Routine Thread

Rate my routine fit

Workout A
Deadlifts 3x5
Dips 3x8
InclineBench/OHP 3x5

Workout B
FrontSquats 3x5
Pullups 3xF
Rows 3x5

Is that all you do? No supplemental exercises you didn't list?

When doing an AB routine do you do AxBxAxB(xAxB) or AxBxAxx (BxA)?

Another person that thinks they know better than mark rippletoe, baka desu.

Day A:
>snatch Grip High pull: 4 x 5
>squat: 4 x 8
>OHP: 4 x 8
>Weighted Chinup: 4 x 8
>Cable Crossover: 3 x 15
>Curl: 3 x 10
>Hanging Leg Raise: 3 x 10

Day B:
>Deadlift: 5/3/1
>Deadlift: 5 x 10
>DB Press: 4 x 8
>DB Row: 4 x 8
>Lateral Raise: 3 x 15
>skullcrusher: 3 x 12
>Neck Curls: 3 x 20

Day C:
>Power cleans: 5 x 3
>Push Press: 5 x 3
>pause squat: 3 x 6
>Pullup: 4 x 10
>W. Dip: 4 x 10
>DB Hammer curl: 3 x 15
>Hanging Leg raise: 3 x 10

Replace incline bench with flat dumbbell bench press

3x5 Back Squat
3x5 Bench Press
3xF Pull-Up

3x3 Power Clean
3x2 Front Squat
3x5 OHP
3xF Pull-Up

1x5 Back Squat
1x5 Bench Press
1x5 Deadlift
2x8 Curls
1xF Dips

Squats 3x5
Bench 3x5
Row 3x5
Dips 2x8-12
Lighter Squats 2x5
OHP 3x5
Deadlift 1x5
Weighted Chins 2x8-12
Squats 3x5
Bench 3x5
Row 3x5
Dips 2x8-12
Curls 2x8-12
Tricep Extensions 2x8-12

Why are your set/rep ranges all over the place?


Day A: deadlift, pendlay, pull ups then two of one arm dumbell row, lat pull down and shrug

Day B: bench press, Weighted dips, incline bench then 2 of pecker deck, decline press or triceps extension

Day C: squats, leg press and calf raises

I usually do A 2x times a week B 2x times a week and c once.

R8 or h8?

Bench press 3s
Chest flyes 3s
OHP 3s
Lateral raises 3s
Dips 3s
Skullcrushers 2s
Leg raises 3s
Calf raises 3s

Deadlift 2s
Pullups 3s
Barbell rows 3s
Seated cable row 1s
Barbell curls 3s
Forearms curls 3s
Weighted situps 3s

Pullups + lat pulldowns is kind of unnecessary. I'd cut the lat pulldowns.
How many sets/reps do you do?

Yea i just find it isolate my lats that little bit extra if I add in pull downs. I usually do 3 x 8 of everything but sometimes 5x5 for the big lifts (deads bench squat)


Deadlift/Sumo Deadlift 1x5
Barbell Rows 3x5
Shrugs 3x8-10
Rear Delt Flyes 3x8-10
Bicep Curls 3x8-10
Hammer Curls 3x8-10
Weighted Pull-Ups 3xF

Overhead Press 3x5
Bench Press/Close-Grip Bench Press 3x5
Reverse Grip Bench Press 3x8-10
Chest Flyes 3x8-10
Lateral Raises 3x8-10
Overhead Tricep Extensions 3x8-10
Weighted Dips 3xF

Legs & Core:
Squats/Front Squats 3x5
Calf Raises 3x8-10
Weighted Crunches 3xF
Russian Twists 3x8-10
Hanging Leg Raises 3x8-10
Front Plank 30 secs (+10 secs each workout)
Stomach Vacuums 5xF


You need some shoulder work as well, btw. OHP, dumbbell lateral raise, upright rows etc..

