Hey Guys I got some wisdom gains this week

I've been working really hard on my body to get with the best girls. I always thought that muscle and alpha attitude and confidence would get my everything I ever needed but I was wrong.

There's this one girl who I know... she's not a stacey or a chelsea but just a real down-to-earth wonderful person who I can share my heart with. She's been dating this other guy for a while but I've still been her friend a long time and somewhere along the way I accidentally fell for her. She's cute but she's not an airhead 10/10 body type chick, just cute and smart and nerdy and easy to talk to and hang out with.

I tried to ask her out, tried to get her to break up with her bf, told her how I felt about her and how I could be better for her but she turned me down. She didn't care that I was in better shape than her bf, she didn't care that I had a bigger dick (we got drunk at a party one time and some flashing happened), she didn't care that I styled my hair and had a bright smile.

She loved her bf for his personality and his total affection for her. She loved him for his mind and his attitude and his confidence despite being a DYEL. In the end the only chick I wanted wasn't even interested in all the progress I had made living a stronger life but instead just wanted someone to share a deep connection with.

I don't regret my decision to get bigger and stronger and be more confident, but I got a real hard lesson in growing up emotionally: All the muscle in the world can't save a bad personality and banging 9/10 sluts will never compare to loving that 7/10 cutie who you can talk to for hours about the simplest things and never get bored of. This is a whole new level of feels.

you're not Veeky Forums enough

I know how you feel. I dropped 70lbs then gained 15 in muscle. I got confident and can act charismatic. I've fucked so many bitches as a result, but all I really want is her.

Muscle alone doesn't get your girls, it's primarily the confidence that comes from the muscle that helps.

If you're a splerg or ugly muscle won't help.

Her bf is a lot less attractive than me. She says she genuinely only cares about personality despite being a 7/10 qt3.14 herself while he's like a 5/10 DYEL

>She loved her bf for his personality and his total affection for her. She loved him for his mind and his attitude and his confidence despite being a DYEL
Did she actually say that? Or is that what you assume? Unfortunately you can't have any girl you want in life, love isn't black and white. A girl you think is perfect for you for a relationship may not feel the same way. The more you work on yourself though, the more options become available to you. So whilst you may have missed out on this one girl (may run back to you in the future) there are plenty more out there that want you for you.

>lifting for girls
Why this, huh? Why do this?

M8 you were friendzoned ages ago, and if there was a slither of a chance that something could happen between you two, you destroyed it by saying her choice in men was wrong and that you were the better option. You basically said she is shit at making decisions.

Girls work by subtlety. You improve yourself without all the fanfare and they will notice. They will compare to what they have and see if something else is better. If you were truly better than her man, she would have picked up on it and acted accordingly.

Cut your losses m8. She will never hook up with you.

And stop lifting for girls you faggot.

>And stop lifting for girls you faggot.
This a thousand times.

Clearly your personality is shit if you're moaning about it on a bulgarian crabcock vlog

Yeah we talked about it in private. She told me she just wanted a friendship but I told her I couldn't do it. I had to cut it off because being friends with someone you feel that heavily for just doesn't work out in my case. No friend zone for me, thanks. I think an issue I have is when I started getting fit that became MY LIFE. That became my personality. It was all I had to talk about because I'm a boring dude without a lot of interests. I think I gotta' expand on that.

Not moaning about, just sharing some feels and having a dialogue with like-minded friendly guys on a board about fitness and self-improvement. This may not be fitness related, but I thought it was a situation a few other guys might understand.

I know that feel user.
>be me, 2 months ago, 21, 1m84, 60 kg, skelly mode
>Meet this really cute girl talking with a friend of mine
>Make her laugh, talk with them, ask her if she wants my number
>She takes it, we have our first date a month later (she's studying in another city but comes home on weekends)
>She's a georgeous 18 yo brunette, really petite, always smiling, smart as shit, good banters
>We hit it off really great
>Fast forward last thursday
>Have now noob gains
>come from gym, go on 2nd date with the same qt3.14
>Even better than the last time
>"user, you look classy today. And you fill your shirt really well."
>Talk all evening
>We leave the bar
>Tell her that she's really interesting
>"You too, user, but I already have a bf, even if I'm not happy with him"
>"Well, that's sad. Why are you two together ?"
>"I don't know. But I've been thinking about you, user..."
>She had this expression between guilt, shyness and desire on her face
>Told her that out of all the girls I'm seeing and dating, she's really the most interesting, even if I don't want her to break up with her bf just for me
>Just before leaving, I tell her "well, Anonette, if one day I'm still single and you don't have a bf anymore..."
>She smiles brightly and utters that one word.
>"Yes !"
>And I go home, alone in the night.
That's a fucking abstract kind of feel, user.

