Getting a vasectomy in 2 weeks. am i gonna lose my gains

getting a vasectomy in 2 weeks. am i gonna lose my gains

but you'll be a cuck forever

>getting a vasectomy

why would you do that?

but i have kids with my wife

i dont want more than 2 kids

it doesn't matter
being infertile makes you less of a man

>not getting a vasectomy
Kids are the ultimate gains goblin.

>implying Veeky Forums gets laid
lmao, traps and homosex doesnt count

no, as long as you continue to exercise and diet you'll be fine.

Kids are an expensive time sink, they can get in the way of your own health. I say better off without them.

Do you really base manhood of fertility?

Looks like a guy with a mustache in the thumbnail

Only non-whites should get vasectomies.

only children do this.


escaflowne reddit archive

It's a good idea. Overpopulation and everything.

this! I can't believe anyone would willingly have children.

Only blacks, Indians and Arabs should get vasectomies.


Stop sex?

Why not just wait for your wife to become infertile after menopause?

she's like 33

Get her tubes tied? Why give up busting fat loads?

it doesn't change your cum you dummy it removes the sperm

That isn't what happens when you get a vasectomy

>I have no idea what vasectomy does

Won't change your testosterone or your ability to bust fat loads. They snip/cauterize or clip the vas deferens, which just carry newly forming sperm up into the seminal vesicles which is the bullet chamber for shooting sperm. Doesn't change the semen which is produced mostly by the prostate.

Testosterone produced in the teste itself is still connected directly to the testicular veins and production of testosterone shouldn't be affected at all.

Just because your wife has a son, doesn't mean you're not a cuck.

good goy

I got a vasectomy year ago, no hurt in gains or maintenance.
Sex got way better.
and no you fucktard it doesn't prevent you from having a fat load...

Please kill yourself.

We actually have the opposite in the west. That's why our countries are allowing so many shit tier immigrants into our countries. If this wasn't the case we would only be bringing educated and wealthy immigrants.

i'd be way too scared about possible complications during the incision. imagine the doctor fucks up and you end up with erectyle disfunction.

earth would be a better place with only half the mouths to feed.

>We actually have the opposite in the west. That's why our countries are allowing so many shit tier immigrants into our countries. If this wasn't the case we would only be bringing educated and wealthy immigrants.
do you actually believe that?

Tell me the truth

>why would you do that?
Pic related.

what gains?

you might as well become vegan while you're at that.

glad you shared that .jpg

Our populations are rising at an exponential rate and this had only been ecologically feasible due to our increased use in depletable energy sources like fossil fuels. Without fossil fuels our global carrying capacity is extimated at around 1 billion. No matter how you play the numbers, we are looking at some 8+ billion humans dying of starvation in the next century or two

wouldn't a dna test be enough tho?

I would've played the role of a cuck until she's past the time to get an abortion and then drop the bomb on her when she least expects it.

what's the point?

Just use birthcontrol or condoms. It seems very unnecessary to get an operation to become a cuck.

>wouldn't a dna test be enough tho?
See the user's second post.

If you're white we need more of your kids or we'll end up minorities

How many nigger fathers do you think get vasectomies?

Because birth control for women can be a bitch. Hormones aren't something you should be messing with. Condoms just makes everything so much less fun. If you don't want kids why not take care of it so that you don't have to worry about it?

>implying I care about future of the white race
I fucking hate kids, they are extremely expensive and they tie you down like nothing else.

Fucks over your testosterone I've heard. Not as much as getting castrated but still.

You don't understand birth control very well. Tldr it sucks.

Tying men's tubed is easier than women. Literally won't ask my wife to.

My Dr talked me out of vasectomy... too young he said. It's a hard decision... you're permanently ending your reproduction capacity.

Absolutely savage my friendo

I've heard that vasectomies sometimes cause insane amounts of pain afterwards.

Can't remember exactly but remember reading that as a concern when researching it, seems scary

its funny because the only people cuck enough to do it are white ppl

Don't let a breeder doctor talk you out of it. Just be sure it's something you want and talk to doctors until you find someone who's ready to do their job.

>willingly doing a sex change surgery

If you don't produce sperm you might as well be a woman.


Yes, but you really don't want to go through that process. Courts error on the side of women and while her lawyer is wasting the courts time you are paying a lawyer to respond to baseless allegations and probably having your wages garnished, money you will never get back even when she loses.

This. Just cause I let a bull fuck my wife doesn't mean I want to raise his kids again.

You know girls an just 'forget' to take the pill to have a kid.

Might as well use a pocket pussy.

do you people come from third world countries where you cant buy condoms at every corner shop known to man

also, who busts nuts inside women you don't know. thats got to be the stupidest shit ever. you virgins have weird warped realities


so you've never felt pussy

>Our populations are rising at an exponential rate

Whites are reproducing below replacement rate.

You're going to spend the weekend with your sack on ice. Guaranteed.

>also, who busts nuts inside women you don't know.

all the time my man
go back to hers, give her fake name (i use fake fb profile for tinder)
unmatch her afterwards


>Hormones aren't something you should be messing with.
Says Veeky Forums who does anything to get more test.