Remember that cute girl who smiled to you at the library?

Remember that cute girl who smiled to you at the library?
Chad is ramming her doggystyle right now

Remember that innocent-looking girl in your class you dreamed of marrying?
She's gagging on chads cock this moment

Remember that girl you love, that you're slowly working up the courage to talk to?
She's begging for chads cum now, she doesn't even know you exist

Best part?
He isn't even TRYING
Chad ALWAYS wins, you ALWAYS lose, there is NOTHING you can do about it

im gay

Please, stahp, delet this

im lesbian

wtf I hate CHAD now?!


Wait so the innocent girl is inside the cute girls vagina?

Can someone explain to me why so many on here feel the need to express some inferiority complex in these threads?

I'm sure it's just a lot of trolls spouting the CHAD has H, F & F meme, but I can't be convinced it's 100% of the posters...

if you actually despise society, why does it matter to you if you're not "evolutionary successful", read: bang a lot of chicks?

p-pl-pls r-respond

I don't care about people, I just want to lift weights, get some money, read some books, learn some languages and travel. If a girl will accompany me fine, if not, no biggie, I can enjoy everything by myself too.

Yet you're on Veeky Forums replying to a meme thread.

I think (read; My opinion) this is whats going on
Alot of guys come here because they dont function well in society and Veeky Forums works as an echo box for them to perpetuate their opinions on why they fail

I.e. If you struggle to get laid its because youre ugly and dont have the HFF you need to succeed with girls

Its spacious reasoning, faulty deductive logic and an echo box combined from guys who blame things beyond their control for their failures in life instead of taking some measure of control

uhh it's because its funny to be a lil shit and prey on genuinely insecure people

are you autismo?

>uhh it's because its funny to be a lil shit and prey on genuinely insecure people
Well that too, insecure faggots who come here in search for help become damaged individuals instead

This place is sort of like voluentary prison, you come in somewhat normal but never leave since youre fucked up by worse people

sure i guess so

but as per the question of

> who starts these height, frame, blahblah, BBC, cuckolding, dicklet, manlet, nu-male, etc, etc?

it's almost exclusively people being ironic for a laugh and to bait replies/get people upset.

some friendly advice, if the thread starts with

> daily reminder/friendly reminder

try not to take it super serious

not fit related now fuck off

I got into stuff like this because I genuinely think anthropometry, craniometry, skull deformation, nutrition and biological imperatives are genuinely interesting.

PSL quickly comes up when you start searching for terms related to this and well, PSL is both informative and batshit crazy, which makes it funny as hell.

I also do that, I spend like fifteen minutes a day on here, mostly while taking a shit.

You spelled Kodak Wrong

This. I only browse Veeky Forums when in taking a shit at work.

>who starts these
Its an interesting question because yeah, they perpetuate this for shits and laughs and attention but somehow i still believe they somehow identify with it

There is alot of black and white thinking on this site, like if youre having trouble with girls youre ugly, If a girl doesnt fuck on the first date she doesnt like you and so on and that feels more geniune than the meme threads

But i agree, you should never take this site too seriously in any shape

i also browse 4 chan while watching some guy at work do a shit

Except I am chad, since I actually lift.


Chad doesn't exist

>I like lots of wildly outdated and unfounded pseudo-science because I'm soooo intellectual
>hey everyone look at me I'm ao intellectual

If you're gonna be a fedora tipping "intellectual", at least read legitimate intellectual material.

Chad is a neckbear-y way of saying a guy that is charming, has a job, and is in good shape.

Yes they exist. Yes they do well with women. Yes you can be one with *MINIMAL* effort.

The 'you can only do well with girls' if you are 6'4" and make 200k yr and on tren +test meme is cancer

>Remember that cute girl who smiled to you at the library?
which one of them?

Kek why does everyone think any of this has to do with phrenology? It's a legitimate subset of anthropology, archeology, odontology and nutrition science.

>charming, has a job, and is in good shape.
These alone dont give you success with women though but you are right, chad is a creation of someone who does better than neckbeards and all the hate and bad things are attributed to this creation

oh come on

If you can manage those 3 (puts you in the top 90% of men already....) you will get 4-6/10 girls crawling all over you even if you are short, ugly as sin, etc.

