

Wow so ripped


rich + not obese = ripped

he's like 6'5 and handsome as fuck

>b-but muh aesthetics

ugly manlets get rekt


looks + status halo

when you're not obese in the USA you're considered ripped, almost olympic athlete tier

All Hail Big Pappa P

Nigga is 6'2

Is that achievable natty??!!?

still bigger than u lmfao

Im 191 cm kek

what's worse..:normies or autist dyels that spend all their time bitching about normies?

If that's what is impressing normies now... we're all EASILY gonna make it, because the bar is now very low.

This is actually a good thing vs. the promotion of roider bodies as the bare minimum of aesthetics.

Oh man that is mega nasty

That is dogshit

>doesn't matter how much you try or how much you spend on facial treatments you will never look as good as that dude or his brother
fuck this is so unfair why didn't i get blessed with such good genetics

Guys facial aesthetics and genetics in general are elite tier. Probably eats whatever and does weights once a week.

None of you will ever ascend close to his level no matter how much you lift (kek) or what you achieve in life so why even compare yourselves to him.

i b-bet he can't didly 5plaet l-like me h-hehe ;-;

It's impressive if you're a celebrity that every woman wants

If you're a normal d00d that's not gonna cut it


He's not ten pounds of muscle without ever touching a weight dude.
He was just an average active and athletic person from the time he was a kid and never got fat or ate too badly.

That's litterally it. I can't believe people here are wowed by a guy who just lived like a normal man and didn't over eat the garbage food that we're fed every day.

He looks real queezy. If you're gonna be jealous, don't be jealous of that fucking skeletor exelsus


If you've been lifting for 15+ years and have advantageous genetics maybe.

Hopefully you fucks lifting for women realize it doesn't matter.

Find a sport and don't eat like a fatty and you'll be golden.

You got him champ.

Doesn't look all to bad considering the lightning. With a good pump and a professional photo shoot he would look pretty fit.

They thought Brad Pitt was a ripped god in Fight Club brah. They know not what they say, any male who has a good face and is famous while at the same time not being a fat piece of shit is fucking SHREDDED even if they're 26 and have the physique of a skinny 17 year old high school football player.

normies tbqhwyf

Speaking of celebs, Dave Franco looked bretty gud in Nerve

>inb4 manlet

tfw tittypecs

U mad gymcel?

lmao that chest gap

Don't understand what's funny about a chest gap, many people have one. Most of the people on this board arent low enough body fat or don't have enough pec muscle to even know if they have one.

Why am I attracted to girls that look like bitches? They always end up actually being bitches?

>I am the equivalent of girls who go for bad guys
>would probably cheat on kind, qt gf if I had one
>tfw i am the scum that I hate

Compared to normies he is ripped but at around 15% he is nowhere near /fit standards.

Im with you bro
Fallen for the bitch look so many times, lusting after them and obseesing over the stuff i could do to them
only difference is that i actually have a cutie normie gf

Looks feminine as fuck. Par for the course tho, considering hes already a turbomanlet lol

This guy gets it

This man would never be looked at nicely if not for being in hollywood. Even with his pretty fucking normal body, look at his fucking face.

the franco's have the dumbest faces of all time.