Please sip responsibly

Please sip responsibly.

It won't go anywhere

I'm pretty sure there's a warning right there on the cans telling people to only drink a limited amount a day.

Will just caffeine do this to me?

Or is it all the other shit in the drinks?

I think it's just caffeine.

I absentmindedly had a cup of coffee but I had forgotten I'd had sips a few hours before. Am now trying to do breathing exercises to slow down my rapid heartbeat.

Anyone who actully drinks monster is a fucking retard

Think on 1 person who's smart and drinks that

>you can't


I had a few sips of coffee yesterday morning in my office and had to go force myself to puke

Christian Guzman

Woops, mean to reply to this

Seems you're not smart

kek, what a coincidence, i'm having some liquor right now because i had too much caffeine today.
>tfw caffeine sensitivity
Sip responsibly.

no way its just the caffeine.

>2 a day for 2 years

thats not a lot at all. ask anyone who works in an office, I guarentee they have 3 a day. 1 in the morning, 1 after a few hours at work, and 1 after lunch to stop that '2:00 pm tired' feeling.

its all the other shit in it. coffee/caffeine has been around for thousands of years.



>3 a day

Of regular coffee? Coffee only has about 90 mg of caffeine per cup, monster had 140 per can.

>be me
>last Friday morning
>crack open can of sips
>wake up in hospital
>it Sunday afternoon
>family all gathered around my bed
>"user we thought you were a goner"
>"didn't we warn you about sips?"
>"if drinking sips is what it takes to impress you friends then they are not your friends user"
>doctor comes in
>"user I've got some bad news"
>"user it looks like you're retarded because only retards drink sips, trust me I read Veeky Forums plus I'm a doctor"
>family starts crying, etc.
>doctor tells me I can stay another night for monitoring
>get out this morning
>have to go to DMV to retake drivers test for special retard license
>also have to go to Walgreen's to pick up prescription retard helmet

Let my experience be a lesson, friends. Say no to sips.

just got out of the hospital this morning. Had a can of sips on Friday morning and was in ICU for three days. I told the doctors that I drank some sips and they

me no likey
that first sippy wippy


A friend of mine drank Dr Pepper like that for months and quit when he ended up with heart palpitations.

Why the fuck do people think they can chug caffeinated sugar water all fucking day with no consequences?

I've highlighted the relevant part for you all

don't drink pure sugar

What kind of degenerate shitheap of an office do you work in where that's socially acceptable? Do you also stuff your faces with handfuls of chocolates and sweets set to graze on throughout the day?
Literally the only people I know who drink like this are dumbass teenage boys, and delusional fatasses who insist that it's necessary just to function in day to day life ("trust me, user, you'll need it too some day!"), as if civilisation didn't get by just fine before.

>100% b12 and b6 per serve
Idk shit about vitties, but that sounds like it could potentially add up to a problem, no?

Caffeine is just a socially acceptable drug addiction. Its addicts are no different than addicts of alcohol, perscription drugs, or cigarettes


the obvious problem is 2x servings of 27g sugar

the b vitamins are water soluble and any excess will be eliminated (you will pee them out and your urine will be yellow)

the caffeine is not the problem as your body becomes acclimated to the amount of caffeine. you are more likely to get palpitations from your first high caffeine spike but continued use is not going to give you a heart attack.

Why are you offended? It's true. That stuff is terrible for you.

It's a combination of both. If it isn't monster, then it's coffee with sugar/cream/syrup/whipped cream added to it. Addiction to one or the other is already bad but most people have an addiction to both.

>It's true

Wow dude I never thought about it like that. You've changed my mind!

most people I know don't put 11 tablespoons of sugar in their coffee.

>he doesn't think foods are addictive
I bet you think you're 300lbs because of genetics too. Go shoot up some fries, you fucking junkie.

>2 per day for 3 years
I say he lasted pretty long, if he didn't drink them he would've died sooner.

>tfw exams
>tfw cracking open 3 sips a day

>Coffee 90mg a cup

Nigga that's basically a strong decaf. What kind of macchiato bullshit are you sippin


>am now able to fall asleep a few hours after sipping

This can't be good.

>Take 200mg caffeine pill
>Take preworkout (250mg)
>Mid day take 200mg caffeine
>Have a cup of coffee (50mg-150mg)
>Feel fine all day

>it is terrible for you
>gobbles down third bag of cheetoos
>trys not to get any cheeto dust on fedora