The standards are so low nowadays. Maybe 1/10 guys even meets the base requirements to be a "man" nowadays

It's not the 50s anymore user. Be happy your competition is new males not actual men

I have a job in finance, a good education, im tall, charming and Veeky Forums
I practice martial arts and ive been active in sports since i was a kid but i do NOT see girls crawling on me at all

Ive been single for two years and this summer i found a girl who was actually single, she was the first single girl ive met since my breakup and while we were dating she was dating several other guys aswell
The competition is extreme bro, where do you live?

>"evolutionary successful", read: bang a lot of chicks
Ever sense we got contraception you need to be marriage material in order to be an evolutionary success.

A cycle of /r9k/ and repill faggots echoing eachothers opinions and anyone who disagrees is shouted down as a cuck or normie or whatever. Its inportant for them that the reason for their lives being where they are now are out of their control and not their own fault


I remember the second girl I ever had sex with. I remember her ghosting me shortly after. I remember her friend telling me it was because I was bad in bed. I remember her dating Chad soon after. I remember hearing through the grapevine that Chad cheated on her after a year together. I remember bumping into her after a couple years and her trying to flirt with me.
Want to know what she's doing at this moment?
She's gaining weight and getting to her late 20s. She's wondering why she's still single. She's wondering if she's going to die alone
But me? I have the gym, I have the outdoors, I don't need girls like her anymore

Good for Chad. Let Chad be Chad, let the women go for Chad because Chad has banged enough women that Chad is a stud in the sack, then let Chad bang more women because Chad doesn't want to be faithful and let the women regret ever being with Chad


It's not funny. It might have been funny the first time, but every time you autistically start the same thread like a giggling moron, it loses all value.


Then you're not as charming or as fit as you think you are

its funny for this exact reason

people like you


just don't reply, all they want is attention, and you give it to them like the good little girl you are.


you spelled prison bitch wrong


>Remember that cute girl who smiled to you at the library?

No I don't go the library.
>Remember that innocent-looking girl in your class you dreamed of marrying?

I have never had this feeling, I am Chad

>Remember that girl you love, that you're slowly working up the courage to talk to?

Never had this issue.

>people like you
People like me who don't directly respond to shitposts like this? Shit was funny the first few times, but once it gets distilled into a formula like CHAD has X while you Y, it becomes stale.

Real talk, how old are you?

you're talking about not being baited into replying while literally being baited into replying.

real talk, what's your IQ?

Jesus Christ who is this cutie?

No I don't respond directly to generic threads. I responded to one reply that I saw. You're not baiting me. But a little advice, if you're going to try to do that super anarchy ruse master shit, try not to have such obviously samefag replies friendo

Stfu you sucks

Have you faggots ever even talked to girls stop jerking off to cuckold fantasies and actually go meet them

baited again

hint: you can't act intellectually superior while literally wading through the same meme shit as the person you're trying to assert yourself over.

if anything you look more pathetic.

double hint: this isn't my thread

triple hint: I haven't posted anything other than the post starting here and it very clearly follows a reply chain where I'm clearly the only poster.

Listen my dude, I know you want to be the cool Veeky Forums poster, but you need to settle down. We all come from /b/, and you've got to leave /b/ where it belongs.


baited again.

nobody cares dude.

> this post will make you upset and your posts will only get more aggressive from here.

So you're late teens to early 20's? Why do you make threads like this? What pleasure do you get out of it faggot? Do you think it makes this board better?

b8d again

wow nice dart at the dart board

next do u wanna guess i live in a country that has electricity and internet?

and like I said now you're starting to get personal, calm down bro.

Looks like the dart hit the mark. So how does it feel being a millennial piece of shit?

b8d again

wow calm down man, you're getting too agitated, take a break for a few minutes then come back.

only newfags/underage post about other people samefagging.

Fuck off and never come back you fucking fag.

>there is NOTHING you can do about it

We'll see about that.

>baited again
>baited again.
>b8d again
>b8d again
Listen Yu-Gi-Oh, you don't need to tell everyone how we activated your trap card every post.

b8d again

She has no tits, but those legs...

someone actually took the time to make this thread

Whats this video?

Fuck you oneitwas told me 3 days Ago she has a bf

Who's the guy?

hello /r9k/, you seem to obsess over women and have made your whole life about them, then went ahead and adopted a defeated attitude, instead of improving yourself you complain and whine about those who actually put in effort

i find this amusing.