This, or she sees you as her faggot frend

What an all round odd scenario that was to read. Why was she dating if she has a bf?

>was all I had to talk about because I'm a boring dude without a lot of interests.
A girl will not drop her bf for you just because you lift

Because it was only a date to user. She probably (most likely) saw it as having a coffee with a neet. Doing her bit for charity.

If she's not happy with her bf she's clearly hinting at you to convince her to dump him for you.
Seize your fucking luck user, she's 18 and you're 21, she's not gonna end her life with that guy (and neither will she with you for that matter), make the change happen.
It's all pretty noble and white knightish to not want her to dump her bf for him, but she's already in the middle of the process of doing it. Like most girls, she's just very cowardly regarding loneliness, she needs to know she'll find someone else to do it. You wouldn't believe the number of women who willingly in unhappy relationship just because it's hardwired in them that it's better than to be alone. This is why most of Veeky Forums is made up of bitter salty dude who've been cheated on : they did not realize women mostly dump guys when they already have a backup plan, but truth they were probably unhappy way before doing so.
Seize the moment and make that girl's life and yours happier, that dude is already screwed, and if it's not you, it'll be someone else, and you'll end up regretting being a "nice" guy.
I'm in the exact fucking same situation as you are, but in my case, the girl has a baby, and this is a full stop for me. Don't be a home wrecker. However, what you're describing is none of this just fucking go for it, shithead.

Sorry man, life is like that sometimes, being fit isn't that only component of attraction.

I'm just surprised you were able to spend that much time with her and make those suggestions without her boyfriend finding out and getting mad. I'd be seeing red if I found out a guy was actively trying to kill my relationship.

This user. If she is saying she isn't happy with him.....she wants out

>She has a bf but she is up to no good behind his back

Shes a slut. You're ignoring that because she looks like she has got some good pussy action going on down there.

Male attention and she's very outgoing and social
If she wasn't at least a bit interested she wouldn't have sent me a text, remember that I gave her my number, not the other way, and I'm not a needy shit who texts a girl every day. Also
>Having coffee

This is bullshit. Women will do what they want, they don't need convincing of anything. This is not some Hollywood story where the white knight convinces the maiden how he was 'the one' all along.

She's keeping him about to stroke her ego. Women are vain creature which need affirmation on a regular basis. You give it to her, for free might I add. You actually get nothing compared to her.

Please m8, don't make a further fool of yourself and try to make her yours. Let it go.

Nice digits user. I thought about it like that. I'm gonna do that. However, I think I'm gonna let her assimilate our discussion for a little week and then text her about going to a little funfair she likes, and hang out like we did. And mention whay happened before leaving, and maybe make my move.

Not for LTR, just for fucking tier girl, she is ready to cuck her bf and will do the same to you after a year or so.
Seduce, bang for the XP and move on to find someone actually with committing to.

Try and get a kiss or hold hands.......and fuck her pussy on the Ferris wheel


Let her go, shes a slut.

Look at this objectively. She has a boyfriend and shes messing around leading you on behind his back because she isn't 100% on dumping him just yet.

Do you think she is trust worthy? Stop being such a faggot and see her for what she is.

See You're a mug m8. Oh well, ride off into the friendzone.

He is ignoring logical advice and choosing to live in fantasy land. This girl is replacing her boyfriend for something better; do you think he knows what she is doing behind his back? You trust this girl?


First off, don't listen to that guy :
Who's clearly never known how a girl can act when she's interested in a guy but is trying to ignore it.
Not all women are shallow sluts who don't think through the consequences of their actions, mate.
Secondly, it's way too convoluted. Don't fucking overtalk nor overthink that shit, invite her to whatever bullshit you want, and when she's smiling and laughing and having a great time, just go for it and kiss her.
If she slaps you, it's game over, but at least you will have saved yourself some time, otherwise, it's won.

I'm considering this actually. She may not be fit to be a gf, but at least I'm gonna try to wreck that tight 18 yo pussy. I know women are vain as shit and untrustworthy, I might as well try to have some fun.

