Alright so I've been lifting for 8 years. The most I've squatted is 455lbs

Alright so I've been lifting for 8 years. The most I've squatted is 455lbs.

Literally the only other person I've ever seen squat 4 plates is one dude who was obviously on steroids.

Am I I god amongst natty average men?

Literally sounds like medium fish small pond

Alright so I've been lifting for 10 years. The most I've wrist curled is 30lbs.

Literally the only other person I've ever seen wrist curl 20lbs is one dude who was obviously on steroids.

Am I I god amongst natty average men?

That's cool. Please post a pic of your legs and the city you live in plus type of gym u go to

Pro tip: you won't even post a pic of your legs

you look like shit, try dieting and doing some volume work to make it look like you actually lift, otherwise whats the fucking point?

This. Go to a serious gym and you'll get a reality check.

Both of you post pics of legs

Bad b8 my dude

Maybe next thread

Except I'm 100% serious. Post pic of your legs then. U literally want to be known around here by making an account so post your stats and pics bitch

I don't have a legs shot but I trip so fucks like you know what fucks like me lift. I squat 485 and deadlift 6pl8 for reps

Yeah, Boardie is legit strong. 455 is a pretty good squat for a normie tho.

1)Youre not natty
2)you're over 250lbs
3)you're lying

Lol @ not posting leg pics. I have these pics saved on my phone and uploaded
(inb4 my pics are fake, will retake pics)

I dont even lift. Just bodyweight squats and lunges


>Just bodyweight squats and lunges

We can tell

y do u do this?

y do u troll the normies?

Why not gARRY

Why are you struggling so hard with 275?

My legs are x-rated, sorry bby.

There are two plates on either side that make it weigh more than 275

this guy

You're sitting in bed, right now, but won't post pics of your legs? Bro....

Shit I mean chair

Whoops won't give the same angle lighting

Ah fuck it I'm in.

This bitch ass boyos think 455 is fuckin shit? I'm weak/natty as fuck and 455 is well within the realm of possibility for me

What kind of bitch boy only squats 455 after eight years, damn?

Look at this bitch ass no teardrop motherfucker

filename says "snapchat"? That cause he gonna snap his fuckin twig legs in half tryna squat the bar? No fuckin way he squatting more than the broomstick this granny ass lookin motherfucker damn boy ur legs lookin weaker than the resolution game that bitch ass tv got.

should've spent half that time working on your calves as to actually look good

No legs? Name fag pls

Oh no :(

This bitch 100% serious? Naw dog ur 100% a JOKE look at ur fucking LEGS. The only JOKE worse than ur LEGS is ur SQUAT depth, cause I know if those bitch ass legs be """"""""squatting""""""" 455 lbs ur knees are barely bending. Don't even call it a quarter squat, motherfucker, they have to use orders of magnitude on the denominator when they describing the fraction of a squat u doin if u thinkin u squatting """""""455""""""

>legs looking small even at that cheating angle

Why are you avoiding weighted barbell squats?

I'm so sad you nonlifting faggot

Here, have some lying in bed, natty legs
Btw I have done 455 for either a triple or 3 singles without racking the weight, depending on how you look at it

Alright lads, I honestly don't think I can ever write a roast as good as that ever again.

Fucking love you amigo

Gimme a few babby girl don't you worry

Take your trip off.

Don't ever roast me or my son again


i laughed out loud, good job. unless you voted for trudeau, then fuck you.

geez you'd think Veeky Forums, strong men would be a bit more confident. what a bunch of insecure faggots


whoooooaaaah who are you calling insecure? Did you read my "savage af" roasts?

Also don't use "faggot" like that, it's offensive and makes you sound like you're twelve.

>over the age of 16
>using snapchat

i mean come on

Not that guy btw.

You're not funny, you're not quirky and you're trying way too hard, you should kill yourself.

Dummy it's the 2016 method of sending dog snaps to my friends

It's too late, I just destroyed this thread by calling the twelve year old out for using "faggot" as an insult.

When this shit goes down in flames, please rememeber my roasts; they were the only good thing in this thread.

