Tfw you won't graduate college till 26 or 27

>tfw you won't graduate college till 26 or 27
>that feel when you quit private uni after 1 year
>tfw you wasted 3 years at community college
>that feel when here you are once again shitposting on Veeky Forums

Lifting is a huge waste of time anons. Focus on school.

Sounds more like the problem is with you

It is.

Same here dude, gotta finish it!

>Been sick all week
>Allergies are also kicking in
>Missed the gym twice now
>Just bombed a phone interview for a dream job like 30 min ago
>Want to die on the inside knowing I have to stay in retail for another black Friday

I actually want to kill myself, I don't enjoy waking up anymore.

24yo in first year bachelors here. won't grad till 28 or 29 depending on masters

>tfw I'll only be fit for the last year of my master's
>tfw I've missed out most my uni life

Social life seems kinda dull outside uni, how hard is it to leverage fitness in working life in comparison?

Seriously dude, enjoy your time in Uni. Life doesn't get magically better once you graduate, focus on NOW. Find a girl and be happy with what you've got!

well good to know im not alone. life can be hard but we're all gonna make it.

>tfw when know wtf I'm talking about, have goals, and GPA increases so quick bc I'm getting B's and A's to replace F's second time around in uni
>not kicking ass
It's like you don't want to make it anons

Thinking of stopping uni after my sophomore year so I can get a job to pay for facial surgery, my parents are currently paying 50,000 a year.

Good idea or bad? My face is very ugly and life sucks.

Oh yeah and I'm also currently a sophomore

Why don't you finish uni and start helping your parents out by being successful at what your degree plan is and getting a job then getting a career and pay for surgery yourself. In the mean time ask a dr about "health issues related to surgery" like how chicks get rhinoplasty under the bs pretense that they had a health issue when it was really just cosmetic. That way you have on record "Chris issue" and maybe you can get some of the surgery price taken down from insurance or a pro bono dr and you can pay the rest yourself

Quit whining pussy.

I just went back to Uni at 27 and it's the best place for me to be.
Job market is SHITE. I'm older, more confident, more capable and better looking than I've ever been and now I'm surrounded by easy 18 year old pussy.

It rocks. All I have to to is study, lift, fuck and have a good time for the next 4 fucking years.

22 and haven't been in school since 22. I started reading but I'm pretty sure I forgot all math. I'm going to go the community college then transfer route. How should I be preparing myself?

Have a degree plan in mind and start covering old material. Get supplies organized and schedule meeting with department councilor to help you go over which classes you need THEN you do the same to double check bc each university wants different shit and you don't want to waster time taking classes that don't count. Ask the counselor is it would be best to replace classes you failed or take new classes you need first to faster being up GPA

Im 28 and halfway through my uni and i agree, you have experience and can usually relate to the subjects
I didnt even need to open a book for the first semester because the courses were about things i already knew before hand since i picked finance

Cant say i can relate to the pussy though, every single girl in my class has a boyfriend, even the 48 year old who has 3 kids
Pussy depends on if you manage to get lucky and attend a good school that has alot of single chicks

That sucks about the girl side of things. It's been a blast from me coming from a manual labour job in London surrounded by smelly old men into a good university populated by many many attractive young women.

All I would suggest is joining some societies if you haven't already. Sports societies are massively social and an easy way to meet loads of people. Volunteering ones are also great for meeting decent people (a lot of SJWs though but that's Uni in general) and they look good on your record. If I stuck to my course (mech eng) for pussy I'd be shit out of luck so have a good look around.
Even without that though it's great to be here at this age. There's no way I could have taken advantage of everything on offer at 18.

>tfw wasted 3 years in uni on mmos
>finishing 5 year degree at 25 (7 years)
>tfw people 2 years younger than me competing for a diplomal spot

If you graduate at 30 won't you have a hard time making money as a finance major?

Like most 30 year olds who graduated at 22 will already have 8 years experience and be making over 6 figures.

How do you compete with that?

your post essentially amounted to

people who have graduated early will have more experience than a new graduate wont dat make it hard to get a job as a new graduate cos u hav less xp?

agonizing to the brain

Guys who are going back to university/college mid/late 20s spend more time talking about the "18 year old pussi" than focusing on maintaining their GPA and maximizing their prospects.


Because that goes without saying. Anyone who has worked for a living for 5+ years can handle the academia no problem.

That's why the best thing about it is the easy tail.
Studying, passing exams, enrolling in various programs and internships... That's all obvious. It's not where the fun is though.

>not slated for graduation until 29 year old

I started late because I was way too poor to take in loans. I waited until adulthood so that I could qualify for more scholarships.

>TFW you graduated at 22 with a masters in engineering
>TFW you earn more than people who graduated before you

Feels great.

I also lift 3-4 times a week

Sorry about your shit life op.

Apparently not since most are confessed dropouts, and the fact you're doing university so late doesn't bode well for this academic_assassin shit you're trying to make me believe.

Shut the fuck up about the pussy and just do your job.

Don't fuck up again, don't get stuck back in the cycle of a worthless degree so you gotta work menial jobs till you can afford to start a new degree.

Or in 3 fucking years we'll have this discussion on here about

> Hey guys is it possible to get into law school with a 1.8 GPA.

> somebody who has completed a degree lecturing on how degrees are easy and its all obvious.

future dropout.

>been in college for 5 years now
>still a junior
>did part time, dropped and failed a few classes
>passing 2/4 of my classes
>hate my accounting major
>not sure what I want to do with my life
>still very behind in my classes
>trying to finish school so I can get a better job to help my mom
>whole family is having money problems
>all my friends are moving on with their lives
>no gf ever
>still a virgin
>constantly falling in love with pretty much any girl that shows me attention
>have feels for my old lesbian classmate who’s in a relationship and now lives in another city
>trying to make friends at uni but no one is really accepting me
>tried meet up with people from /soc/ and /r9k/ but they all bailed at the end
>the small amount of friends I have left aren’t really doing much with their lives
>My only best friend I have is also depressed, but he won’t talk about it. I feel like he’s gonna kill himself and theres nothing I can do to stop him.
>lost all my baby gains
>life is beating my ass

kill me

How long untill you finish college? Maybe it's worth switching your major now. If that's not possible, make a longer term plan to find out what you would want to do with your life. No necesarily what you'd like to be but what you like to do and find an education/job that fits with that.

I've stuggled with cultural anthropology for a few year, last year I decided I'd had enough and just started with engineering.

How old are you?

Why don't you shut the fuck up?

We're on Veeky Forums. I'm talking about 18 year old pussy. Deal with it.

Didn't say the degree was easy. I said the idea of actually studying and succeeding, at this age, goes without saying.
I study my fucking ass off.
If your degree is as worthless as your reading comprehension you must be in trouble.

>ITT American """"""""""education"""""""""

>Choosing random shit
>Turning letters into numbers and averaging to get a decimal

You people are a joke.

Do what the rest of the civilised world does, pick a course - do the fucking course modules - graduate on time and get your career started before you turn fucking 45.

And for fucks sakes, score a percentage instead of your shitty cucked GPA nonsense.

the difference is you can actually make a choice here in usa and not get forced by parents to a job you dont like because they paid for your college

and you live the rest of your life being a wageslave and proud of it

Here in the US you can actually chose what you want to do in life and be happy with your career.

Even if some of us graduate later and take a while to figure it out, we will still be happy people.

There are adults who go become doctors in their 50's. In America, the possibilities are endless.

>Parents paid for your college
Most of Europe have either free higher education or heavily subsidised education + loans.

China and India have student loan systems.

Your American """"""education """"""" is showing.