No fap going AMAZING one problem

Made a reddit account just to ask for help but those guys are too busy circle jerking about how one dude literally managed to get a boner (not kidding) to help me.

Alright guys. First time doing no fap. Four days in. Maybe it's placebo effect, but I feel SO FUCKING GREAT FUCK. I feel like my blood has LITERALLY BEEN REPLACED WITH PURE TEST.



Saw a REALLY qt girl in the gym parking lot. Like gets your heart racing when you see her hot. Got her phone number. We going out next week.

I get hard every time she texts me
I got hard when I was getting her phone number
Carefully positioned gym bag so she didn't see HUGE boner
Get hard thinking about her
This is CONCERNING. What do I do?

Every date I've ever been on, the first thing I like to do is hug the girl, because then I've touched her, and then you know, it's a lot less awkward to hold hands with her, and then it's 100x easier to make out with her, once we've established hand holding is ok, you get it.
I'm a creature of habit and I have my routines like everyone else...

If I hug her in this state I will 100% get hard, and stab her with it. And she will scream and call the cops.

I really don't want to fap, lose my streak, plus,
I want to blow the gigantic load brewing in my balls right on her face.

Any uh, any advice? I think I'm gonna have to fail my no fap before the date, I just don't see a way around it.


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pls help reddit won't advise me because my dick isn't broken and my life isn't pathetic

build yourself a anti-boner apparatus?

sounds autistic as fuck but it would check out

just have to get rid of it quick enough when things get serious

or you can wear your dick upwards

Just think unsexy thoughts. If that fails, then I have no advice other then to wait; you'll have fewer boners as time goes on.

>wear my dick upwards.

That doesn't work. It's so obvious. Plus, I like to wear tight clothes on dates for obvious reasons, what happens if I stretch or something and my shirt gets rasied a little...

>build yourself a anti-boner apparatus?

sounds autistic as fuck but it would check out

Dude I'm posting on Veeky Forums if I was mentally healthy I wouldn't be here.

I'm game. Describe this apparatus to me, I'm drawing a blank in my head


Dude it doesn't work. I'm litterally been hard for the past 30 minutes because I posted this thread and it's making me think about the date and fucking her

Thank god I work from home

worst case scenario here

think it can be somewhat refined

let me think about it for a minute

Holy kek

ive actually thought of something

just wear really tight underpants

i think that worked for me last time i did that nofap stuff
had the same problem as you btw

You realize girls know men have penises and get flattered when men they like have boners because of them ?

Yes, I am very aware. I always get hard making out with girls, and make sure to press it into them so they know exactly how hard they get me.


It's problematic isn't it?

I have some of my ex's panties but I can't wear them because when I take off my pants and she sees I'm wearing panties...

Plus she was 90Lbs I don't think I can fit into them.

Are you sure that'll work? I don't see how it's gonna stop me from getting hard.

My underpants are kinda tight and my dick just goes sideways like parrel to my kneecaps

>worst case scenario here

Rather get arrested

>Any uh, any advice? I think I'm gonna have to fail my no fap before the date, I just don't see a way around it.

Don't be retarded. If you fap you know you'll just go back to being a beta cuck faggot master. Here are some solutions:
1. Wear tight underwear.
2. When you go in for the hug, push your butt slightly outwards so she can't make contact with your crotch.
3. Hold your breath 30 seconds before going on for the hug, you'll lose the boner.
4. Stop being a faggot and man up

Since your already doing nofap, try cold showers.
It's been said that they allow you to stay flacid better until it counts, then you have the ability to get harder much faster. Something about it being tested on rats.

Will try. I'm cutting and if it means I can eat 20 extra calories, why not.

don't see what harm it can do anyways

Bruh she's a foot shorter than me. She gonna have her face in my crotch.

Will try breathe thing

>mfw could get boner and girl will usually not notice when I hug her since 5'5 masterrace

>Bruh she's a foot shorter than me. She gonna have her face in my crotch.

I don't see the problem.

I've never experienced these symptoms when abstaining from masturbation. I'd even say I'm calmer, more assertive and confident when fapping regularly.

no bullshit same thing happened to me today chatting up a qt. but I had sex yesterday so I don't get it


I don't feel very clam, I feel AMPED dude.

Not in a 'I wanna fight dudes way' more a 'I wanna fucking GET SHIT DONE ARRRRG' way.

Opposed from that, I feel way more assertive and more confident.

I thought I was assertive and confident before but MAN FUCK now I know what those words REALLY MEAN

Nofap only worked for me the first week. Then it levelled out and i am back to same low libido as before

Why didn't you fap after a week?

Are you 12 years old? Most girls will just laugh it off and think it's endearing.


OP, are you supplementing nofap with nopoo and nopee?

i definitely am. nopoo and nopee have given me energy and test levels i never even thought possible

it sounds retarded but just trust me on this one. the simplest solutions can often be the best

flex large muscle groups OP. abs, quads, hams and glutes etc. not always 100% effective but every bit of blood you can force to flow elsewhere will help

Why don't you wear a cage?