Upper 1 - Military Press:
Military Press 5/3/1 / Band pull-aparts 15-20 and Pullups 3xF (Superset)
Push Press Joker Sets / Band pull-aparts 15-20 and Pullups 3xF (Superset)
Barbell Row 5x10
Seated Calf Raises 3x15-20 / Hanging Leg Raises 3xF (Superset)

Lower 1 - Deadlift:
Power Clean 5x3
Deadlift 5/3/1
Front Squat 5x5-8
Standing Calf Raises 3x15-20 / Hanging Leg Raises 3xF (Superset)
(Cable Triceps pushdown 3x8-12 / Cable Curl 3x8-12 (Superset))

Upper 2 - Bench Press:
Bench Press 5/3/1 / Band pull-aparts 15-20 and Chinups 3xF (Superset)
Incline Bench 5x10 / Band pull-aparts 15-20 and Chinups 3xF (Superset)
Pendlay Row 5/3/1
Seated Calf Raises 3x15-20 / Hanging Leg Raises 3xF (Superset)

Lower 2 - Squat:
Power Clean 5x3
Back Squat 5/3/1
Snatch Grip Deadlift 5x5-8
Standing Calf Raises 3x15-20 /Hanging Leg Raises 3xF (Superset)
(Cable Triceps pushdown 3x8-12 / Cable Curl 3x8-12 (Superset))

holy fuck arent you wrecked by the end of that?
i cant even imagine doing heavy deads
then rowing
then weighted pull ups


weighted dips

holy shit i would be sore
are you on cycle or??

memetier routine


Fuck of you fat powerlifter not everyone is satisfied with going into the gym and doing three exercises for 3x5 u fat fuck

>t. dyel pussy
It's PPL with decent accessories.
Just because you are stuck at SS tier.
Do you even lift, bro?

I train power movements for power...but most exercises are well within the hypertrophy range...

Lmao @ "hypertrophy range"
There is no such thing.
Maximum hypertrophy = going to failure
Number reps don't matter.
It's just convenient to do 8-12 reps to failure because it allows for relative safety (compared to

Hahah you don't even lift. Anyone with sense can tell that from reading what you just wrote.

STRENGTH = 1-5 reps
HYPERTROPHY = 8-12 reps
ENDURANCE = 20+ reps

Back to school, faggot.

Why do y'all have so little accessory exercises? I have like 2 main lifts per body part and 3 accessories.

Because you don't need so many. You accessorize based on what you need. Small arms? Do some curls. Weak grip? Train forearms. Difficult deadlift lockout? Train glutes. Etc.
And for beginners, everything is weak. They need to concentrate on the main lifts instead of polluting the routine with isolation bullshit.

Yes, i understand that. I do all the main lifts, but I'm not even tired after them so i added a couple accessories so at least I would feel tired. Should I remove some accessories?

by hypertrophy range I mean time under tension. Obviously you can do more volume with 10x3 than 3x10. but working in higher rep range typically induce more time under tension.
And btw, you are a faggot. Post lifts and lets compare

you deserve a (you)

I do the Greyskull Squats/Deads setup (Squats Mon/Fri, Deads Wed) and alternate the following every other workout

Bench 2x5, 1xAMRAP
Weighted Chinups 10x3 or a Ladder (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5)
Skull Crushers 3x10
Incline Bicep Curls 3x10

OHP 2x5, 3xAMRAP
Kroc Rows 3xAMRAP
Close Grip Bench 3x10
Hammer Curls 3x10

I also do HIIT Cardio on Mondays, Planks/Isometric core work Wednesdays, Farmers Walks on Fridays. Also doing Couch To 5K on my off days.

there isn't, but there is

the number of reps doesn't seem to have an effect unless it's some silly shit like 25 reps, but the amount of volume you can do at lower intensities is much greater

which is why hypertrophy routines are generally high volume higher rep, more volume = more size gains

Flat 5x5
Incline 5x5
Peck Deck 4x8
Incline Dumbells 4x8
Dips 3xf
Cables (high to low & low to high) 4x8

Lat Pulldown 4x8
Deadlift 3x4-5 for the first two then go down a rep every set
Chin Up 3x8
Dumbell Rows 5x5
Lat Cable Pushdowns 4x8
Preacher Curls 4x8
Curls over the bench 4x8
Incline Seated Curls 4x8
Hammer Curls 4x8
Cable Curls (rope & preacher bar) 4x8

Squat 2x5-6 then same as DL
Half Squat 4x8
Leg Press 5x5
Leg Extension 5x5
Hamstring Curl 5x5
Seated Calf Extension 4x10

>Shoulders & Tri
OHP 4x8
Upright Row 4x8
Seated Dumbell OHP 4x8
Seated Dumbell Side Raise 4x8
Barbell Front Raise 4x10
Overhead Dumbell Extension 4x8
Skullcrushers 4x8
Close Grip Bench 4x8
Dips 4x15
Tricep Cable Pushdown (rope & preacher bar) 4x8

B 120
S 160
D 180

Texas Method inspired.