Thank you! Some logic here!

So? Plow this skank, bust deep in her, and then look for a nice girl to date.

There no reason not to fuck this ho

I don't know m8, they seem right but I want to believe you, because I don't want to become a bitter faggot concerning women. I'm gonna follow what you said. I want her. And I'd rather grab it, even if it doesn't work after that, than having regrets because I didn't have the balls to try my luck. Also, I should mention that we don't speak a lot by messages. She's very busy with prestigious studies. She takes days to answer a single text, but she always answers me.

I didn't say anything about women being sluts m8. As many other people in here have said, you think you're the exception to the rule that she wants to be with you but is conflicted. Bullshit. She knows you like her, you confirmed it via being a betazoid. You are stroking her ego. Do I think it's wrong she's leading you on? A little bit, but is overruled by the fact you're not so clueless.

I look forward to your next subject about being totally rejected and you asking Veeky Forums to feel with you. Dumbass.

The other anons are right in that regard : don't trust her. Just try your luck with her.

>she's busy and doesn't always txt me

... Wow. Wood for trees m8, wood for trees.

>Not all women are shallow sluts who don't think through the consequences of their actions, mate.
>Girl is literally trading in her boyfriend for another guy, she is still with him even though she is unhappy but now she is going to dump him because she has a replacement. She has been secretly meeting the replacement behind her boyfriends back

Do you hear yourself.

Let me tell you a tale Anons and listen in because this is wisdom .

>meet a girl called Claire through my work (I worked in retail)
>A few weeks pass of me trying to chat her up
>I discover she has a boyfriend by accident
>I still try and eventually i get her number
>We hang out and she tells me her boyfriend is really paranoid, he is a nobhead etc
>Second time of hanging out I take her back to my bedroom (I was 18 and still lived with parents)
>I make the move and start kissing her and she immediately starts jacking me off

She then dumped her boyfriend the next 2 days and we got together in secret. He killed himself within the same week and on facebook he posted a status naming her as the reason.

And guess what? Toward the end of our relationship I couldn't trust her because she was hella flirty with this guy/up to no good behind my back. I discovered she was hanging out with this other guy constantly, we fell out over it when I found out and within 2 days she was in a relationship with him.

Fun fact: 5 years later she came back into my life after being engaged to the same guy; she had broken up with him. We hung out 3 nights and she took me out in her car and parked somewhere out of the way. She actually made the move on me, we started kissing and immediately she went for my cock. I fucked her good and hard and we had a great time; the next day she told me she had a day on the coming saturday and she doesn't want anything serious. She then tried getting me to fuck her again a few days but I told her to fuck off. Manipulators stay manipulative.

>; the next day she told me she had a date on the coming saturday


She contacted me 2 days ago on my birthday wishing me happy birthday, I said cheers and she tried to make small talk but I just ignored it. She is a snake. Once a snake always a snake. She was engaged to her boyfriend and randomly out of the blue she dumped him and within a few days she was sleeping with other people. Gotta look at it from an objective view; she isn't a good person. Don't put your dick in poison pussy.

So he should just stay blueballed on his oneitis ?
Fuck that mate, I say : bang her if you can, or get rejected before you further yourself as a beta orbiter.
If she rejects you, move one ; if not, congrats.
Not dating material but she's 18 and you're 21? I don't see why you wouldn't at least try to shag her.

He should definitely shag her

But he hasn't been talking about shagging her, he is emotionally involved and that is a dangerous situation.

Regardless of all the advice given by an Indonesian turtle grooming board; he is still going to get into a relationship with her anyway and it'll end badly. I just hope she gives good head and he is smart enough not to compromise ANYTHING in his life for her because it'll be temporary.

Congrats bro, you're one of the few on this board who've actually done some growing up.

You'll probably get called a beta faggot or a cuck or some shit, but the truth is you're right. Take your own insight on board, grow as a person and not just physically and you'll do fine.

... You're cold dude. Wanting guy to get emotionally messed up.

He'll learn from that mistake in due time, make his fair share of misoginy/feel thread and move on to the next one lad.
Fucking her is still the less idiotic option.

In what way?

All he needs to do is find a girl he wants like her, don't act like the alpha douche this board wants guys to be and he'll do just fine.

