Vices thread

What's the secret to getting stronger whilst still getting rekt drinking and smoking every weekend?

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Deca durabolin

Drinking is not gonna stop you from getting stronger, just don't drink too many calories if you're trying to lose weight, get a light beer or just drink liquor or mixed drinks mixed with something with little/no calories (like soda water). I even fuck around with weights when I'm drunk and watching a movie sometimes.

Smoking is worse, because it's bad for your lungs so you will get worn out bu workouts easier. If you're just doing it on the weekend it's not too bad. Maybe switch to cigars or a pipe, still bad for you but you don't inhale so it won't fuck with your breathing as much. Or use Swedish snus or e-cigs, basically no downside to those.

Actually I posted saying smoking just because that's what most people do, but I'm an oral user. Copenhagen every weekend.

I just feel like it kills my ability to recover and assimilate dem calories, even for days afterwards

Alcohol doesn't kill gains that's a myth

Don't overdo it, stay hydrated, get enough sleep

The biggest problem with drinking is that it's correlated with staying up late and not drinking enough water and not eating enough good food. It fucks up your sleep cycle too. Minimize the impact of these elements through good behavior if you must drink.



It isn't the estrogen I'm necessarily worried about but my lungs. I'm relatively strong but I sound like an asthmatic walrus after a set of squats.

On a plus side It feels incredible doing some deep stretches on a body high.

I just love that dank nasty kush tho

Overdoing it is the best part. There's no point drinking if you aren't getting wasted

just vape that shit nigga

I think you can stay fit if you're either binge drinking heavily once a week or drinking moderately all week. Any more than that and it will interfere with workouts.

I do but if someones got a blunt I'm not going to turn down.

Moderate single use does not significantly inhibit test and other hormones. Higher doses and regular drinking, however, do significantly decrease testosterone.

Note that most regular drinkers are technically "abusers".

It's a little more complicated with nicotine, but for all intents and purposes, it's fair to consider it an inhibitor of everything we like here.
Aydos K, et al (2001)
Fávaro WJ, Cagnon VH (2008)
Favaretto AL, et al (1993)
Patterson TR, Stringham JD, Meikle AW (1990)
Oyeyipo IP, et al (2010)
Jana K, Samanta PK, De DK (2010)
Carvalho CA, et al (2012)
Fávaro WJ, Cagnon VH (2006)

Mendelson JH, et al (2003)
Istvan JA, et al (1995)
Ponholzer A, et al (2005)
Dai WS, et al (1988)

Note that (objective) research into smoking has been difficult for the longest time. Big Tobacco has been monopolizing that market and government funding was therefore dried out for actual researchers. And test just happens to be not in the top ten list of how smoking fucks you up for your average normie.
Shit, even ED and smaller erect sizes doesn't seem to be high on the list. Even though that would probably scare off most edgy teenagers.

Can give a bit of advice on how to quit this shit, if anyone is interested. Just wont be posting more studies. Can't be bothered.

Drink as a reward, not because you're a retard.

Nicotine increases human growth hormone:

wtf I love smoking now

Every Friday and Saturday I drink as a reward for busting my ass at work all week

Have to step in to rep the Arizer Solo as a supreme portable vape, can't recommend it enough, srs

well once in a blue moon won't kill you.

the texas method desu

just don't get blackout drunk and only go out on friday or saturday. you can afford to be a little weaker on your volume day but not your intensity day. never go out the day before a session.

Also interesting to note that hops, which is in beer, is estrogenic. Red wine has resveratrol which is supposed to be good.

*intensive purposes

Those are talking about smokers and the changes are minimal.
The changes have been exaggerated by popsci (compare for average steroid user) or rather: The methods are so fucking specific, that it doesn't apply to anyone at all.
Note the deficiencies usually have a much greater effect than slight increases over the norm.

Also the decreases in stuff like work load and performance greatly outweigh the potential benefits. Extra GH doesn't mean shit if you can't put in the extra training.

I binge hard on alcohol every weekend and I don't feel back to normal until Thursday, Monday and Tuesday are exhausting and I feel depresses as fuck

>tfw drunk every Friday Saturday and Sunday morning till night
>tfw alcoholic

I used to be an alcohol brother

Quitting is hard as fuck but the best thing you can do.

Shit sucks man but I'm alot better than I used to be, for around 4 years I was drunk literally every single day

I agree that getting blackout drunk is the best, but OP asked how to preserve his gains and I'm giving an honest answer.

In don't do drugs or drink.

But every time I go to the strip club I take a stripper home fuck her and end up falling head over heals for her. It fucks up my gains because I end up going like 5 times a week to see them

Hey bro, it's just a doggy dog world

Quitting drinking was the best thing I done for gains. It was really holding me back more than I thought.

Yeah when I was drinking 12+ beers everyday it was hard to make gains, I was drinking 12 beer minimum a day for around 2 years and I seem to make more gains now that I only get drink 3 days a week

Nah, I'm pretty sure it's actually "intents and purposes" :/

And thank you user. If you're still here, could you share some of your tips for quitting? I would legitimately like to, or at the very fucking least cut down. It's just that this year, I roomed with a bunch of people i've partied with for a long time and have fallen into their habits of getting destroyed every weekend. Prior to this, I almost exclusively lived with potheads and lifters who mainly stayed in on the weekends, watched movies, played video games etc. So it wasn't hard to resist the influence. Now, the fun is right outside my door, and the convenience store is literally right down the street. So despite my hating myself at the beginning of every week, I find myself trotting down to the little shop every Friday afternoon and picking up 40's and a can of dip.

I also have found that lifting during the day and drinking heavily that night, COMPLETELY fucks me up the next day. It's not so much a matter of not being able to perform in the gym after a night of getting drunk, I can do that pretty well, but I think I'm just absolutely unable to recover, and it shorts out my immune system and muscles and everything else.

No shit idiot 12 beer everyday? No gains be made doing that