Other urls found in this thread:


>board-tans still exist

say fuck /cgl/ and go with Veeky Forums instead

I say we go with /cm/.
It'd be good for us to go with a cutey that actually likes how we look for once.

Veeky Forums wants you too loves

i say we fuck them all and post the photos on instagram

No homo or nothing but this
Tryna compete for cgl is lifting for grills.

H-hi Veeky Forums, maybe we could hang out some time and talk about Mishima or the Greeks! tee-hee.

cant we fug both lit and cgl?

/d/ it is then
Dubs confirms

Only match is the most conservative board on Veeky Forums

Y-yes please sir.

Only acceptable pairing

fuck off, Veeky Forums is the lamest board on Veeky Forums
>Check out this plain white t-shirt, I PAID $200 FOR IT!

Veeky Forums was brutal last ball. Fuck em.

Maybe a pure Veeky Forums date would be the change Veeky Forums needs...

I'd be in on finding out who they want to take then cuck them ftl

Enough of that bullshit, if we want the other boards to like Veeky Forums you can't pull petty revenge games. We're already getting false flag posting from other boards pretending to be us.


What's winter ball?

Damn that's adorable

Don't worry, it's just autism

I think /asp/ wanted Veeky Forums this year

Everyone knows Veeky Forums is gonna take either Veeky Forums or Veeky Forums to the ball but eye the traps from /lgbt/ the whole night and drunk text her later in the night. So we might as well take /lgbt/.

Veeky Forums here, /asp/ is shit ever since it became wrestling so i will not stand for it

>kicking out /grappling/, /bwf/, /climbing/ generals for pretend fighting

Think of the lewds tho
/asp/ thinking they are top shit with their fake wrestling moves, and Veeky Forums showing the weak manlets their place

No more /cgl/ forever. They are huge sluts. They're trying to get in /u/'s panties right now.


isn't that gay?

I think Veeky Forums
Aside from the meathead memes they don't bully us like /cgl/ or Veeky Forums
M-maybe we could read starting strength together, it'll be a first time for both of us

>M-maybe we could read starting strength together, it'll be a first time for both of us

>M-maybe we could read starting strength together, it'll be a first time for both of us


This thread is cancer in its' purest form

I second Veeky Forums. A qt bookworm gf is what's needed. With their brains and our brawn we'd be unstoppable.

>getting involved with the mentally ill

user pls

Their gender issues will go well with our body image issues. Come on. You think Veeky Forums is gonna be okay with us pinning?

Are there any Veeky Forums-Veeky Forums relations?
I mean, given the crossboard presence we might as well ask Veeky Forums, with the big reveal being they are the same tan.
>Or not, dunno, maybe it's just that fa/tg/uys more easily drop the name of their board.

She'll mistakenly hear we're pining for her, and be very ok with it.

how new are you ?

if dubs Veeky Forums, if trips we ask to /pol/

/pol/ is with /x/ this year.
he won't ride our tiger anymore.

Of course /cgl/ she's the one for us.

She's always been the one.
Just to make sure everyone is on the same page we're going to Carrie her aren't we?

A sense of propriety says that Veeky Forums, /cgl/, and Veeky Forums are all worth considering, but the tentacles say no matter how far you run the dark lord will find you when you tire.

claiming Cheekie for winter ball

only dubs can steal

Enough of this shit
Dubs counts as a vote for who we go out with
Trips decides

>dubs count as a vote
>but trips DECIDE
wtf is this, quidditch?

I say we take Veeky Forums, she needs to get out more and needs a strong man to defend her in the harsh world outside Harry Potter.

I'm seeing a girl at the moment that's always on Veeky Forums
praying to god my hyper autism won't fuck this over

>t shirt, jeans, boots/jordans
>wow i love ur outfit where 2 cop

Veeky Forums


How about we change things up this ball and ask /vp/ too join us? I know, I know, but consider this: they have some new games coming out and are really excited right now.
>are you a boy or a girl?