>owning dogs as pets
>not eating them


most people aren't trying to lift heavy weights user

there's almost literally no point ever going beyond 3x10 at 3 plates as far as muscle development

My legs are too hairy to really show off how good they really look.
Is shaving your legs still for faggots or is it acceptable?

lol this nigga has some lowbob ambitions

>You're not funny,

yeah my ambition is to squat 5 plates for no reason and not compete and eventually blow my fucking joints out

I'm stronger. I'm bigger. I'm OP. Get BTFO you dumbass retard faggot

its like you think 405 for 3 sets of 10 wouldnt give you larger legs than 315 for the same reps.


everyone above this line, please step in

it wouldn't, you could probably do 225 and get the exact same results

you don't just become exponentially larger forever

can you even squat 315 for 1?

underrated post

i can squat 450

>i can squat first year of lifting weights

okay then

someone upload this to wikifeet

Boardie what are your leg measurements anyway?

28.5" circumference mid thigh.

I think I was pretty fat when I took that measurement so that's a pretty rough estimate

I think my hamstrings account for that more than they should, lol. Should be hitting quads harder than I am

>training legs ever
You see, once people realize training legs that hard is retarded (read: unless you're a real PL) they stop and go on a brosplit

>I'm small
Sup small

Just FYI I'm OP and I think the only place I used faggot was in this pic

and GFY for being upset at the weird "faggot" you faggot

You are delusional

Nice. I want your legs 'fat' or not.

You ever measure up by the top of the leg? You'd probably get 31 or so.

What is your 1rm squat? Pls tell us again

Exactly. U don squart 4 plates (like i can)

Stfu then.

I just wanna Post my legs

It's in this thread

You can find it I believe in you

Thx bby

I haven't measured that high up, I'd be very surprised if they were that big, they don't really taper like that


It's 275lbs


Wasted trips

Do you actually think is 275 or are you trolling?

No. That's literally 275lbs.

Two 45s. One 25

Okay buddy enjoy your thread

>tfw pause back squat 455lbs for 30 seconds
>tfw front squat 455lbs for doubles

G E T. O N. M Y. L E V E L. P L E B I A N.





You can see 4 plates you dumb fuck when he goes down. At the very least you can see more than 2

Even if it was 275, it's still more proof than anyone else posted

Ok. I'll continue to LOL at your tiny legs muster up the strength to squat 275 for TWO reps while you talk shit to a guy who warms up with 275x5 LMFAO.

garbage form on the last rep bruh don't hurt yourself

U misquoted you samefagging virgin lmfao how sad!

Yeah man my squats are just so awful in general

Why are you such a leglet? Go do some squats.

I didn't. I just quoted boardie to point it out. Considering there's 22 posters here there's no way you wouldn't know who it's directed at.

Also considering there's only 22 posters, it's doubtful you're not just trolling, which is sad. You got shit legs and you're lying about your squat.

Strength included.

U step up to the bar like you got something to prove. But your feet aren't even equal LOL

well now hold on I didn't say all that

This thread

You should have. His squats (and bench and deads and weight class) need work.

why are you so mad at this tripfag on here? at least he posted proof of him squatting some amount of weight.

post proof of you even squatting bodyweight.

I'm not the angry user posting all over this thread, and I don't do squats with an ezmode bar.

iktfb. I've managed to do alright for how bad they were, but after doing this, realized that I needed to go back to lighter weight and fix my form.
pretty much this. I'm pretty sure he's baiting, but ah well, this thread is entertaining enough.

>and weight class
SSB pls no
Not now

dat bar path
>ALL ABOARD!!!!!!!!

If you were a 308 (or at least a lanky 275) these things wouldn't happen.

yeah, no joke. I wish I'd realized it was that bad sooner.

Stop following yourself in the mirror and look at a static point above the mirror.

Wow OP I've been here for a long time but I gotta say you've got some next level type of autism m8

But I'm stronger and bigger? R U MAD?

thanks, I'll try that.

Also. Break at your hips first, not your knees. Your knees are breaking way before your hips which is messing up your bar path. Do some hip mobility exercises and bodyweight squats against a wall before your sets.

Last thing wrong with your squat is your lack of melanin, gonna be a major factor in hitting big numbers.

Breaking at the hips first and hip mobility I've already started doing.
>lack of melanin