No FPH fat hate thread?


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who is this pig in the gif OP?


Raven Sparks, she's 41.


I knew it, you bastard.




>that fupa down to the knees
Ultra high test nigga.
How can you do this and not lose all respect you might have had for yourself?

I don't understand. How can you marry that? How can you be attracted to that?

never thought i'd see a more terrifying creature than the original exorcist girl

The master race. To defend this is what fit, non-meth addict guys join the military for. Ay gewalt.

How did they identify her? I was wondering if they would track down who it was.

looks like they really do deep fry everything in texas.. including their heads




Is that what a good Christian woman does these days? Stealing candy from babies is as american as apple pie now?

We need a purge, a cull, whatever to get rid of these nasty things.

Wasn't that from a reddit meetup?


> tfw used to be bi
> nothing but vapid, dreadful women around in life
> tfw the blokes are bros

Now I'm gay. Its the way to go brehs

ICP fan I see



Why is tinder full of white trash???

Stacy told her she finds so many hot guys on there



Dark skinned automatically means foreign on Veeky Forums

>an app made for easy sex with women with low self esteem
>wondering why its full of white trash


From the thumbnail I thought that was Ron Jeremy

Last one

Because if they could get good men in person, then why bother with an app?

Kek just found this bird last night

I see that yesthisisfatprivilege is already triggering fatties


Yes, a Reddit meetup in Baltimore.

I use this pic to remind people who it is that they're arguing with online


to be fair, at least she admits its due to eating, and not "muh genetics!"


why are they all shirtless

The only normal one is that Asian on the side

>all the asians are suave and qt as fuck
>everyone else is a disgrace

That fat dude with the white shoes on the right side is a qt. Imagining how handsome he'd look if he wasn't fat hurts.

I mean, I would argue that being a fat person makes you more person per person

Haha, this fucking pig. Also, BBW? Big Bullshitting Woman.
Those requirements... she seriously thinks she can pick. Not into overweight guys... I kek'd.
Not to mention the whole cheating shit and wanting to fuck strangers instead of taking care of her family.
Ultimate trash.

She spoke at my University.
If I knew she was a HAES whale, I would have gone.

>I wanna settle
>21 year old says she's too old for games
>looking for a baby daddy and supporter

How beta would you have to be to even consider this... thing?

still wanna know which one of you faggots this is

Your depraved sodomite behavior is only your fault.

This applies beyond fatness also. The whole Asians are somehow better at school has nothing to do with race but upbringing. The western guys and girls are mostly lazy shits and then meme around how Asians are so good. It's not because they're different, it's because they actually do some work.

fucking kek

this, a thousand times this

holy shit. wasted facial aesthetics

Many asian counties generally have higher average IQ's than 'murica. Higher IQ is correlated with higher education and success etc.


why do most of disgusting fat women showcase exhibitionism? is it because of lack of sex life? from my experience they are much more depraved.

this picture is pretty much what my experience is with those beasts

probably a kneegrow child as well


Defy sodomite orders

Yeah, it's a form of overcompensating. Be a total skank and attract the lowest common denominator of men, and then claim that you are sexy because someone was willing to fuck you. Even though they are only slam pigs.

Actually attractive girls don't have to show skin and boobs to get attention.

It does help but it's not a miracle cure that automatically makes them perform better without putting in any work. They'll have to work almost as hard for the results as anyone else. The bigger reason is that the work ethic of the average white American has plummeted in the last few decades.

>black girl on the right

Always gets me, she knows how to properly face when.

Your ass is collapsing!

Stupid fat bitch wasn't even wearing a costume... Actually, idk, maybe I should be grateful she's not dressed in some "sexy manitee" or "slutty bovine" outfit.

>that bio
Fuck in hell, absolutely disgusting trash

I want to see these planets who "run" marathons.

IQ is misunderstood anyway. While it's supposed to measure intelligence regardless of education or training, it does not. Yes, you can train for even IQ tests. You're not going to blow out your old score by 50 points or some bullshit, but you can certainly skew the average of a nation by raising non-idiots that are excellent test takers.

Speaking of which, early mental simulation greatly enhances the development of the brain, also leading to higher iq.

TL;DR: Even the higher iq of Asian countries are not really genetic, but mostly environmental.

I wonder what a Veeky Forums meetup would look like

Depends on the board
Veeky Forums meetups are usually okay since its easy to lift with strangers.
/b/ is fucking awful though since they have no common interests besides memes.

Depends on the board.

Not as much as you'd think.

Did his ass deflate?? What am looking at here?

>not a sex toy
>pictured in underwear kissing the camera

Gonna pull all the betas

that is what happen if you spend 20 hours a day in the couch in front of the TV, your ass deformes to its shape

Fucking Americans I swear to god


>How beta would you have to be to even consider this... thing?
This is average nu-male manlet girl territory.

Betas are so scared about not having access to a pussy.

>Betas are so scared about not having access to a pussy.

Back tattoos, eats like shit, social media whore, entitled...

She'll do well.

> pregnant
> drinking

she's a winner

Veeky Forums gym meetup would be pretty ok, I'd go.

>left Reddit and Tumblr at age 18 for Veeky Forums

Always nice to be reminded of what I could have grown up into

I go to a large uni with a shitload of asian international students, and they are, as a general rule, not the best students. The ones that come get an education in America are the spoiled new-rich kids who have never had to work a day in their lives. Professors complain about how they cheat constantly and act more entitled about everything than the Americans ever would.


>tripple D beasts

>30 in 100 Americans speak no language

looks like Sargon of Akkad

>number of americans who got the joke: 0

Personality? Money? Idk man.

Some Americans speak half a language


Is this image implying there's anything wrong with pedophilia?

>Steals $2 worth of candy from children who don't have that

Fucking HELL legit mad

Enhance 224 to 176. Enhance, stop.

Move in, stop. Pull out, track right, stop.

Center in, pull back. Stop. Track 45 right. Stop.

Center and stop. Enhance 34 to 36. Pan right and pull back. Stop.

Enhance 34 to 46. Pull back. Wait a minute, go right, stop.

Enhance 57 to 19. Track 45 left. Stop. Enhance 15 to 23.

Give me a hard copy right there

you really have to put in effort to have teeth that rotten. even homeless people don't get teeth that bad.

I can only assume he destroyed his teeth on purpose. You'd have to gargle acid and rocks to make your teeth look like that.

Simple neglect (literally never ever brushing) doesn't do that to teeth.