A: Volume
Front Squat: 3x8
Military Press: 3x5
Barbell Rows: 3x8

B: Lighter
Front Squat: 2x8
Military Press: 2x5
Barbell Rows: 2x8

C: Heavy
Trap Bar Deadlifts: 1x5
Barbell Floor Press: 1x5
Chin ups: 1x5

Ayyy lmao

bench press 3x5
handstand / front lever 3xf
bent-over row 3x8
pullups / dips 3xf
skull crusher 3x13

squat press 3x13
front squat 3x5
curls in the squat rack 3x8

thick bar deadlift 3x5
handstand / front lever 3xf
bottom-up press 3x8
pullups / dips 3xf
reverse curl 3x13

overhead squat 3x13
back squat 3x5
curls in the squat rack 3x8

main goal right now is fat biceps veins. once i got those, i'll probably stop curling so much and start overhead pressing again, if my back is okay by then. hurt it during a way too heavy pr attempt about a year ago. guys, remember to always leave your ego at the door, i tell you. pressing 2plate overhead isn't worth breaking your back.

No you didnt post pic of ur ticket

>Five different curl variations on top of compound work
Don't you think you're going a little overboard?

what do you suggest

Not that guy, but maybe do 1 curl (3x8-12 or so) every day if you really think you need to isolate your biceps that much

Not doing so many curl variations.

you think it'd be more efficient doing curls everyday instead of doing a larger amount once?

my biceps are lacking and idk what to do

Small muscles like biceps, triceps, abs, calves,... can take a lot higher frequency than 1-2 per week. So yeah, training them every day is more efficient and more productive than a ton of volume once per week.

What's your workout schedule like? Do you go ABCDxABCD or something else?

i do what you said, i've been training that way since the start and have progressed alot, i just feel my arms are lacking

thanks , i may switch up my routine

is 14.5inch small for arms? been training about 7months now

Depends on how tall you are and whether you're flexing or not and if you have a pump or not. Okay for 7 months I guess. High end if you're short, low end if you're tall.

5'8 or 9

intermediate wanting to get bigger and stronger.


Push Press: 6 sets
pull assistance: 6 sets

ChinUp: 6 sets
triceps work: 0~6 sets

Squat, Bench, SLDL: new 3RM

ChinUp max reps; Press, Row: new 3RM

*main lifts
1: ~70% 5x6, 50~60% 1x10~20
2: ~73% 5x5, 50~60% 1x10~20
3: ~76% 5x4, 50~60% 1x10~20
4: ~80% 5x3, 50~60% 1x10~20
5: 65% 4x3

Delt or biceps work whenever i feel like it, 0~6 sets.


How come I don't see a bench

Not interested in drinking a gallon of milk a day

It's all I do, focused on strength gains for now.


Whatever happened to the sticky for Routine generals? (Back when Trappy was around)

Also, should I do Texas Method on a cut?

Don't do it, mane.

I'm doing texas method and just started cutting,

My plan is to reduce the volume on the volume day to 3x5 to account for less carbs in my system

So you think only 3 sets a week are enough to keep you progressing?

Fuck off. GOMAD is only applicable to a very specific and small group of people.
Underweight young men. That's it. If that's you, GOMAD is something you can consider. If not, GOMAD is not for you. And even if that's you, you only do GOMAD until you're no longer underweight.
So fuck off.

Chest/ tris:
cable flies
bench press
tricep extensions
lat pulldown,
cable row,
chin ups
Legs/ shoulders:
Lateral raises,
upright row,
front raise,
high bar squat

Fuck off i'm not trying to become a fat piece of shit like you

I'm coming off of Greyskull LP, at 1/2/3/4, figured I might bring everything down to 80℅, rather than reduce volume. As far as I can tell, the issues I'd run into running Texas Method on a cut, I'd run into with the other Generic Intermediate programs.

After 7 months, your gains might start to slow down a bit, which could explain some of it. Other than that, maybe you're just unlucky in terms of how fast certain muscles grow.

Considering your height, 14.5 inch arms sound okay. My arms are about 15 inches at 6'3.
Lower the curl volume a bit and keep going, your arms will be fine.

thanks for the heads up man

any exercise for bicep which you found to get the best gains?

how does this look like weekly?

