Finally slipped into the point of obesity where I'm actually embarrassed to go out in public

>Finally slipped into the point of obesity where I'm actually embarrassed to go out in public

>Only clothes fitting are generic af

> Gave up trying to lose weight after 4 or so attempts. 3 times out if laziness 1 time out if anxiety at gym.

> 266 lbs 6'0 Ave 19

I know read the sticky bla bla.

My question is, is there any hope or should I just give up and order the helium tank already.

Other urls found in this thread:

Age 19*

Do it. Find motivation. The first days are the hardest, afterwards it gets better.

Find something to lift for. And imagine it during lifting. Imagine the girl you love cheering you on.

Call me an autist, but it helped.

You don't need to go to a gym to lose weight. Just don't fucking stuff your face on anything you pig


if you are too weak to loose weight, then just kill yourself and be remembered as a fucking loser who could not make it by everyone.

Or just control your diet. I know people who lost 12 kilos in 2 months only by controlling their diets

Yes. It's hard now, but when it's all said and done, you'll be glad you fixed it. The discomfort of cutting back food and exercising is far easier than coping with the shame of hating yourself.

Give it your all, man

This. Working out is awesome but "the gym" isn't some magical gateway to weight loss. You can lose weight at home. You can start right now. Simply eat less than usual.

>the girl you love cheering you on

Or the opposite of that.

Btw bitchtits OP. Weight loss is all about diet. You can't outrun a bad diet. Count your calories for a while before you focus on exercise. Maybe try something extreme like cardio or suicide after you fail at that.

>1 out of anxiety at the gym

umm are you dumb or something? the only thing you need to do is change your diet. I'm at a healthy weight now and I lost 85lbs without exercising at all lol

Order the helium tank
>Become a successful balloon salesman
>Become every kids hero
>Fuck every kids milf mother
>Live a happy life

do it OP

lmao the only thing I did to lose weight was going vegan.
shit was so easy. could still eat like a fucking pig,
but vegetables just cant possibly make you gain weight.
I lost between 1-2 pounds a week, which is perfect,
cause losing fat too fast can paradoxically make you gain stretchmark
and of course leaves you with disgusting extra skin.
Also, going vegan gave me more energy during the day,
it actually changed the color of my skin too (was pale b4, now I have this golden tan)
and it has the additional benefit that you can feel superior to everyone,
who eats meat, cause you of course went vegan for moral reasons only ;)
it's actually really good for your self confidence to know that by being vegan,
you safe the planet and a lot of innocent beings.
And since it seems like confidence is something you lack,
I'd recommend giving veganism a try!

Just start counting calories and take a deficit.

Get used to eating at maintenance for a week or so, then just eat 250 calories less than that. Get used to that and eat even less if you want to lose weight faster.
Go for long walks to make it easier to make your deficit.

I'm 7 months into my weight loss and still have another 5 to go before I can even conceivably be at my goal weight, and that's assuming no serious fuck ups until then.

Isn't that a plot of a Disney film?

OP, I am 19 years old and I was fat for my entire middle and high school life. I started my cut by just not drinking soda at all. Just went straight to water. After seeing the initial 10lbs loss by just cutting out soda, I was motivated.

I started cutting out more unhealthy things in my diet and starting simple. Instead of the normal 4 slices of pizza, I would eat 2 instead. If I was tempted to eat more I would fucking squeeze my fat and think to myself why did I start in the first place?

Submitting to your cravings isn't worth it.

I'm also here to tell you that once you get into a diet routine filled with discipline, you will then start to see major progress. Loosely following doesn't cut it. Eat less and you will lose weight.

Weight loss is only as hard as YOU make it. It will be hard if you don't have the guts to discipline yourself. It's really simple, just eat less. If you're tired of restarting, then don't quit.

Read the fucking sticky and gtfo until you're not a hamplanet anymore

Fucking rice, beans & chicken breasts. Eat NOTHING but that... you'll lose weight then... faggot.

Gym is too advanced level for you, anyways.

Do what the rest is saying about watching what you eat and do freaking cardio, faggot. Do the couch to 5K program or at least start walking a lot. Go to a park or whatever.

>mfw I was 280+ 4 months ago
>mfw in the 230's now
Just quit stuffing your face OP, don't eat as much as you normally would. Get comfortable with being hungry. Hunger is progress.

I'm 83kg or 183 pounds in this pic, at 184cm, which is marginally above 6 feet.

You only need to lose 83 pounds. That's not a whole lot mate, especially if you lift at the same time and hopefully grow some muscle. It's real fun to llift as well, so you'll have motivation.

83 pounds is not a whole lot because you are changing your life today and you will feel better from eating better and you will feel better for using your body more and it will just continue as you start seeing results and become proud of yourself for that.

'waa waa it's hard not to eat like a pig and do nothing all day I will go online and act suicidal for sympathy because it's easier than not stuffing my face'

stop eating like a pig and do shit at home

you are 19 years old you are fucking young, use your young metabolism to carry yo fat ass

I feel you my dude, was about to post something similar.
I'm 22, femanon (no gtfo, my tits are gross they will scar you), ex(?)-ana. I've had it for years, to the point where I'm constantly going from overweight to normal (175lbs rn, want to kms, was 140 last month, will probably be 140 again in 2 weeks, etc.)
Any Veeky Forums dudes have any advice for my fat ass to get back into properly lifting and actually sticking to a non-destructive lifestyle?
5'5 btw whew

Read the sticky. Read the thread. Not that hard.

