Alright Veeky Forums time to stop kidding myself and get a second opinion. Is my hair thinning...

Alright Veeky Forums time to stop kidding myself and get a second opinion. Is my hair thinning? I've always had fairly fine hair but lately I've noticed my hairline becoming more and more transparent. My fringe also appears thin and barely covers my forehead like it used to.

Lately I've even noticed finding tiny wiry, weak hairs along with my normal hair which is really starting to freak me out. Are these the early onset signs of balding?

I'm 25 years old and my father was also bald. He was diffusely thin and wore a comb over for most of my childhood years.

What do you think fit? I'm hoping I caught it early and can at least stop it for a few years so I can enjoy the rest of my 20's in peace.

Also balding thread.

Your hair looks fine on the front, and on your crown there is always a spot where you can see the scalp due to the hair parting. Aside from having a fro, there really isn't a way to avoid having a part in your hair.

A hairline like that at the age of 25? I'm mirin. Nothing's wrong with your hair. If you do see slight regression, jump on Finasteride.

I know you're right, but I have this nagging feeling it's way thinner than it used to be. Maybe I should go to a dermatologist and get this sorted out.

It depends on your mothers side because the balding gene comes from the X chromosome which you get from your mom. So if your grandfather on your mothers side didnt bald then its more of a possibility that you wont bald.

Yeah finasteride will be my first stop. Shit's cheaper than "vitamins". I'm just worried about these people screaming about their dick dying. I use it a lot so I can't have it dying on me.

He did bald at like 70 years old. All my uncles have full thick hair too.
But what worries me is that my hair is not like my uncles. It falls flat and lifeless without product in it. I also read that it being entirely dependent on your mother may not be true. Bald fathers have higher incidents of bald kids.

Has anyone here tried finasteride? 25-40% extra hair + thicker hair seems like it's too good to be true.

Shave your head, embrace the chrome dome.

I'd rather have a chrome dome by choice than be forced into it.

You're fine dude, if you really worry then supplement minoxidil although that has it's side effects as well. Pumpkin seed oil also has it's benefits.

There's also a difference between a maturing hairline and balding. Do you shed a lot of hair during showers?

Define "shed" when I condition my hair I can find upward for 10-15 hairs if I really search.

Goddamn, this board is on average pretty insecure, but you /balding/ posters are the cream of the crop.

Even the manlets are considered a meme. You people are so goddamn insecure. For a board advertising masculine stoicness and driving towards 'making it', it hurts to see men such as yourselves so petty and self-pitying. You people are the reason why we'll all be dead in 20 years.

Also don't wrinkle your forehead like that you twat, we can't judge your hairline properly

I don't get your point, if people are worried about balding and want to stop it from happening what is the problem here?

Plus there's a lot of drugs and methods out there that can be used to treat, stop and reverse hairloss.

>One of the only points on someones face they can change and use to express themselves as they want


looks ok, i cant compare with a before pic

are you stressed out at all?

If you're on test or creatine id suggest stopping as both have been shown to increase male pattern baldness

>my father was also bald
Personally, I've never seen an error in that pattern. It's just a matter of time before you go bald.

>are you stressed out at all?

Look at his forehead. Certainly looks like someone who stresses out easily.

How true is that, cause that sounds like bro-science or old wive's tale.

>"Expressing" yourself with hair.


Protip: Ask your doctor to prescribe you Provigil, not Propecia.

Literally the same exact drug but Provigil is like 1/20th the price because it's sold in a higher dose for prostate cancer. You have to cut the tablets into fourths, but it's extremely worth it.

>Mfw I first noticed it when I was looking at my reflection in a bus window

Yes, your hair is thinning. No you can't stop it unless you want to inhale Rogain or whatever its called forever.

Welcome to the machine

how to hide balding?

this. doing the same

Wow, I never realized how bald he looked

How the fuck do I cut my propecia pills into 4ths without breaking them apart? JESUS FUCK

anyone of you who uses medication or attempts to reverse or hide they're mpb in anyway

i just want you to know that you're a HUGE FAGGOT

that's all

buy a guillotine made for pills from your local pharma

>t. Guy who waited too late and can no longer save his hair

nope, not even bald bro

just wanted you to know what a huge faggot you are

Ok, sure thing captain Picard.

whatever you have to tell yourself dude, but deep down you know the truth

>go to brush hair after a long period of it being under a hat or tied up
>anywhere from 10-20 hairs fall out every time
>hairline has been receding faster than ever over the last year
>mom's side is mostly bald

I'm fucked, aren't I?

Pretty sure most people agree that balding can be stopped and reversed slightly if caught early.

What truth? Having hair is hugely preferable to losibg it. Who in their right mind would willingly go bald?

I'm 28 and so far so good but I have noticed a slightly receding hairline. If I stay the course I'd probably be luke rockhold mode by 35ish and that's okay but I am afraid of it accelerating.

Should I start rogaine or whatever? I don't want to be tied to a product though and have all my hair fall out if I have to miss a month of it.

dude wtf are you talking about? provigil is what fighter pilots take so they dont fuck up and bomb the wrong bosnian village

He probably means proscar

It's a mature hairline. Very normal for men when they get in their ~30s. I have it and it's been the same since I was 22ish, I'm 34 now, hasn't changed since.

OP, you have nothing to currently worry about.

yeah that looks pretty bad man. I don't know what I'd do if I were you

fuck I'm 25 and nearly bald, fuck you OP

Id be more afraid of the lines on your forehead. Your skin looks old and wrinkly for a 25yo

Really? I'm 31 and my hairline has not receded at all.

>tfw just scared myself into buying 8 months worth of finasteride in the form of proscar

Wish me luck, I'll be sure to post pics if my dick falls off.

this is full of shit, that's not how genes work. You get potentially any gene from either side, dormant or active it doesn't matter.

Having said that it still proved true with me. My mums dad was the only bald guy in my entire family and I somehow got the bald gene.

This is how genes work you complete dipfuck.
Except the gene for male baldness isn't on the X-chromosome.

Baldness isn't dictated by a single chromosome.

This is partiay true. One of the major genes for MPB comes from mother's side but even so there are plenty of shit balding genes your dad could've passed to you.

So, even if my family except my father have full heads of hair, I'm still likely to go bald because of his shitty genes?