For me, it's probably a standing barbell curl. Hammer curls work pretty well for me as well.

DB press on day B is actually supposed to be DB bench. My bad

>neck curls

Upper Body Day:
Bench Press
Tricep Exercise
Bicep Exercise
Front Raises and Lateral Raises together
Chest Exercise
Bicep Exercise
Tricep Exercise
Lat Pulldown

Lower Body Day:
Squats or Deadlifts (Alternating)
Quad Exercise
Bent over DB Row
Rear Delt Fly
Face Pulls
Glute/Hamstring Exercise

I've been making steady gains for 3 months doing this. Had an athletic trainer that put us through a similar workout.

>Lower Body Day
>Bent over DB row

>I've been making steady gains for 3 months doing this.
Yea, those will end soon
You made a bastardized mix of a Push/Pulll and an upper/lower.
just do a true upper lower, those are goat

What's wrong with doing rows on Leg/Back day? I just do OHP on the same day because I don't want to do them the same day as bench and i'm already in the squat rack.

>What's wrong with doing rows on Leg/Back day? I just do OHP on the same day because I don't want to do them the same day as bench and i'm already in the squat rack.
Nothing is wrong with it, but you said that it is "lower body day"...rows dont qualify as lower body. neither do OHP...
btw, your trainer friend sounds like a major curl bro. Are you just squatting and deadlifting 1x a week each?

Day 1:
Barbell row
Seated cable row

Bench press
incline bench press
High cable chest flies

Day 3
Legs & Shoulders
Front dumbell raises
Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise
Leg Extensions
Seated leg curls

Day 4
ez bar curls
Hammer curls
Dumbell curls
Tricep rope pushdown
overhead tricep extension

sorry if I'm posting in the wrong place, but I was wondering what starting routine I should do. I've read the sticky and looked up SS but I'm so skinny(18 year old twink mode) I thought maybe I should do some shit to just get my basic fitness up first. I've signed up at the gym and was thinking maybe some basic lifting, rowing machine and treadmill. any advice would be really appreciated

>sorry if I'm posting in the wrong place, but I was wondering what starting routine I should do. I've read the sticky and looked up SS but I'm so skinny(18 year old twink mode) I thought maybe I should do some shit to just get my basic fitness up first. I've signed up at the gym and was thinking maybe some basic lifting, rowing machine and treadmill. any advice would be really appreciated
Everything you said is bullshit.
Just do ss. seriously it was made for you

ok boss, aside from the 30 hour SS workout is it advisable to do cardio too?

>ok boss, aside from the 30 hour SS workout is it advisable to do cardio too?
30 hours? dude it take like maybe an hour and a half...
of course you could do cardio, just be aware that if you are trying to gain muscle then you will have to eat even more.
IMO Fitness should be about 3 things; strength, cardio, and flexibility. No point being able to lift something heavy if you can only walk up 2 flights of stairs.
As far as strength goes, just do ss. The sticky has flexibility stuff. Cardio is pretty easy to program. On your off days do something that makes you breath hard and sweat

sorry was a retard typo, meant to put 30 minutes. and yeah I want to improve overall health more than anything, and flexibility I'd like to eventually get back into martial arts, so I'd like to work on that too.
I can't afford to eat loads in terms of time or money so should I just keep off the cardio, or on rest days go in for some light treadmill stuff?


yea just do some running or shit on your off days. If you want to do martial arts then stretching i probably quite important too.

Home gym so I am a little limited compared to a full gym...

3x8 Squats
3x5 Deadlifts
3x10 barbell lunges
3x 1min wall sits
3x12 dumbbell Calf lifts
I need to add a hammy exercise, I know, anyone got a good one you can do with just dumbells, a bar or body weight?

3x10 dumbell curls
3x10 dumbell rows
3xf pullups/chinups (I alternate)
7-7-7 barbell curls
3x10 hammer curls

3x8 bench
3x10 skull crushers
3xf dips
3x8 incline bench
3x10 chest fly
3x33.3 pushups

3x8 OHP
3x10 front and side dumbell raises
3x10 shrugs
3xf weighted sit ups
3x10 barbell roll outs
3xf hanging leg raises

Does anyone have a good beginner routine that doesn't include any barbell exercises? My apt's gym only has dumbells and a few machines. I'd like to get as aesthetic as I can on that equipment before springing for a gym membership.

