Its saturday night, why are you on Veeky Forums and not out fucking gangas and shelving pingas?

Hows the summer cut going?
Post your post code

Other urls found in this thread:


Because i'm studying for my finals


Lol you fell for the university meme

explain user

>Its saturday night, why are you on Veeky Forums and not out fucking gangas and shelving pingas?

No friends to go to the club with. Also arms and shoulders are too sore to move around

Moving to Sydney next year boys. I'm coming home.

>tfw you tape the pingas to your balls and the sniffer dog in line goes nuts on your crotch

Same here. GL mate.

4065 represent
On my way to get pissed at a party.

The people driving are bitching about a friend that lost weight and became attractive.
Fucking crabs in a bucket I swear.

>tfw exams
2 down 2 to go but i'm so tired of studying

how do I stay motivated lads


>handing in my natty card

Im not the guy you replied to , but im interested. Where do you buy from?

All my mates are at this that festival, i stupidly decided not to go, so now im getting drunk at home

>shelved a 10 pack up my ass at stereo
>dog sniffed me
>taken off site to special examination room
>asked to strip naked
>mfw they found nothing
>get inside take them out of double wrap condom
>eat them during the day

Not the guy you're replying to but I'm curious to try.

It's a prescription drug though how can I get my GP to write it off?

not him but i get mine from modafinilcat.com/au


fuck. i bought 150 at start of this year. never heard of the site they are referencing, but if you do a search on reddit you can probably check reviews of it.

isn't sydney pretty violent and dirty?
Also lots of muslims?

Probably, but it's sure as hell a lot more interesting than New Zealand.

Incase you missed it. This dirty lad from bankstown sung like an absolute angel. And he was chewing gum the whole time

>lots of muslims?
some but there's way more asians

literally suburbs where signs and shit are in chinese and if you dont speak ching chong then you're fucked

fucking forgot the link

Alone on holiday drinking by myself at the Opera Bar.

Am contemplating suicide upon returning to the States.

>Opera Bar.
Amazing spot though

Have you been up to Newcastle?

im watching the big blue
3040 kents

No can I do it in a daytrip?

Looking for laffs before the gf comes round for a difficult chat bout the relationship
Iron giant is on tv over here so that aint helping

what did you do user

u kiwifag? I love NZ thinking about moving there. swap ya?

2088 here.

>fell for the study meme
>summer bulk senpai, wanna get thiccccer

Not a whole lot mane, we just both work and do uni and its becoming a strain on everything with being unable to make time for each other and the stress is making us act poorly towards each other
Wont be breaking things off just got to discuss what were doing wrong and how to change and move forward
Im gunna get grilled for some shit ive said regarding her actions and her mates and etc

thats good to hear user communication is the most important thing and getting it out in the open.
what shit did you say?

I misinterpreted a situation where i thought she was acting cold towards me when she was out with her mates.They happened to catch me out at the same place having a couple drinks but essentially her mates killed any chance of us spending time together. Its a pretty cancer friend group their main form of common ground is flirting with guys and getting shitfaced. Hence i get a bit shitty about their influence on her and i flipped out warning her not to treat me like shit. But yeah she was not up for it and was bawling this morning
Agreed that communication is best way to sort it

Its about 2 hours by train or car from sydney.
Can definetly see the best parts of Newy in one day. Fuck, id even be happy to show you around

Id love to go to New Zealand. Do you have any where in aus you want to go?

>we just both work and do uni and its becoming a strain on everything
Just make the argument that you are both so busy because youre thinking of your future together and how putting in the hard work now will benefit it in the future.

Thats what I said to my girlfriend and now I only have to see her on the rare occasion and can spend most of my time on something im passionate about

Yeah. Don't go to Auckland tho bro, it's fucked. Commuting is a fucking nightmare. If you do, stay on the north shore. Where in Aus are you?

Thanks user I have two more full days here and I had no idea what to do. Was going to originally plan to just chill at a beach or something.

What must sees do you suggest at Newcastle? I'd meet up if I wasn't such an introverted fuck. But thanks for the offer user

you've read that wrong mate lol

Have gf. Town is scum. Gotta study for exams.

Dude id spend erry day with her if i could, shes actually a great girl among the total cess pool here in perth. But the first point was very well made cheers user

Melbz. It's a good city but gash weather and traffic's getting worse by the day. Where in NZ has the best weather?

i've found that even when you really disapprove of something, you can't force the issue or force your partner to change, that will just cause resentment. You can gently nudge in the right direction and calmly explain your position, but if you start getting too emotional, angry, and making demands you'll lose her. Also you don't need to live in each other's pockets and you don't have to be together all the time, time apart makes time together more special.

Went to Melb for a weekend last year, quite liked it desu. Stayed at this backpackers that was like a converted victorian house and everyone had been living out of there and smoking grass all day.

Best weather in NZ? Bay of Islands my bro.

Have to leave for Papua New Guinea on Monday for work so just chilling home. Can't be bothered to go out and I need the rest.

I wanted to go to the gym tomorrow for one last workout before I have to leave, but I hurt my shoulder scooping the pool this arvo.


if you want a day trip, consider going to the gap. 'gap park' on the maps, ferry to watson's bay and walk around for the afternoon along the cliffs edge walk. quite a serene walk if the weather is right and the crowds are minimal

Yeh actually I really like Melbourne for the most part, it's more Australia that pisses me off and makes me want to move. Politics is fucked, can't decide on a leader for shit, people getting more and more vitriolic, extremist and divided. That's probably the same everywhere though, I guess it's just wishful thinking/daydreaming. But either way I do love NZ. You in Auckland?

