This is it brothers. I'm fucking sick of not making gains, fucking goddamn sick of it...

This is it brothers. I'm fucking sick of not making gains, fucking goddamn sick of it. Ive been hitting the gym for a good 2 years now and I thought my body would be much different than what it is now. Pic related is me right now. This piece of shit body is what I've accomplished in 2 years, the bulk of which has been gained in the past 6 months. I'm tired of seeing people younger than me going to the gym for less time than me have a better body than me, it fills me with this sense of rage and envy which I turn inwards. I'm just going to put down all of the things I do on a daily basis, please someone tell me if I'm doing something wrong

>Cardio once a week on Sunday but light basketball for 30 minutes every day
>4 egg whites and 2 scoops protein a day. My diet consists mainly of chicken, I occasionally also eat oats when I feel like it. Don't know how many calories I've been getting but my weight is increasing
>been doing PHAT routine for past 6 months. I've made marginal gains in this span of time.

I'm fucking sick of it, brahs. I just want to make it but when I'm in a T-shirt I don't even look like I lift. It's depressing and infuriating. On top of that I'm a short fuck.

>61 KG

Post routine and diet

its time to jump on.

You look fine what's the probl-


KEK get fucked

>not eating egg yolks
>not counting calories
>wondering why he's not making it

switch up routines senpai. or stick with the phat one for a while longer if its gotten you the most gains so far.


not all of us were born to be natty gods. you need juice

Post main lifts

bench ?
Squat ?
DL ?

Post starting lift numbers

Post Routine

Post height/weight/age

Post macros

Do more reps/increase your weight on lifts

Eat more. You're fucking 1 plate of weight. You're literally warmup weight for every lift except curls. If you were trying to be an impressive curl weight, then you accomplished your goals

Bench 24 KG dumbbells each hand

Deadlift 70 KG

Squat 50 KG but I'm going to start doing harder

OHP 16 KG Dumbbells each hand

...are you serious or is this not op?

Start going to a gym

You spent two years not even trying.

dude are these numbers a fucking joke? after 2 years of lifting?

this has to be b8 thread right?

Did you even follow a program?

>If you were trying to be an impressive curl weight, then you accomplished your goals

Is this a joke?

OP, your body fat percentage tells me you eat right but don't lift hard enough.

Try creatine before you go on any gear. Also, you should be sweating and pumping that shit out until failure, squeezing with every rep. It's your fault you aren't making gains. Stop blaming it on your body that doesn't even make any fucking sense.

Jesus Christ

No wonder you look like shit.


but how much do you eat

Fucking kek

if you eat more than 2500cals a day and still squat less than 1pl8 it's time to kill yourself boyo

I'm serious, man. I even put serious effort into doing it, I'm not memeing. It's actually as hard as I can try. What am I doing wrong?

Since you admitted you are not counting calories, my best guess is that you are actually undereating and/or eating with fucked up macros.

You are also lacking the logical progression of lifts expected in the first two years, so you either went heavy waaaaay too fast and now you've been stalling for a long time now, or maybe you are not pushing yourself with more weight in each workout.

you're the issue not your body. if you aint going for failure you're not doing anything. on the last set you should be struggling with each rep

How much sleep do you get?

Have you had your test checked?

What program do you do?

What is your diet?

>work out 5-6 days a week gauging yourself if you need rest
>getting atleast 8 hours of sleep
>eating 500 calories less than TDEE
>going to failure on some sets

clearly you are not doing all of these so how about you re evaluate. its not complicated man you just gotta be disciplined and work hard in the gym

And absolutely this.

Also OP, you're not eating any carbs according to your diet. I suggest you to use a serious meal planner (like scooby's) and keep lifting.

Also, I think you should try creatine as this user say.

Protip : Getting muscles is difficult, takes time, and patience.