Monday - Chest and Triceps


Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
Dumbbell Bench Press
Dumbbell Flys
Dumbbell Skullcrusher
Dumbbell Tricep Kickback
One Arm Seated Dumbbell Extension

Tuesday - Rest Day

Wednesday - back and Biceps


One Arm Dumbbell Row
Bent Over Dumbbell Row
Dumbbell Pullover


Incline Dumbbell Curl
Standing Dumbbell Curl
Cross Body Hammer Curl

Thursday - Rest Day

Friday - Legs and Shoulders


Dumbbell Lunge
Dumbbell Step Up
Dumbbell Squat


Dumbbell Stiff Leg Deadlift


Seated Dumbbell Calf Raise
Dumbbell Standing Calf Raise


Standing Dumbbell Press
Dumbbell Lateral Raise
Bent Over Dumbbell Reverse Fly
Dumbbell Shrug

Just do the dumbbell versions of the barbell exercises you silly willy


I JUST got barbell set up in my home gym, most of this routine is from my typical workout before I got a bar (). really, the deadlifts and squats are the only thing you cant do properly without a bar. Cant say I'm an expert tho, only been lifting 9 months

pls respond

Warm up every time:

i) ab exercises and light stretching
i) 2 mile run, or 20 mins on the stairmaster or 20 mins on eliptical

i) Dips 5x10 alternating with glute ham raises 5x10
i) OHP 5x5
i) Front squats 5x5
i) bench dips 5x5

i) Deadlift 1x5
i) Shoulder press 5x5
i) Back Squats 5x5
i) Lat pulldowns 5x5

(sets and reps vary by where i am in cycle)
Bench 3-5setsx3-5reps
incline bench 4-5sets x 4-6 reps
btn press ss with lateral raises 2-5 sets xmax reps

Squat 3-5sets x 3-5reps
Stiff leg dl 4-5 sets x 4-6 reps
pullups ss with ez bar curls 2-5 x max

OHP 3-5 x 3-5
close grip bench 4-5 x 4-6
incline db press 2-5 x max ss with pullovers 2-5x max

Deadlift 3-5 x 3-5
front squat 4-5 x 4-6
rows ss with face pulls 2-5 x max

>only deadlift for legs

>Dips 5x10
>bench dips 5x5
rest in peace, shoulders.

No progression, no stats.
Twice a week, 4 times a week?
Also no horizontal row.

>btn press ss with lateral raises
rip shoulders

Deadlift volume might be too high.
You do a lot more upperbody pushing than pulling, probably not a good idea.

3 workouts a week, always alternating, so it's either 2 pushes + 1 pull or 2 pulls + 1 push

Mad shoulder and chest gainz tho.
I do this 3 days a week.
I guess I could add the horizontal row. Was thinking of adding the power clean to day Bravo.

Normal bench, incline and OHP especially hit the front delts hard already.
Dips are mainly good for lower chest and triceps.
If your shoulders can manage it, go for it, but be careful.

Power cleans are very different from horizontal rows.
I'd definitely add a horizontal row instead.

im fine with btn presses due to background in oly lifting. and im pretty diligent with shoulder health and posture. but i def add in extra pulling stuff if i feel the need posture wise from time to time

Any reason you do btn presses instead of normal ohp?

From what I've seen, oly lifters often have a weak chest, so your routine makes more sense with that extra background info.

should have mentions i do them with a grip close to snatch grip

Thoughts on my current workout?
Squat 3x5
OHP 3x5
Weighted Pullup 3x5
Side Raises 3xF
Dumbbell press 3xF
Dumbbell rows/cable rows 3xF
Curls, Dumbbell, Barbell, or EZ bar 3xF

Front Squat 3x5
Bench Press 3x5
Bent-over row 3x5
Deadlift 1x5
Incline Dumbbell bench 3xF
Lat Pulldowns 3xF
Dips/Skullcrushers 3xF

Last set on barbell compounds is AMRAP

i have an ohp day, i do btn presses on my bench day. i find that i get a better response form my medial delts, and more trap and rear delt activation, which helps keep posture in check despite being a pushing movement

But the differences are so small.
Do you think it really matters?
Or is it just more of a preference thing?

its enough of a difference for me to notice. i think it can vary form person to person. so yes, a preference thing

10x3 with 60-90 sec rest between sets is godtier for hypertrophy

Yes, but I go extremely hard.

>calf raises
>whatever the fuck leg raises are