Wear boxer briefs or compression shorts or something jesus

why dont you just lean a bit forward and hug her or something this isnt hard to figure out it sounds like you're attention seeking


>No fap
>Get's girlfriend
>That's the fucking point
You sound 14. You're either full of shit or you are going to fuck that gym sloot and dump the aftermath pics on Veeky Forums like god commands you to.

just fap but don't watch porn. fap right before your date so you don't bust in 5 seconds when you get her in the sack

Broa what is if I fap to porn and dont have ED and dont lose an erection during actual sex? I mean is that the only problem besides "being beta" I mean am I messing with hormones?

just wear really tight underwear made out of 100% wool. i always were it to gym

How do you think trannies do it? Tape your dick to your tights and later on if youre gonna fuck go quickly to the bathroom and untape your dick.

I don't see a problem. She should take it as a compliment that you have a raging boner for her. If she tries to call the cops, just slap the phone out of her hand with your dick

That pic
Hardest I've ever laughed at something on Veeky Forums srs

Kek, yeah, reddit is creepy as fuck. Veeky Forums's idea of nofap is NOT reddit's idea of nofap.

When I need to restrain a boner, I think of really, really unsexy things. Like a bumblebee stinging somebody.

If you get a boner, just tense your calves. It works after a few seconds. DON'T flex your dick or you're fucked.

As for the hug, just hug her. She probably won't notice it, or she'll think it's your belt. If you're really that worried, move your torso forwards by a tiny angle from your hips, and hug her like that.

That being said, if you break your streak, preferably do it 2-3 days before hand, so you can get some semen produced.

Good luck user

>tfw broke my streak and I'm back to halfway through day 2
>Seeing my gf tonight
Fuck. I wish I had another day. 3 days of nofap is when good shit starts happening for me.

Holy fuck calm down dude. Just push your ass back and if your boner hits her, say nothing if she says nothing.

If she complains or appears visibly upset by it say whoops, or 'my bad'. In most cases, it demonstrates interest and attraction, not to mention masculinity.

In the heat of the moment you're not going to have a boner, trust me.
>going to reddit
played yourself, faggot.

Dude just going off what you wrote OP you sound like an absolute faggot. I really hope you are trolling because I have never heard such sheer desperation and childishness off of a first post. Shit is almost creepy son.

been doing nopoo to burn extra calories

Who said the point of no fap is to get a gf.

I was doing it because I read that after day 7 there is an increase in your test levles, IE, more muscular devolpment.

This is for the gains bro

I don't want to settle down now, only be able to fuck 1 girl.

This isn't the first time I'm gonna put me benis in a vagina user

Gonna do a combination of this. thanks guys.

I'm so concerned what you think of me senpai

Op when you get hard flex your thigh, keep holding it flexed till the boner goes away. This sounds crazy but I swear it works, it causes the blood to move from your dick to you thigh.

As far as I can tell you have two good options:

1. Hug her and hope for the best. Either she doesn't notice or is mature enough not to get upset by it. Despite the opinions of obese neckbeards with no self-awareness heterosexual women don't hate erect penises. I understand your fear, but the sort of response you're expecting is based on social conditioning and if that's her problem then, like many of today's socially conditioned females, she has cognitive dissonance to the point of being dangerously insane.

2. Jerk off before your date. NoFap is a good movement for our times, people masturbate to porn too much, where it goes wrong is the 'all or nothing' mentality. We all know ice cream makes you fat, but what do you think of someone who eats ice cream once every month and then agonizes over the fact that they 'broke their streak'?

You have other options as well, but I think you'll agree they're far from ideal. They include: Not going on the date, not hugging her, fucking your cat, castration.

Point 2 is right. NoFap isn't a source of magic powers which suddenly go away when you fap, it's about getting rid of fapping that's so habitual it becomes meaningless. Doing it occasionally and for good reason still achieves that goal.

>I hugged this guy before our date and i think he had a hard-on, he was really confident and must have been really into me, but he was cool about it anyway and we had a great time. I didn't go home with him, but I was really tempted and might do it next date!

>this guy turned up to our date with a boner and was really weird about it, he seemed physically uncomfortable the whole time and I think he picked up on me noticing. Maybe he even took viagra beforehand. The whole date was kind of awkward and there is nooo way I'm sleeping with that creep.

You're going to be one of these two guys OP. Just get the fuck over it and relax.


The increase is free test is absolutely negligible and will have no influence at all on muscle building potential.

You're being retarded. The most important factors for natty lifters are sensible programing and good recovery, minimal boosts to test won't do anything

You don't hug someone at the start of a fucking date, what the fuck America

Chill out nigga
eat some phenibut

>No fap
Your first mistake
>Made a reddit account
Your second
>was doing it because I read that after day 7 there is an increase in your test levles, IE, more muscular devolpment.
No. There isn't. No Fap decreases test and fapping/sex increases it.
