right, most of these guys could easily get laid if they made the changes, but you're really not contributing to that end. I don't mean to sound so bitter, and I'm not mad at you, I'm just expressing frustration at my own shortcoming. Stay on Veeky Forums we need normies to show the sperglords the way.

>We're all gonna make it



>tfw when all the qt 3.14 virgins are religious

Feels good being Catholic, man. Have fun with your fat robot weirdo girls, Veeky Forums

smug catholic marriage posters are the worst

you just know they will crash and burn harder than any robot



>dating girl that lost it to me
>super religious
>doesn't drink because it's a sin
>doesn't use caffeine because it's a sin
>implying she will cheat on me


How can the average be 17?
That would mean half are younger and half are older. Theres chicks that are still virgins at 20+ so their would have to be alot more 15 year old sluts than I would have expected.
Here in NZ 16 is legal, not many are active before that.

Just memeing friend. Typically penis' that are large flacid dont grow much when they get erect, growers > showers

Yeah I'm probably not up to this boards' standards because you guys have a lot of hardbodies on here. I'm still soft, just starting exercising because I want to stay healthy and develop good exercise habits.

Can you tell me what made me come off that way? I'd like to avoid it in the future. Also the pictures were taken how the designer wanted them to be taken. He told me what to wear and how to pose and what expressions he wanted. I didn't have much to do with it. I guess he was probably going for the bitchy fashion model look.

Maybe don't be so cunty and judgemental about men and their mental stuff? I'm not allowed to complain irl about my fucking dad dying so I bottle it all up and drink jameson (when I'm not in the gym) from waking up until I go to sleep.

Women don't have to bottle things up. Women are allowed to feel. Men have to "man up", and as a result some of us end up making the mistake of showing emotion from time to time.

sorry if some of us are human, princess

I'm sorry to hear about your dad, user. I agree that men get the short end of the stick a lot because of society's standards (see my first post). I hope you can find someone to open up to and talk about it. neither of my parents have died but I was really close with my grandpa, and when he died what helped me the most was talking with people about it, and generally just time.

Like I said in it's really only some specific kinds of issues that are deal breakers for me, nobody is perfect and you have to love someone for their flaws too. Maybe I should've specified the mental problems. One was a compulsive liar and one had some pretty serious anger issues and, as I found out, these got even worse and apparently he's been beating on the girl he lives with now.

Just see these posts and tell me I'm crazy

(as a male) Im literally not allowed to date, apparently, because my dad is now recently dead. I've been single for 5 years now so I have at least another year and a half of sleeping and waking up alone.

And I will admit I have some anger issues but that's because I've been dealing with his (slow suicide of) alcoholism for 20 years and the best way for preparing for his death was bottling everything up and killing my emotions.

Far less women have to deal with that kind of stuff than men, and the ones that do, get excused by society for their emotional shortcomings, since they're women.

yeah, Veeky Forums generally has shitty things to say because when everyone's anonymous you don't have much knowledge of their situation and you just post without knowing the reality. And yeah I would be mad too after having to see someone I love die from alcoholism. Even after my aunt kicked her alcoholism and bulimia she still died because of irreparable damage her body accumulated over the years.

But try not to follow your dad down the same road. And those anons are obviously full of shit, if you find someone then go for it, timing shouldn't matter. It sounds like you need a girl who's a good listener.

>6'4" 225 lbs 8% body fat
>on fit

Can no one spot bait anymore?

>parents met in uni
>brother met his wife in uni
>sister met her fiance in uni
>I'm about to graduate and no gf

It's your face. Your stupid fuckin face.

what is your problem exactly?

I'm like you too, user, only a step further.

I also used to be a super-autist. Lifting and forcing myself to be outgoing gave me a bit of confidence and a chance at being normal. I differ from you in the regard that I managed to make friends with some Chads. The problem is, I'm at the point where I perfectly emulate a Chad, except when dealing with girls. I can't go to my friends for help because I don't want to out myself as a virgin, because at my age (26), it's beyond pathetic.

