So Veeky Forums, what are you eating today? r8 my meal

So Veeky Forums, what are you eating today? r8 my meal


LOL that's not a 'meal', that's a 'light snack' at best. Step it up.

spotted the working classed britbong
2.5/10 too much beans
whats the orange sauce tho

>This is restuarant food in america

Just some hot sauce f a m

Guess where im from

Christ OP that chicken(?) looks dry as fuck

It was

Pad thai and chicken satay. Cheap as fuck thai place about a mile from my apartment, and they bring me a bowl full of thai chili flakes to make my shit as spicy as I want. Tip them large amounts of Dollars American




Outtakes - Cottage Cheese, 0.5 cup 82 3 1 14 459 3
Frozen Blueberry - Frozen Blueberry, 0.5 cup frozen 40 10 1 1 0 7
Melon - Honey Dew, 1 cup 64 16 0 1 32 14
Green Grapes - Green Grapes, 0.5 cup 31 8 0 0 1 7
Ezekial - Bread, 1 slice 80 15 1 4 75 5
Eggs - Fried (whole egg), 2 large 185 1 14 13 188 1
Bananas, raw, 4.2 ounce 90 23 0 1 1 12
Eggs - White only, raw, 3 large 51 1 0 11 164 1
Hiland - Almond Milk, Unsweetened, Original, 2 cup 60 4 6 2 360 1
Add Food Quick Tools 683 81 23 47 1,280 51

Fruit - Tomatoe, Campari, 1 1/2 cup chopped (2 tomatoes) 45 9 0 3 15 3
Dole - Spinich, 7 oz 35 7 0 0 28 0
Bumble Bee - Chunk Light Tuna, 1 can (85g) 50 0 1 11 180 0
Bananas, raw, 4.2 ounce 90 23 0 1 1 12
Green Grapes - Green Grapes, 0.5 cup 31 8 0 0 1 7
Melon - Honey Dew, 0.5 cup 32 8 0 1 16 7
Frozen Blueberry - Frozen Blueberry, 0.5 cup frozen 40 10 1 1 0 7
Outtakes - Cottage Cheese, 1 cup 163 6 2 28 919 6
Add Food Quick Tools 486 71 4 45 1,160 42

Bumble Bee - Chunk Light Tuna, 1 can (85g) 50 0 1 11 180 0
Dole - Spinich, 7 oz 35 7 0 0 28 0
Fruit - Tomatoe, Campari, 1 1/2 cup chopped (2 tomatoes) 45 9 0 3 15 3
Chicken Breast - Chicken Breast, 24 oz 840 0 15 138 0 0

Oh and the 'breakfast/lunch/dinner' is not some strict thing. And I'm not putting tuna in cottage cheese with fruit and crap. I just list everything I'll be having and eat it how I want to.

Still finishing this chicken and veggies off

> rice
> beans
Fine so far
> vanilla ice cream with caramel sauce
> whatever that thing on the top right is

>adding ketchup for flavour

I ate line shit today and I hate myself. I usually bring my lunch to work and eat breakfast at the station before the shift (I work EMS). Today, I didn't do either of those things. We were busy all morning. At around 1130 I ate two beam burritos and a steak doubledilla from taco bell. About half an hour ago, I ate an original sandwich and an 8 piece nuggets from chic FIL a. FML. At least I'm going to the gym tonight. I hate myself. I'm such a fatass. I'm never not bringing my food again.

Nice meme

Nigga your retarded

That's chicken with sauce and a chunk of avocado

Pumpkin seeds
Maca extract.

>thats not delicious hot sauce
>capable of upping metabolism via heat
>Capable of increasing test through BREATHING FIRE

24 oz of fucking chicken breast in one sitting. kill me.

havent eaten or drank anything since 9pm last night, its 7 now. cant stomach anything, i throw up 10 minutes after drinking water.. ive probly lost like 5 pounds today and im trying to bulk fml

Stake and benz

No not one sitting, I just put the whole days worth as one thing of course. I don't see a need to break thing sup into literal meals on myfitnesspal when it is all going to the same place (muh belleh).

wtf are all those autistic numbers? you could at least write p c f etc

To lazy since I just copy pasted it, but it is:

Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Sugar

steppn through

You fell for my ruse >:^)



epic meme