Is he natty?



If he is natty he has godlike powers of regeneration. Now, his wife's (?) boobs, those sure as hell AIN'T natty.

John Cena once talked about how he would never say that he has taken steroids, but he would also never say that he hasn't.

So, no, he's not natty.


Cena has never violated the WWE Wellness Policy. He's clean.

He used to be a bodybuilder so he's not natty

This. He's not even that big. WWE has the strongest drug testing policy in the world after you know who died of roid rage.

Unless you can prove he tests positive anyone doubting him are just little people making baseless accusations

No he's on HLR.
Hustle, loyalty, respect.

This. I'm the same size as Cena and i'm drug free.

>This. He's not even that big. WWE has the strongest drug testing policy in the world after you know who died of roid rage.

Except you're a retard who has no idea what he's talking about. Lesnar pissed hot after one series of tests with USADA.
Every faggot on that roster is juiced to the tits, except for the pussies that look like CM Punk.

Lesner doesnt get tested by the wwe because hes part time, same as the rock. Cena still probably doesnt get tested

How do you explain people like Ryback then?


WWE tried to bury Ryback because they couldn't hide him under the wellness policy forever and Ryback rage quit because of all the jobbing he had to do.

Cena and Seth Rollins and other roidfags at least don't look like total cartoon characters so the media will never know that they don't get tested for anything but street drugs.

CM Punk?
Dude the only guy in all of WWE who's not on enhancing drugs is fucking Nick Foley.
And he's probably on mind blowing amounts of pain killers and speed.

>nick foley

Honestly this.

I don't know why people claim athletes are on steroids, they are already in the best shape of their lives, why would they inject crap to into themselves.

All WWE roster is on the juice

John Cena probably doesn't look as large because he is proportional, but he is almost Klokov size, he is big as fuck


This is adorable

he's albanian. thats it.

Are you fucking retarded?

oh hunny

uh theres no one in that picture op

I wonder what his routine and diet looks like. He must be at advanced stats.