I have this feeling that I'll lose it sooner than later, but I don't know. I'm stuck in the mindset of being a dyel autist, yet my life doesn't appear that way. I don't think of myself as being attractive to girls, nor as a guy who can confidently flirt with girls. Those thoughts come up all the time, especially at social events, and as a result, I hesitate.

I wish I knew how to fix it.

Befriend women. Let them introduce you to other women. Socialize normally and do stuff together. Once you're alone in your bedroom, have some alcohol and watch a horror movie (could also be the excuse to be in the room), touch playfully throughout and kiss when you think it's time.

If you make the previous steps all about seduction, it'll fuck with your mind. Interact normally.

Same exact situation here user,
It sucks when all your friends are content with mediocrity. Don't let them drag you down with them. Strive for improvement and you'll attract like-minded people.

So what's considered normal? I can easily carry on a boring grown-up conversation with girls. I find it hard to make friends with girls because I don't share interests with them, so that makes doing stuff together pretty hard.

Then it's simply a matter of exposing yourself to more women until you find some you have chemistry with and similar interests. Do you study at a university? Can't you 'study together'? Any interest in attending music lessons? Just one example of the kind of place you could go to with that intent.

According to op the average, not the median is 17. Median is the midpoint i.e. if you listed all the ages from youngest to oldest and took the one in the middle.
Averages is the sum of all the ages over the number of surveyed non virgins.
T. Someone who actually paid attention in hs math

Age? Location?

I'm 27 and 18 and 19 year old girls are still into me. You didn't miss shit. Guys that age are immature as fuck. It's no wonder their girls want to fuck us instead. The funny part is I was a huge nerd at that age. Pretty much did nothing but watch anime play games.

>Be incredibly lonely
>Constantly have this feeling of longing to be with someone, whether it be a girl or just a friend
>Few friends I do have are always busy
>Make zero new friends, haven't said a word to most people in my classes
I wanna die

This. Also people are too busy to actually interact with each other. I hate college.


most women are shoving toothbrushes up their cooch by age 12. virginity (for women) is a meme

Is it any less of a meme for men?

Fuck your warped.
When did you start jerking off?

I don't know about toothbrushes but don't most women start putting tampons up there around 12-13 when they get their periods? even if they don't use tampons regularly they at least try them once or twice.

Either way, the hymen is a meme.

>>at uni
>>"shit these women are all slutty, but maybe it isnt as bad as it seems"
>>look up virginity statistics
>>average woman loses it at 17

If you had the chance to lose your virginity at 17, would you have refused because you didn't want to become a manslut?

Sex is a part of life. 17 isn't that early to lose your virginity.

The problem is in your head, not the world.

Jus be more kunfident

>tfw have good conversations and get along well with lots of people in school
>tfw never have any ideas of shit to ask people to and don't want to seem needy so spend no time with them outside of school

Surprised it's as late as 17 quite frankly.
Yes, women are inherently sexual beings and quickly discover how to use their body, men have to learn to be sexual.

>[citation needed]

Plz be in london

user, if being themselves was working out for them already then they wouldn't need advice in the first place

Fpbp as always.

force yourself onto a 12 year old. it's the only way, user. do it.

>not losing your virginity before 17

What is it with you sad acts? It's not that hard, especially with horny teenagers round you all day every day. Teenage girls are horny little bitches too guys, they basically hit an age and can't wait to be fucked. And that lasts well into middle age for them. If they like you even a bit they'll fuck you. Go get laid instead of sitting on fucking Veeky Forums complain about how sad your life is.


I want you to wear my mushroom

Jesus man stop being such a cunt- you're trying too hard.

Don't forget it's both 17.1 for Men and Woman average to lose their virginity

mfw OP is still a virgin


fucking kek
your advice is literally >just b urself and relax maaaaaan
You dont understand why we laugh at you because you cant comprehend and existence such as ours
And that's why I will be a master of the magic and you never will

Alcohol isn't considered sinful in Catholicism, you idiot. Only over-indulgence.

Just give up man, you lost the lottery.
No matter all the "work on yourself" you do you're always gonna stay a loser.
If you didnt make it by now you never will because you werent meant to.
There is no free will, there is no "you can make it if you believe"
