Lift object

>lift object
>girl say "strong"

Oh God what I have done

>mfw this NEW Veeky Forums™ meme


>lift things
>nurse say "muscleman"

>penis in sex
>"you are big arms"

>elevate metal
>brain say "be happy"
>am not

>"large man"

>sit at home eating smegma butter
>phone calls
>"zyzz is kill"

>open chan
>OP thread
>am shame

>lift for gril
>am sad
>lift for self
>still am sad

>claim natty gains
>internet say "delts juciy n lean"

>dad in car
>"you eat protein"

>eat oat
>rip "ur big"

>"would u like a hamburguer"

> Lifting for girls

> Veeky Forums says "retard'

> realization

>bus fart
>nigs "aye mayne"

>mom bring cake

>plate boy "break 5?"
>in the squat rack

>stacy text
>"eating pizza"
>n chill her

>swipe right
>she has a ph.d

>get ripped
>girl say "you ugly"

>work out
>friend say "good"

Is this a fresh, brand new meme? Can anyone link to the origin?

Haikus are 5 7 5 fuckwits

>not writing haiku
>meant to be funny yes
>mistake cost me lol

>bench press
>cousin (15) say "pecs"

>mom rub back
>conflicted feelings

>found this new dank meme
>supposed to be a haiku
>I'm doing it wrong

These are HaiTestus you dyelcuck

>get big
>"you big"

>pick up heavy things
>now I am become strong

>not know new meme is haiku
>play fun meme
>am wrong

>pick up heavy
>''good look''
>no sad

>lift the weight during time
>"I appreciate this"
>It's snowing on mount fuji

>trump won
>new meme born


Girl is damn thicc wow
Make me breaking nofap dam
Save to fap folder

>big me
>women *squeeze ass* mine
>don't know if erect

>new Veeky Forums meme
>take it to reddit

>make big cum
>it guy

>you may bench 3plaets
>but you will never get thicc girls
>because you're ugly

>you you you you you
>you you you you you you you
>you you you you you

On plane
"Big guy"

>exciting meme
>also play

>seeing qt trap
>"no homo"

>be pathetic
>still be pathetic lie to myself instead

Pump for trump.

>wanted to be cool
>am wrong and now a faggot
>kill myself tonight

It's sad that all the good ones aren't actually haikus. Hard to make this work without using 3 syllables or less in each line

>swipe card on dispenser
>plate get jammed
>squat rack; emptiness

>lift heavy
>say "am muscleman?"

Well done user, I appreciate.

>Lift to get women
>Realize you want the D
>Confusion; sadness

>lift new PR
>brain say "u r alpha"
>big Pole muscleman bully me away from power rack

>See qt3.15
>She smiles

>sex to lady
>"wow sport dick"
>y-you too

>find new meme thread now
>make a meme for post in thread


I was off fit for 1 day, explain desu

>wear sanders
>squat big
>zero calories

>no friends
>Veeky Forums says "get muscle"


It's not supposed to be a haiku you faggy faggots

>Do bicep curls (65)
>Bicep bigger