Of course there's hope dumbass, In a year you can easily be 200 lbs

timestamp tits

just eat less, working out for weight loss is a meme. TDEE calculator.

>guys I gave up trying to lose weight
>is there any hope I'll lose weight

Well not unless you get aids or cancer or something lad

I wish I would've started lifting when I was 19. Rail skinny, somehow managed to balloon, now 28% BF and just started seriously at 26. I've got like 5 years max before im old as shit ;_;

Only focus on diet. Just think about the pussy u missed out on in ur life, and the pussy ur gonna be pounding when u lose that fat. Exercise and a diet shift all at once make people wanna quit, exercise really not important for weight loss. just eat less and count calories (see calculator in sticky). Plus once ur used to eating less, it becomes very easy, just be strong until strong becomes your normal state of being. Once u used to the new diet, all the hard work goes over to time and u just gotta wait till u think u good. also dont try gay diets, just eat less fr fr.

OP go see a nutritionist. I had them calculate my macros and give me 3 meals that are basically all i eat now (with a shake after workouts). Dropped 6 pounds in the first week.

Educate yourself on nutrition. Do some kind of sport what gets you motivated and you can enjoy. Dont give a fuck about other people because nobody gives a fuck about you too. When I see a fat person at the gym working out hard, he automativally has my respect and I wish him success I what he is doing.

Just eat as little as possible and find tricks which help you doing it. (Eg eat lots of veggies to fill up, drink lots of water, use caffeine, dointermittened fasting, whatever works for you)

whats ss+gomad?

>tfw 370 lbs
>>tfw just bought three pan pizzas, a breadbowl with pasta, and a brownie from dominos

you don't even know pain

i used to do that, too. And a couple of their sandwiches and the chocolate lava cakes and the parmesan bread bites. And naturally all the pizzas had as much extra cheese as I could get away with ordering. It was delicious. For the first few minutes. Then I was miserable.

You're hurting yourself, user. It doesn't have to be that way. You can stop. No one's making you eat all that.

You don't even know pain you over fed pig person. I hope you get raped and murdered for having the nerve to say that while you stuff your fat face with nummies. Which I'm sure is just ever so fucking painful for mommy's little boy to have to suffer through. Morbidly obese self centered scumbag.

Indulge a curious mind.

Are you going eat it ALL? Is that everything you've eaten today?

I've hard large binges as well but after 4000 calories I'm in physical pain.

No, I ate the pasta and breadbowl, half of a pziza, and a third of the brownie, and then finished it off with four shots of gin and a monster (calorie free monster! IT'S HEALTHY)

>sugarfree sips with binges

I actually know that feel. Good luck to your digestive system, my pathetic brother.

You're thinner than me when I started, and I am now 200lb @ 18% body fat.

To be honest at your size bro, doing the diet is more important than doing the exercise. you could drop 40lb without getting up off the couch.

You want some motivation: here you go.
What's more embarassing, going to the gym now, or still being you in another decade, 80lb fatter, going in to lose your foot to the beetus.

Don't tell an obese person to drink a gallon of milk a day.

Do people actually do this?

Can they not handle taking in 1700 calories of actual food? Are they infants?

If he's obese he don't need to drink no 1700 calories.

I have a 1500 calorie shake once a day *as well as food, but I'm not 100lb overweight.

There is always hope. One day at a time and you'll make it.

There's hope, there's always hope.

If you're a weeb, harken back to the finale of Gurren Lagann; "With each turn we move a little forward! That's how a drill works!"

If not, then in simple english: Most of your attempts will fail, but with each one you learn a little more about yourself and your weaknesses, and eventually - even if it takes several more tries - that turns into more success.

Personally, I backslide a lot. I'll lose ten pounds, then slack off and gain five back, then realize it and kick off again. But every time that happens, I end up five pounds closer to the goal than I started.

No matter how much you fail, with every attempt you come a little closer to making it, and if you try often enough someday you will.

2200 calories is actually a pretty large amount of food if youre making actual whole-food healthy stuff

Don't think and do it
Losing weight is like working, no one can be bothered to fucking do it but you shouldn't think about it and just do it, because you'll still be better off before in the end

>Finally slipped into the point of obesity where I'm actually embarrassed to go out in public

there you go

you've already found your motivation. the hardest part is over
Now, what you need to do, is try and control your diet to where you use more calories than you eat. This is going to be hard, and you will be hungry throughout the day, because your body probably wouldn't be used to the less calories that you're in taking. Also remember to substitute all other drinks for water (except for maybe milk). When you start dropping weight, then start an easy cardio regiment that you can stick with every day for an extended period of time. when you get down to a only slightly chubby figure/w8, then start going ham on the cardio with minimal weight training, in-taking as or about as many calories a day (maybe a bit less). Then just browse fit as a non fatty and go from there

You're at the same weight, age, and embarrassment level I was when I finally lost weight