Asnit is he was just a bit dumb to try and split up a couple with a girl who isn't a sloot. He liked her for being an upstanding girl worth his time, unfortunately that also meant she wouldn't leave the guy she was with. If she did he'd probably have respected her less or at least she wouldn't be the girl he thought she was.

Maybe he'll have a chance if they split up some time in the future but it needs to run its course naturally without him trying to convince her he's the better choice. Of course that would probably trigger spergs on this board who'd consider her used goods after that and prefer to keep their virginity intact and bitch about girls being whores on Veeky Forums all day. Hopefully if he gets his chance in future OP is more mature than that.

>likes a girl which is immature
>this girl doesn't know what is hardworking so doesn't know which guy is more hardworker or reliable than another
>said girl likes a guy which is a dirt piece of shit with no achievements at all
>he mistakes all this for being a "down earth girl"

this is the kind of girl that will cheat you with a hippie hobo even if you have mantained her economically for 10 years

you want girls with standards, those at least can realize who are piece of shit people with 0 achievements and those who aren't

Go on you OP for dropping her. Chasing someone you can't have is poison for the heart.

>She loved her bf for his personality and his total affection for her.

Honestly I think she just chose what would produce the most net sadness. If gets with you, sure you'll be happy, she will probably be happy/ and sad for a while, and the ex bf will be sad. If she stays you are really the only one who will feel sad and hopefully not for long since you can find someone else.

I am OP and I can agree that her not leaving him for me was incredibly upstanding. Her commitment is one of the many reasons I loved her and the exact reason why we couldn't be together. It hurts but with pain comes growth.

I'm not letting anything innmy life get influenced by pussy. It's just that I really like her, and already had my fair share of misogyny and feels. I never get overly attached, I'll try to fuck her and then move on to the next one if it doesn't work.

I ONLY lift for girls.

>lifting for a few months is an 'achievement'
This whole thread is pure cancer. The only thing vaguely fitness related about it is the common theme that you all think your noob gains equal some kind of free pussy card and that you're now instantly better than guys who probably have attractive faces and actual personality. A 1pl8 bench doesn't make you a towering pillar of masculinity and success.

found the dyel, OP didn't even said how much time he lifted

Women literally give no fucks, if she truly wasn't happy with her current bf she would have already dumped him
She's stringing you along until she can decide whether or not she likes you more than her bf, if she decides she likes her bf more than you then she'll throw you away and look for the next person who is better than her bf
Also any girl who sees other guys like that while in a relationship will eventually do the same thing to you if you end up together, without fail

I actually commend her for being faithful to her bf op.

You realise that what comes around goes around for relationships right? You get her to essentially cheat on her bf with you shes eventually gonna cheat on you with someone else whos 'better' in your weird male ranking system. The fact that she shows loyalty to her boyfriend when a Veeky Forums guy comes on to her is actually a good thing and shows maturity that few women posses. Treating relationships as a ladder to climb to until you find a 'better' partner isnt a good thing in my eyes, using people simply as emotional and sexual stepping stones defeats the whole point of a relationship in the first place. Maybe she'll meet you a couple of months or years down the road when shes single, maybe you'll meet a better girl soon. The best thing to do is move on, continue improving yourself and maybe try making some mental gains. The fact that you got hung up on one girl who already has a boyfriend shows you need to do some growing and trying to ruin her relationship just because you think you're better than her boyfriend is really selfish.

I like you OP, you're alright. Hope it works out for you in the end bro.

This guy gets it.

Well are you really surprised?

If you look hot, you'll get mires, get laid easily and women will notice you more. But when it comes to forming actual meaningful relationships, abs and guns play a rather little role in there. The initial physical attraction is needed, but if you are not their type personality wise, there's not much to do about it.

Just how vain are you wanting to date a hot shell but with zero personality?Would you really rather take the girl who was looks wise all you ever wanted, but plain, dumb and bitchy? Or the girl who you still found good looking, but who also made you laugh and feel good about yourself, who encouraged you and shared similar interests and passions as you do.

You're a piece of shit OP and you deserve what you got.

Regardless, nobody here thinks body is all that matters, it's just one part of many.

We call this oneitis OP
Talk to more chicks via shared hobbies perhaps you'll connect with them


Veeky Forums in a nutshell, just type eloquently and pretend you know what you're talking about and retards will eat it all up


There are no special snowflakes or unicorns friendo. She will branch swing to greener pastures as soon as the opportunity presents itself