Anyone have a torrent for The Swoly Bible?

Anyone have a torrent for The Swoly Bible?

From the preview, it looks like it's just the script for every single broscience video.

I read the preview, and it motivates me SO MUCH. Idk why. It just does. While the videos are cool, they're just funny, this. This. This book. Is believable af.



Are you retarded? It's 100% parody. What's supposed to be believable about it?

"The day you started lifting is the day you became forever small."

You're a tiny dyel highschooler, aren't you?

Reps for Jesus *gun shot noises*

A man's journey to bro-ness.


It's parody that also has legit insight to it. Watch some of his videos and you will see that.

If you're that into it, buy it. It's not expensive.

I just need it man, need it sooner than I can get $8.73 online

Buy it faggot its $10 are you really that much of a cheapass?


baka lad I get torrenting shitty blu-ray movies and ridiculously expensive just released games

lol is that you dom?

i honestly would very much like to read it but desu it's not worth even the 10 bucks unless it'd be hundreds of pages long

for the novelty value i might buy the book for xmas

>shill the thread

Dom you might be bigger than Bradley but pls go

because youre a sucker who pays money for shit you can get free, im the idiot?