4000 no one invites me out . I got friends but we just not cool like that.

Cuts going as expected. I didn't get too fat this time round so it's so much easier.

Depends what youre after. Newcastle is just like a smaller, chilled/ hipster sydney.
We have some awesome beaches and swimming spots. Lots of aweosme pubs and bars, cafes abd restaurants.

Its a pity that you didnt think of coming to newcastle earlier; 'This that' festival was on today, It would have been perfect for you.

Honestly if I wa you, Id just stay in sydney if you only have 2 days left. Theres plently to do there, If you want any suggestions let me know, I know sydney reasonably well.

How have you found your trip to Aus? Where have you been?

tfw probably 9 months from goal weight
whyd i ever get fat

Nah Wellington, but studied up in Auck for three years. You'll probably not want to leave here if you came, it's pretty mundane compared to Australia. Not very redneck unless you go to a gang pad or something.

Fuck all you Aus Bros sound really chilled. I really wish we could get together for a big piss up

Yeah my NZ boner was sparked by a 2-day visit to Welly. Jelly of your city bro.

Its Veeky Forums though, bound to be some weirdos about

>bound to be some weirdos about
Oh fuckin' oath, but that would just make it more interesting.
Im sure the normies here would outnumber the weirdos.

I liked it. Only thing I have a complaint about is that even though the USD has some power over the AUD, everything is still fucking expensive.

I've been almost everywhere around the CBD and it's districts, went to manly and bondi, and did the whole blue mountains daytrip. Out of ideas what to do so I might still drop by Newcastle after waking up to find a place to watch sunrise.

I can do the Watson trip that the other user suggested on Monday

It could be a lot worse, I'll say that much. If you ever come here again be sure to check out Powerhouse Gym on Taranaki street. I train there atm, it's the shit

pic about half an hour north of Wgtn

5159 here, I am bored and already went to the gym, so im thinking of drinking a bunch of cough syrup and seeing how long I can sleep for

4034 brissy cunts

wish i was going out but mates are coming over for bevvies and smash bros so ehhh hopefully ill have money again soon

Do you have a rental car or are you on public transport?
Newcastle is a cunt to get around on public transport. Id honestly be happy to drive you around as I have nothing on tomorrow.

Any Anons here done a Contiki/ Top deck to Europe?
Im thinking about going sometime next year and have some questions.
How did you find it? Would advice would you give?

you are making fucking generals outside of /int/

this shit has to stop

Fuck up cunt


Are you two going to fuck?

>be australian
>type a post
>no more internet for a year because bandwidth quotas

Im just trying to be friendly to our American Pal :')

Same here, last one on Monday.

Can't fucking wait to sink a few jugs Monday night and watch all my hard work cutting go to waste

melb western suburbs represent, any cucks here?

ayyy. gonna take my p permit test on the 24th. how fucked am i

4051 here.

Just playing Overwatch, first weekend I've had off not studying (CPA). Going to the beach tommoz and just bum around.

summer cut isn't starting for another 11 months

I think it being the west you're gonna need to pull off some sick donuts to get a passing grade.

Unless you go to northam you're fucked that guy is chill as fuck


Thanks for the offer its cool though probably one thing I'll do is that memorial walk or something.

Have a good lunch spot you recommend?

Lmao where abouts in newy are you from

tBh im just scared of being too nervous on the day of the test. my parents are out of the country on holiday so i cant practice. im tired of being stuck in the middle of nowhere with no form of transportation m80s

I'd drive ya dubs but I'm drunk af right now, just go to a park lot, make it feel more natural. shit's literally cuck-tier.

UQ pls go

> uni exams are over and no job so literally no reason to leave the house

my parents think I'm a fucking loser but I really have nothing to do besides lift. Why is my life so fucking boring?

do a practice test with an instructor before you go for your real one

failed my first time and i had to wait like another 3 months to rebook

thanks for the offer m8
yea im taking lessons from a driving school. my HPT is gonna expire at the end of january so i need to get this fakin thing sorted before then or else im gonna have to retake the HPT and give jewroads more money

hey friendos. 2612, my life is literally phd, drugs, sleep. ~120kg of plates in the backyard keeps me sane and attached to the physical realm and Veeky Forums helps a lot with motivation.

all you brisboners are making me nostalgic. i bet the jacarandas are in bloom right now, so beautiful


as in?

Maryland, bruh. you?

Finished Thursday.

gotta wear smart casual/business casual for a job over the summer. What should I wear so I dont die in the heat?

polo tops?

funny story, biochemistry / muscle physiology. i was dyel maximus when i joined the lab and then i realised how ridiculous it was that i could tell you all about ec coupling but not lift my bodyweight from the ground.

What's the career pathway from there?
I'm kinda heading towards a biochem major but am not sure where it'll take me.

lel, I started 4 months ago when my gf left me

whatever works bro

what uni btw? Melbourne uni here.


undergrad commerce (economics/finance) just finished first year

Ah nice, how'd you find it?
I just finished first yr science at melb.

Well I'm actually trying to do the breadth stream in engineering, so I found the calculus/engineering stuff pretty tough but the economics/finance stuff relatively easy.

What are ya majoring in dude

town isnt scum if youre not going clubbing. shit like reds and hq, those places are ones to avoid like the plague.

I did chem and bio 1/2, plus physics 1 and psych 2 as fillers.
Looking to be bioscience oriented, maybe a pharmacology major if there's a job at the end of that tunnel.

Do you go to the uni gym?

Replied to wrong person