Not new I always hated this shit, made me cringe before we even had a word for that


If we're doing it on who's hot right now surely we should ask /pol/

You stole me

That's a good thing faggot. If board-tans go away, then it's a sign that board culture is officially dead.

As a former Veeky Forums x-boarder, I vote we take Veeky Forums

Garbage threads for autists


>Veeky Forums
>Harry Potter

only trips can beat dubs

You are a real autist if you want to go to some Veeky Forums meeting you know only social rejects and cringe autists are going there while you are me and my cute 5ft gf who lifts and swims will be having some real fun

God damnit lad, stop fucking bickering and vote here!

Can't we get /k/? They like the woods and some of us like cardio

/k/ goes with his wife /an/.

Also, since when did Veeky Forums care about the woods?
Veeky Forums is scared when not surrounded buy a power rack.

ask /hm/ out

pussy is pussy and a calorie is a calorie bro

/cgl/ says Veeky Forums is going with Veeky Forums and it's confirmed.
Are they lying?

>Implying I would take /cgl/ over Veeky Forums.

Veeky Forums can have them


trips for /an/

Dubs confirm

trips for /cgl/


>go with Veeky Forums
"N-nice rick owens shoes"
"Thanks, I'm gonna go smoke a cigarette in my geo tracker."

fuck those 18 year old faggots, and not faggots like homosexuals but faggots like fucking gay faggots.

I want everyone who is playing along with this to die

Veeky Forums!
Confirmed Veeky Forums said yes!

/flit/ Confirmed.

Veeky Forums reporting, we look forward to the winter ball

S-shit. Veeky Forums is actually a qt. Let's not fuck the pooch her lads, what's our pre-ball pump up workout?

What is Veeky Forums's board tan?

Eh sorry, already have a boyfriend. I only like mature guys anyway

Whats up with Veeky ForumsĀ“s obsession with /cgl/?
Do any of you have confirmation they even look decent or are want the D?

They seem to be emotionally cold as fuck, even by chick standards

We ditched the zero and got with the hero, man!

Don't you have an oven that needs checking?

>We ditched the zero and got with the hero, man!
What doesnt even remotely answer my question though

Fuck /cgl/ bunch of cocktease sluts who dick everyone around.

Veeky Forums or Veeky Forums. We always end up with Veeky Forums even after making fun of them all year so Veeky Forums could be a nicr change.

/lgbt/ is an obvious choice also.



You want the gayest board on Veeky Forums to go with a conservative board?..

>Veeky Forums+Veeky Forums
I want legit homos and 40 year old virgin hambeasts to go and stay go
>/cgl/+Veeky Forums
I dont want to go to a ball with no girl whos going to dress up like its the 1600s and cry when other girls dont like her
>Veeky Forums+Veeky Forums
Literally gains+gains so its perfect.

Source on OPs pic?

Its literally an average woman with no assets trying to make up for it by posing.

What is this shit seriously
Are you fucking retarded?

user u gay

no guys who ask for source on random fucking women who could just be some girl off the fucking street are gay
You want to see more of a girl looking like this? go outfuckingside or just google "girl" and see the results come pouring in

This is Veeky Forums


Veeky Forums's board-tan is qt as fuck. I particularly like the subtle shading at her crotch to subconsciously suggest pubes/vagina.


>this thread
>Veeky Forums finally maturing enough to pick the smart sensible choice instead of a bunch of cock teasing sluts or faggy twinks

I'm proud of you guys.

We should take our DYEL asses to Veeky Forums and then max our deadlift so they at least accept to go so they can studie our levers or some shiet, and then blush at then making numbers.

It will be a little abusive relationship to begin but I think we have a lot to gain brahs.

/pol/ is with Veeky Forums. You can have that slut /x/.

>when people keep recommending boards after the thread has decided.

It's in every board.