How the fuck do you deal with normies getting high and mighty about your nutrition choices and making fun of you?

How the fuck do you deal with normies getting high and mighty about your nutrition choices and making fun of you?

>started working out recently
>told my parents I am fixing my diet and will prepare my own food
>they laugh and act sarcastically (user, make food? make me laugh haha)
>made lentils 2 days ago
>dad came downstairs and saw the bag
>'Wow son what the fuck are they? You won't get big and strong eating those, they look like chicken pox'
>explain they are lentils
>she comes in and they both spend 20 minutes telling me it 'smells like a paki food' and 'I should just eat some crisps and chocolate'
>yesterday they went and got KFC
>told them not to buy me anything
>they came back with an entire bargain bucket just for me
>had little dots drawn on Colonel Sanders' face
>'Kentucky Fried Chicken Pox for our healthy son, this'll fatten you up lentil boy!'
>eat the bucket to avoid feeling guilty

fuck why are people so ignorant of real food and healthy fucking choice? makes me sick.

you need to defoo their stupid asses

>eat the bucket to avoid feeling guilty
I hope this is bait other wise your not gonna make it

Look I am 109lbs and 6'1 it wasn't the worst mistake I could make

They want to project their image onto you and dont want to feel insecure about you being fit while they will be fat/average.

Parents do it all the time so they arent reminded that their peak years are behind them.

>eat the bucket to avoid feeling guilty
You are never going to make it. And by "it" I mean enjoy your life

What the fuck
Auschwitz got shut down in 1945

be a big boy and move out, maybe

He forgot his feel picture, still easy enough to tell.

You should be eating KFC every day then

Fuck the lentils

> eat the bucket to avoid feeling guilty
You're a waste of living space.

Sometimes I forget that there are fucking children on this website. I really should leave this place

MOVE OUT and then kys OP

Stop living with mummy and daddy

*teleports behind you*
*unsheathes katana*
nothing personnel kiddo

i'll take things that didn't happen for 500

>smells like a paki food


>worrying about what he eats

Fucking eat two buckets of KFC and do GOMAD jesus christ. Combine with lifting heavy and you will get swole. Cut once you weigh 200 pounds phaggot.

Some people prefer not to drown in debt, rabbi.

your parents sound awesome, stop being a fucking baby

and they are right, dumbass, if you weight 109 you should be eating KFC, not lentils

seriously, get the fuck out of there

>fucking retarded bait
If not bait
>stil fucking retarded, eat all the fucking KFC your parents give you

Don't listen to them. My parents and brother would ridicule me all the time when I just started out. Now that they have seen that my body has actually changed and that I've become decently Veeky Forums, they keep their mouths shut.

Keep lifting user.

>185 cm
>49 kg

holy fucking shit. pics or you're full of shit

You need to bulk, you need to dirty bulk and hit the gym and have protein shakes or serious mass EVERY FUCKING DAY. I was 5'8 130lbs and I felt so fucking scrawny and weak it was ridiculous. All I wanted to do was eat as much food as I could fucking stomach just to gain strength.

Dude, please eat more. I'd be eating KFC every day 5x5.

>he still eats oats & tuna
lmao, enjoy your no gains

pizza & kfc is where its at

>lift 4 times a week
>do bjj twice
>full time uni
>work 40 hours a week
u fucking pussy, im debt free

Ignore them.

If any doubts creep in, I just look in the mirror, naked and my choices are validated.

If this is true your parents are reaaally funny, the reason they act that way is theyve known you youre whole life and clearly you arent someone who can be taken seriously hahaha

Wow, youre stupid, often my grandmother bake cakes or buy sweets, they will be all denied until she learned her lesson.
Why you ate this shit, you should have said:"Nice, eat it by yourself!".

Proof that britcucks are one of the most cancerous people on the planet, right next to swedes

>parents are lame, etc.
All of this is not a problem
>eat the bucket to avoid feeling guilty
There it is. The only problem with this entire thing.

People are going to misunderstand what you're doing. Jealous people are going to hate what you're doing. There will always be people that, whether consciously or unconsciously, will be trying to make you fail. That will always be true if you're getting any success. You can't stop it. You can, however, do two things:

1) Brush it off, be glad you are better than them, and move on. It's not a big deal.
2) Give in because it is more comfortable than constantly fighting those trying to bring you down.

They're making fun of you because they know you're a little bitch who won't follow through with anything. You proved them right by eating the chicken.