Has anyone here actually achieved the "food is just fuel" mindset?

Has anyone here actually achieved the "food is just fuel" mindset?

I want to get to the point where I just pick up whatever provides my macros without regards to taste but whenever I get hungry I just start imagining all the most delicious fatty sugary foods

seriously literally kill your fucking self.



Maybe try going to a nutritionist/dietician and getting a structured diet with exact meal times and such
That way you won't even have to think about food because everything will already be established for you. You'll know what to eat and when to eat and none of it will be fatty sugary goodness

I'm on a carb cycle diet. Low carb most days, 1-2 days a week I replace fat with carb. I find I don't feel nearly as hungry and it's easy to resist a sugary meal because I can just have it on a carb day.

Harder to find low carb restraunt/fast-food than vego or gluten free though, everything has rice, bread, or potato in it.

That's 'cause carbs are the shit


o/ me
I only eat food for the nutritional value.
I drink 4 mrp shakes a day and eat about 2 normal meals

Can you imagine how much of a noxious whore she is?

the fuck is wrong with you

I don't know dude

After eating enough to gain weight for a few months, food has become a mere annoyance. I've started to find "taste" in calorie dense, nutrient rich foods purely because I know I dont have to eat a fuckton of it, and its easy to prepare

Source please senpai

Wtf I love Anonymous now

Do you fuckers have no shame?


I'm doing keto and literally never hungry. Never have cravings. So basically food really is fuel because I have to force myself to eat it.

Not a skelly. Sitting over here at 220 lbs atm. Probly around 15% bf. Trying to cut that. It's working great, but I didn't think is ever be in a world where it was difficult to eat enough because of not being hungry.

Shave your taste buds off and insert nutritional rectally

Yes. Anyone who drinks soylent. And it's not good. Eating becomes a drag.

most of my protein comes from unflavoured whey and most of my fats come from tasteless coconut oil (i eat it with a spoon)

so yeah you could say i have reached that point

I had the same feeling when I did PSMF. I was eating just 1200kcals and I had to replace some of the meals with protein shakes because I simply couldn't eat that much food. People who say it's hard to diet are simply eating the wrong food.

I tried by limiting my intake to a diet that didn't leave any nutritional gaps, but only consisted of a small number of different foods. I just started craving oats and crb instead.

Going to try again by simplifying even further and using less seasoning.

I looked into soylent but can't afford that.

Isn't he that trap who killed himself

I don't understand. Why feeling shame?


Yes but I came from being a super skelly who didn't care for food very much so it wasn't much of a transition. Just gotta find a balance of sweet things with healthy stuff that keeps you from craving but maintains a good diet

I consume soylent for about 2/3 of my daily calories

>coconut oil
>not fish oil
>depends on unregulated powder for protein

spot the dyel

Only when I was hiking the Pacific crest trail a be doing 30 miles per day. I honestly just ate the same shit for months and by the end of it, I was eating my food mechanically because I was so bored of it.

No. Food is an important part of life, and you should take pleasure in it. Just learn to cook, then healthy =/= bad tasting.

Seriously wtf man

The "food is just fuel" meme is just vegan-tier virtue signaling about how much self control you have, it literally takes five minutes on Google to find thousands of cheap and delicious recipes that conform to pretty much any macros imaginable

Ive reached food is fuel mindset and its hell. I can barely hit my calories because i get no pleasure from the food i eat. I dont like it, and i want off this ride now

OP I got to that point. I was bulking on SS and TM and doing judo and was cooking a shitton of food to recover - was making spaghetti, stakes, pizzas myself - was ordering take out and eating tv meals - ate so much tasty food that I eventually got bored of it and now I give 0 fucks if I am hungry or not. I also get 0 cravings. In fact when I feel hungry it kinda feels fun. YMMV

We are the same, you and I. 4 MRP shakes, 2 meals, still hungry, thought of food makes me nauseous.

>coconut oil
>fish oil
>not flax seed oil
It's twenty-sixteen people

God bless you Anons.

Also, sauce please OP?

like said, plan your meals for every day and only snack on fruit or dark chocolate once a day.

I can avoid junk food easily thanks to this but I also do a cheat meal or two every week to avoid binging.

It's a pasty white grocery bag wearing starved hairy armpit trap vampire. Kill yourselves

>having sauce
>not passing it
That's not nice of you familia

Iam I the only one who likes females with hairy armpits?
I love to smell/lick them during sex, shit makes me wild af.

Am I gay, fit?

Order some Huel already. You don't need anything else

Nothing wrong with liking hairy women, user.
But that other shit you said, that's wrong and perverted and you're full on homo if that's what gets you hard.

I also like watersport and trannies aswell as women, so I guess by normy standards Iam perverted.

Stop looking at porn you fucking degenerate.

cant, I fap like 3-4 per day and Iam in my late 20's so Iam not just a horny teenager.

I guess I lost control over my penis a long time ago.

