If you're bigger than this girls think you're too big

If you're bigger than this girls think you're too big.

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but men dont think im big enough

his arms look very solid and are probably bigger than mine desu

5'8" is too big?

don't talk shit about spider-man

>the lifts for girls
>every girl think the same

Men only get big to try and impress other men, they really don't care what women think

>ITT faggots who realized they cannot lift their ugliness away

Took that twink a month of heavy gear use, and babby's first DNP cycle to get that look for that ONE scene.


>girls think

>too big

He is a big guy


Until they stand next to him and realise they're the same size... Seriously I'm always measuring my size against women, like my side on vs their side on when I walk past them. Fuck, body dismorphia man

This. I don't give a shit about some used up roasties opinions. I care very much about what I and other men think

those are the shittiest tattoos ever

>that last rep

>girls think that youre too big
>knowing what they want

kek this is what the permavirgin thinks... the truth is, girls will SAY that youre too big but their bodies will be more honest about the matter.

>listnin to what grills say
how cucked can you even get??

>Lifting for women


girls are disgusting

i don't have a punchline i think this is how i feel

You know, when I first saw this movie (when it came out), I thought he looked tiny as fuuuuark.

But when I started actually lifting many years later, I actually had MORE respect for the work he put in, and now to me he really doesn't look that bad.

Yes, he's still ottermode, but it's not like all the other "big" hollywood guys like Ryan Gosling or whatever who don't actually have any muscle or definition.