Does /fit like death metal?

Does /fit like death metal?

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Well memed friend


Yeah but I only listen to real death metal.
Pic related.

/ยต/ cancer pls go

Fallen was unironically good album tho

this is my favourite death metal band

>a great break up stories thread gets purged
>this bullshit is allowed to remain

>he says while bumping a thread from over an hour ago that was going to fall off of page 10 soon anyways

>walk in to the gym

>Death metal
Fucking triggered.

>/r9k/ faggotry that has nothing to do with lifting gets deleted


>Dollar Store bait

Good evanescence (Moody written songs)

Shity evanescene (post Moody)
>Open Door
>What? We have to name our new crappy album, well let just call it Evanescence EP again, our original fans have fled so no one will remember)
>Together Again
>All new shit that isn't good (i.e everything)

Nope, only old school Jazz, pic very related

Fucking hell triggered my ptsd from when im skipping songs on pandora in the gym and this emo fuckette's mug fills up my screen and i hit skip again and again rapidly im pressing skip, but she wants everyone to hear her fucking tunes so she paid extra and i cant skip, it justs goes "DONG DONG DONG" and says "due to licensing restrictions this song cant be skipped" and everyone's watching me and it looks like im smashing this lady's face with my thumb because that's how i throng my dong, but its really just because i dont want to hear her yell about waking up while some cant-sing fucker slurs "WEK MEEYUP" in the background. Fucking hell, Veeky Forums. Fucking hell.

> Kenny G
> jazz

I'm honestly impressed with how gay this band is.

best workout music

good album

>listening to evanescence
why am I not surprised? do you even lift?

>not listening to thy art is murder
>not listening to lamb of god
>not listening to superior whitechapel
It's like you don't even want to make it

>Not lifting to Behemoth

Not gonna make it.


i'm not listening to some weeb soundtrack

Yes, It is how one makes GAINZ.
If you listen to anything else, you are a cucked nu-male manlet.

mildly triggered

If you're not listening to Amon Amarth while lifting, you're doing it wrong.


this is some good bait

it's a /mu/ forced meme

My Immortal is their only good song

>Linkin Park

I had so much nostalgia from that band. I haven't listened to them in years.

> mfw last day of High school circa summer/ December 2007 on a Tuesday.
> have last game with friends at the arcade as tradition on Friday arvo's. Time crisis, Initial D, tekken.
> left at around sunset. The mall was like this tinge of amber I've never seen, reminded me of twilight town from kingdom hearts 2.
> "Shadow of the day" played in mp3 as I walked home.

I still get chills when I think about it.

Thanks for the post dude, I needed to be reminded of that. Might have a playlist of LP tonight, or go visit the arcade. Maybe dust off the PS2

Fav album senpai?
I haven't listened to anything past the Satanist Im probably missing out on heaps

Oh god fuck you for reminding me this exists

triphop, glitch electronic, same mood as screamo without the screaming.

Fuck YES.

Not normally but my friend got me into Amon Amarth which is 10/10 lifting music.

Great post desu

>throng my dong


desu I haven't really listened too much to albums other than Evangelion and The Satanist but I'm pretty sure there is more gold to be found.

Might try just picking an older album and listen to it through and through next time I work out.

Apostasy and Demigod are pretty good.
In no particular order.

Christgrinding avenue is pretty sweet
Rome 64ce + Slaying the prophets of Isa is good also.

At the left hand ov god is probably my fave closely followed by Christgrinding av. Kriegsphilosophie and Arcana Heriticae (the fill 30s in is fucking orgasmic)

Conquer all
Slaves Shall serve
Sculpting the throne ov seth are probs my picks

I want to hold you user

My gym plays at least one linkin park song every day

Y-you too

Death Metal no, Though i do listen to Static-X in the gym from time to time.

No I like rare techno and house and experimental music. My favourite podcast are louche, resident advisory and XLR8R. My favourite mix album ever is Nathan Fake Balance 005. My favourite current labels are Giegling, 1080p and Firecracker records.

Some experiential metal is cool, but mainstream stuff like OP's pic related is crass, aesthetically retarded and is possible even worse than EDM (on account of it being around for longer)

Any other Veeky Forums posters into patrician music? or do you all non-ironically listen to squeaky vocal gay trance music?

Static-X is one of the few bands from my childhood that i still enjoy. Wayne died way too soon, what a shame.

Death metal is faggot music. Only derivatives are good, like melodeath or deathcore.


reminder that pop punk is the only Veeky Forums approved musical genre


nah its too negative

What weeaboo ass gym do you go to

It's actually unfathomable how anyone could be this much of a goddamn pleb.

> current year
> not doing reps for Odin while listening to Heidevolk, Tyr, or Amon Amarth.

Well memed my friend.

Ill cuddle u too senpai N-no homo.

>unfathomable how anyone could be this much of a goddamn pleb

This... So much this

Parkway Drive
Shades of Black

>Amon Amarth

Your friend has good taste, user.



This gave me feels.

> you will never play kingdom hearts for the first time again
> you will never play csgo with your friends at the internet cafe after school.

Simpler times

Fuck I'm depressed now

>utterly shitty music


Fuck off amy is yummy af

>tfw it's black metal season

Yeah lad.
I had a pretty mediocre time in highschool.
But for some reason its the little things i miss like the fps comps and the routine

>tfw you have over 30 gbs of NGE music

Post your faves senpai. Are they good?