You can. You can be normal. Spend that time and energy in something productive and healthy.

like lifting and posting dank memes on 4chin?

>armpit hair
>dyed hair
all of these red flags
armpit hair is only hot when the girl has a thicc feminine body to balance things out

>licking and smelling a females pheromones makes you gay

How is eating only two substances a day healthy for you?

yes, i have. protip: just eat healthy.
it's hard for a week or so to stay away from garbage but it gets easier the longer you're at it.

>have your own apartment
>don't have candy, frozen pizzas, .. at home
>don't have friends (top kek. just don't get shitfaced drunk)
>get diet ketchup, ketchup light or whatever it's called where you live (5g of sugar on 100g)
>diet soda can help, but i wouldn't recommend it. the fizzy jew is real.

yeah I have. or at least I've reached a balance that works for me.

most of the time I eat stuff regardless of taste because I know it's good for my gains. ends up tasting good because psychologically I associate it with the improvements in the mirror. maybe once a week I will have some chips, or gummy bears, or like 500-800 calories of something just terrible for me. But I keep it at the one day because I don't want to get fat.

it's all about habit. just eat right for a month or so and your mind will change.

The dyed hair (when it's something unnatural like blue or green) is usually enough to know that a girl is batshit.

Back to /r/eddit with you faggot
And Need to kill them selves

Yep and growing out your armpit hair to be lolsonatural but getting tattoos/dyed hair/other unnatural shit? Into the trash it goes

Op here. Don't know source on image but it's most likely just some tumblr slut. I'd be surprised if you couldn't find the source with reverse image search

Also to the faggots saying it's gross, ur gay lemao

Also since this post I watched a lot of radu antoniu and kinobody and realized doing IF and eating the foods I enjoy later in the day is much more enjoyable than trying to become a nutrition robot

Anyone else feels like shit after eating junk food?

I ate a piece of cake for breakfast the other day and it made me feel bloated for the whole day

Yes. I've been eating boiled chicken with no spices at all for more than 3 years now. First year was hell. I can eat about 1-2 pounds of it a day now while cutting with no problem.

Inverse image search gives nothing. :(

I literally only think of food in terms of energy and density. I eat stuff that I enjoy as well but I pretty much only think about bulking which is hard af for me because I'm losing weight since I'm in basic training.

Next level.

I drink 3-4liters of milk every day and I bulked on 350gr of peanut butter a day as well. You're going to make it bro

The real pain is eating stuff that is absolutely bland or even worse has a taste day in day out in quantities that normal people can't stomach in a week


>It's gay to not like men that look perhaps vaguely like disfiguered women
I can't tell if this is mental illness or a cool maymay

Me, I hate eating, I force my self to eat when I'm with my gf on weekends.

I think I'm getting to into this whole Veeky Forums lifestyle the other day I was out with friends and drank too much then proceeded to vomit. Apparently after I threw up all I was saying was "fuck I just lost a fuck ton of calories I need to get some food."

I tried to do this, I got to eat white rice with nothing except salt.
It just doesn't work. Nowadays I eat normal (cereals, vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, chicken), zero lactose, and thanks to soy milk and supplements I pretty much get all the nutrients I need. I still find it fucking hard to reach 2500 daily cals. though, I don't know how fat fucks do it.

Bitch, a man eats to live, he does not live to eat. Grow up and stop being a selfish child with no impulse control.

i eat other foods obviously but 90% of what i eat is rice, buckwheat, potatoes, chicken, whey and coconut oil
i supplement fish oil so its fine, brah

you will understand once you've ben lifting for few years

literally got a girl like this coming over in a few hours. shes into getting beat up too. my dick is ready

Yes, dropped 20kg in half a year or less... then christmas came around and binging happened and never recovered.. Just go super strict for 2 weeks to a month and the urge just goes away.

Pic sauce plz?

I've been exactly like this ever since I was born. I never understood cravings or anything at all. I just eat a fuckton and get really butthurt when I'm hungry.

No, sauces usually don't have very much nutritional value. I can see you haven't achieved the mindset.

>Has anyone here actually achieved the "food is just fuel" mindset?
How does that impact on your enjoyment of the world's myriad wonderful cuisines?
I.e. How do you go about savouring a delicious French or Italian or Japanese meal if you think of food as 'mankind's gasoline'?

this is good advice
the best way to not eat candy/sugary stuff is to simply not buy it, if you get a craving at least you'll end up eating something that's not awful for you.

If that's a trap, I'm a 6.

Gived up cooking and came to that point. Too much to hassle for good taste in mouth. Coffee, shitty tvdinner and oats with milk will do fuel part

What are you? A 3?

>Kinsey scale
>Full homo
I'm saying I'd fuck a dude if that's a trap.

>most of my fats come from tasteless coconut oil
You idiot

> empty
> saturated
> fats

not gonna lie i would

I did for a pretty long time, I basically only ate chipotle and maintained a decent weight, now I'm a fat fuck (still only 180lbs at 5'10 though). At least my lifts have gone up :(