Where did it go wrong, user?

Where did it go wrong, user?

I havent lift in like 2 or 3 months
>Tfw no monies for the Gym
>Tfw I wanted to die but too much of a fag to actually end my life
>Tfw everybody either is saying they see me either too skinny or when they touch my arms, too soft

Probably when I flunked out of college classes twice and became a NEET for long periods of time
However my life is getting back on track little by little
I'm doing a lot better than when I was a suicidal 19 year old with no friends jacking off 5 times a day

Body weight exercises are always a things
Push-ups. Pull-ups, body weight squats, hip thrusts , sprints , core work

at birth

When I got to college. Exercising and watching my diet really well haven't changed that I:
>Have made no close connections with people
>Am losing motivation for my schoolwork
>Am battling depression all on my own

I was failing in life and wasn't trying hard enough to succeed. I kept telling myself thing will get better, but they didn't. I also put a lot of time and effort into making girls like me. The loneliness is what really killed me though.

Maybe things will get better in 2017

fucking straight
i wish i was dead

When I signed the mortgage papers. Now I'm fucked for 25 years.

Without make up this actor guy is hot as fuck.

N-no homo, right?

>never pursued higher education
>wage slave
>forever in debt since I bought a house
>having a second child in 10 weeks
>no way near my fitness goals
>gf is boring
>sex life is completely dead
>only talk to my friends on facebook chat
>used to be popular with girls
But the thing that pains me the most is that I have the audacity to feel this way even though I have a job, house, kid(s), and being a white male.

I guess I knew at some level I had problems I needed to fix. But I figured they would eventually go away if I changed my surroundings. They didn't. Instead they grew.

I lost track of time and now everything seems too late. What I wouldn't give to get a second...

when knee injury happened, throwing my college sports career out of the window. I had almost made it breh, it was senior year. After basically not being able to walk without crutches for 3 months, it took me 1.5 years to pick up weights again. I still have thoughts of what I could have been, it's pretty fucking depressing, but hopefully I can get to where I was again.

Fuark he doesn't even need the chin

Having a kid out of wedlock makes you a nigger so don't sweat it shit head

He has really bad cancer. Will be dead by 2017.

he smokes shit that explains the cancer

imagine being outside when this guy in full makeup walks up to you and asks in character for a cigarette. would make it worth smoking desu

>Probably when I flunked out of college classes twice and became a NEET for long periods of time
>I was a suicidal 19 year old with no friends jacking off 5 times a day
This is me right now.

Didn't study. Have to drop two basic classes. Will try again net semester. Starting to worry I'm not cut out for university.

Join the party

shit dad+parents divorced, dog died, got cucked by oneitis

all during highschool,

as an adult i have no joy in life

>inb4 le man up meme

fuck off

got really depressed at university, had a couple of close calls with suicide. family never found out luckily

everything just seems like way too much effort now, apart from going to the gym. i've been lying about applying to jobs for about seven months just because i can't bring myself to send out an email.

at the moment, i'm just at the point where i'm holding out until my mum dies. i've got the helium tank picked out and everything

When I got rejected in 8th grade. Havent approached a girl since.

After my ex cheated on me and dumped me
That was the beginning of the second half of 2016, it has been absolute shit since then, literally had some of the worst luck and shitty things happen to me
It's not fucking fair, why should I end up in a worse position than her after what she did to me?

Only if Trump wins.

Had to Google Image search as I had no idea what the fuck who this guy is (OP's pic freaked me out too) but yeah, you're right. No homo, etc.

Just goes to show what a little plastic surgery can do if you are blighted with a big chin and/or nose.

Also, this sucks - Pancreatic too, no hope of surviving that shit at all. Total death sentence.