Bench pressing on the smith machine

>bench pressing on the smith machine

>caring about what other people do in the gym

>insinuating I care and don't just laugh internally at their stupidity
>we all know the bar on the smith machine weighs next to nothing
>that isn't 225 you're benching it's 180. and terrible for your shoulders
>you're lifting for your ego
>we're all secretly laughing too as you "pump out" just 5 reps

>lifting for strength...... on the smith machine

smith machine user DETECTED

>trying this hard to be accepted online while being a DYEL in the Iron Kingdom.

>I do benchpress in the smith when the purpose calls for it and you would kill yourself in a heartbeat if you were promised my body upon reincarnation

>consider kys

Why would you two assume he uses a smith machine? He's right, who the fuck cares what other people are doing in the gym?

If you give such a shit why don't you go up to the smith machine uses and explain to them how they are wasting their time?

>insinuating I care

All that shit your wrote? You do care, if you didn't you wouldn't of posted. The second you say "I don't care" or anything along those lines you've lost.

why? If they don't bother to read or learn anything about lifting they don't deserve my help

>"iron kingdom"
>benches on smith machine
>says kys.....twice
>actually butthurt

>insinuating we actually care
>insinuating we would actually care to help a retard who is ego lifting
>caring about someone caring about someone lifting
>being this gay

You care so much, that I have begun to care about how much you care.

Please make more posts about how you don't care.

>being this insecure
>getting upset about Internet people lol'ing at you using the smith machine

Just remember little kid, when you're benching on the smith machine.... people ARE laughing at you

You could've atleast foreshadowed that you were this extremely insecure and I would've toned down my approach accordingly. It was not my intention to break you in a single post and I sincerely hope you can recover.

Wake up momma and get your hug. It will feel better.

I also bench in the smith sometimes and I am no laughing matter in the gym!

Didn't even realize some people cared this much about what others do in the gym! Hopefully you will outgrow it.

>actually being butthurt that people simply LOL at you as you substitute a free moving 45 pound barbell so you can appear to be lifting more weight

>using smith machine because you care what random people at the gym think about you

>believing people don't actually know you're autistic/trying hard by using the smith machine to bench press

the smith machine is great for guillotine presses

>insinuated I care
>actually cares about me caring
>insecurity on a quantum inception scale

>Not doing incline smitch bench press for maximum upper chest contraction after a chest workout.

Threads liket hese remind me to stay off this website and that I will get no value from here and that dyels swarm this site

I actually saw this yesterday.

>upper chest contraction


Smith is good for reverse grips as well as guillotine!

>not just lowering the weight to focus on contraction

"B-but that would mean using a barbell with just ONE 25lb plate on each side! I can't look weak! I have to use the smith machine so I can put a 45 on each side!

>people really do this
>you're not fooling above

>falling for the reverse grip meme
>falling for the "guillotine" meme
>............doing both.......... ON THE SMITH MACHINE


>smithing on the bench machine

Fucking Hillary email OP why do you care if someone is at the gym and is using a thing wrong, it's a free caliphate, you know he does it because he feels strong doing it! Gyms make you feel healthy that's why you go!

I am seeing the results and for me the results are convincing enough. I wouldn't care if I was the only guy in the world doing it if the results kept coming! :)

>actually believing """results""" are exclusively because of (((guillotine press))) on a ***SMITH MACHINE***
>believing anyone believes you think this way and look like you lift
>not only ego lifts IRL but types with ego on Internet
>this delusional

LOL, you aren't ever going to make it

Obviously I wouldn't credit them for 100% of the results but it feels good and I can tell it gives me some results just by variation.

I have already "made it" and I'm not here to convince you of anything so no need to be hostile brother. Don't hate!

Anyone remember this?

If you can give me one single reason why a "guillotine press" ***on a smith machine*** is superior in any way shape or form to using a barbell with less weight and why a guillotine press targets the chest in a better fashion than a traditional incline press I will stop making fun of you

Protip: you can't

I haven't even acknowledged that you thought you were making fun of me. And well, hell I'm truthfully happy to spread some free joy across the internet!

I'm not going to convince you of any superiority, I am simply saying that variation isn't wrong and I am a the end justifies the means kind of guy. The smith machine isn't in every gym across the globe because it's worthless or inferior in every way. It's different but it has its purpose. Something I think you agree on every day of the week except tuesday troll night ;)

>thinking you have to acknowledge my bantz as being bantz for them to really be bantz
>believing I think the smith machine is useless
>that lack of reading comprehension
>being retarded
>benching on smith machine
>proving my point

This is too easy

>smith machine

>be me today
>doing 5 minutes of cardio on the treadmill
>after 4:45 min a guy walked by
>he says to a girl that he is going to do some squats and she should join him
>mfw leg day and they will block the only squat rack
>turn treadmill off
>notice there is nobody at the squat rack
>go there
>see he is doing squats on the smith machine
>with pussy pad

>that skinny retard who SQUATS with the smith machine

>exchanging the 40 pound EZ bar on the preacher curl for the 20lb bar then adding two 10lb plates

^some guy ACTUALLY did this today

>gloves while squatting
>gloves while anything
>trap pad on smith machine