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In all honesty OP I've been a christfag all my life but I've never heard of it, and I really dig it man, great contribution

I know there's Kevin Fast, who's a Canadian Lutheran priest who is also a top tier strongman and powerlifter, but are there any others? From other denominations? Surely one would think in Russia there'd be something.

I'm sure God sees lifting as beneficial to growing as a person and as a christian.

>making the most out if the body God gave me
>giving glory to Him with the feats I perform athletically
Oh I think He sees it very much that way.

This. Never heard about it, but I have always believed as Christians we should take care of our bodies. Yahyah our bodies are temples, but honestly who are people going to listen to more? An obese land whale or an active, fit, charismatic (character, not denomination kek) person? We shouldn't judge people on their outer appearances, but our society is very much focused on outer appearances. Knowing this we should take it into consideration, you know "in the world, but not of the world".

This. "Man looks at the outward, but God the inward." And who are you interacting with? Man. I'm not thinking I'd be inclined to listen to a fatass using scripture as an excuse to be fat.

Huh. Never really heard about this as an Official Movement With Capital Letters. Thanks for sharing user.

I’m a serious Christian, and the parable of the Talents makes it clear that we are called to steward and grow our resources. To do otherwise is ungrateful to Him, at the very least.
Christ said the greatest commandment included loving the Lord your God with all your strength. Though it could be taken as a sort of mental strength or willpower, it certainly doesn’t exclude physical strength as well.

I always like how pic related puts it in Mere Christianity, in response to those who like to use their spirituality as an excuse to neglect the spiritual:
>God never meant man to be a purely’ spiritual creature. That is why He uses material things like bread and wine to put the new life into us. We may think this rather crude and unspiritual. God does not: He invented eating. He likes matter. He invented it.

Just to clarify, I wasn't being sarcastic.


Balkans has a priest powerlifter (I think?) as well. I think guy has a PhD as well, but he's over 40 so I think he's a bit past his prime.


>not being flanders irl


I'm not exactly following, user, what do you mean by one neglecting the spiritual by the use of their spirituality?

Also, you reminded me that I still need to finish that book.


He stopped ingesting fluoride and lost all his gains in the process. But I like the idea of this. I was actually doing preacher curls, lel, when I said a quick prayer to thank the Lord for my strength. It's a way that I worship and take comfort in that fact.



Ave Maria




Amen brother







How do you guys have such strong faith? I feel like I have no spirituality.

I've been meaning to read that book for a while now, is it any good?
I might order it right now actually, otherwise it will probably never happen

Only Lewis I've read is Miracles desu

yee pal

I worship a religion that doesn't need a masculine organization because it simply is. Feels good following European culture.

>doesn't need a masculine organisation because it simply is
>picture of his 'masculine' religion shows the slaughter of defenseless innocents

oh user..

>*defenceless innocents

Tfw trying to erode European culture with a Middle Eastern cult and murdering people who resist is peaceful :^) they deserved it, the raiders of 793 - 850 did nothing wrong.

Mere Christianity is one of the best books I've ever read. C.S. Lewis is an excellent writer.

Varg pls

Cmon Varg, your gay fantasies defended the epicenter of Christianity for generations

Too bad Christianity is the right religion, so that shit might not work out for you.


Good for you to be so sure. Death should be easy for you then. Unless you are wrong that is, but thats probably just too much thinking right? Theres no way christianity could be wrong after all....?

We'll just have to die and see ;)

Why so edgy?


> Being this fucking sure of a religion that's based on a "holy" book full of faults and contradictions.

Pls kys brainlet.



Jesus still wants you

I just keep on trying. I fail a lot, giving into things like overeating and porn far too often. I feel like a failure almost every day and sometimes I ask what's the point of it all. I've done nothing with my talents and I'm just a disappointment and a waste.

And then I remember that Jesus said that he came to help the broken, the failures, the man who is desperate. Having faith doesn't mean that you have some sort of mystical feeling of religiousness in your heart and mind. It's means coming to Christ with the hope and promise that He can use and make new flawed people like us.

I think sometimes that because I don't feel anything that my prayers don't matter or are being ignored; that God views me as a failure. The truth is that He knows what we need better than we do, and He just wants us to talk with Him like we would our closest friend.

I'm sorry to type so much. It's just that this is also something I'm dealing with even as I right this. Read Romans 8 for the chapter that pertains to this and God bless you and help you friend.

Gluttony is a sin isn't it?
How do I bulk without feeling like a glutton?

Is this what Reps for Jesus means?
Watch this


Eating just because you can and the food is there is a sin. If you exercise self control in your bulk and stop when it's time to stop then there's no sin. Moderation is key

Just trust in God and try to see your situation in a humorous light. Self-pity will just slow you down even more.

Oh believe me I know. It's a trap that I've fallen into too many times. It makes me say what's the point of it all, just sin anyways cause I'll never make it.

Just gotta keep turning to God day after day and night after night. This life isn't forever, but the next one is.


>arguing that you cant simply state one religion as the true religion as there is no possible way to prove such a thing

Hit a soft spot?

>lost all his gains in the process
He's still pretty built, he's just fat on top.

I love Blessings man, he's the only current "big" USAPL lifter I genuinely believe is natty.

Honestly i dont know how you people manage to worship eternity ao much

I mean, its eternity, forever and ever, no end, youll exist like with begining and no end, no conclusion to the story, ever, eternal bliss? It almost sounds like on heaven you are put on a drug to male you euphoric and never question anything, eternity sounds terrifying, having no end terrifies, "oh but you will be with your family and your dog who died of cancer" that would be good maybe for the first 500 years, if even, but what about the rest of the 99999999999999... years? No changes, everyday everyone is the same, with no end in sight

Have people demonized death so much they forgot it gives us a will to get things done while we are alive? At least this is my opinion...



also my captcha is appropriate for this thread

I mean forget death, time and its effects on our bodies, progress and signs of improvement, things that makes us so human, sadness and anger, the joyful reunion after a fight and admitting that things we did were wrong, everything that time and human error implies will be gone, because heaven is exactly that, heaven, no bad, no sadness just bliss forever and ever




I can't wait for the twisted expressions of despair the wicked will have when that day comes. They'll probably go do some drugs and have sex in a big pile before the flames reach them.

He looks like a gorilla. Watchu talkin about

That's why I don't get the "religion is just for people who are scared of death" meme. If the concept of oblivion is somehow scarier than the concept of eternity you're not thinking very hard.




Sorry, foolish mistype. Should have been "use their spirituality as an excuse to neglect the physical"

And yes, if you read any one book besides the Bible related to Christianity, Mere Christianity is the one.

See above. Miracles is a very different sort of work, but if you've tackled that, it's a decent basis for MC.





>How do you guys have such strong faith?
Depends on what you mean by "faith".
The term has been confused nowadays, with a lot of people agreeing with Mark Twain's slapdash definition "Faith is believing what you know ain't so."
Any sensible Christian will agree that to believe something when the evidence is against it is not just stupid, it’s downright sinful.

In Christian terms, faith has two kinds.
The first, and lower kind of faith, is the sort that works alongside reason against emotion and imagination.
C.S. Lewis uses the analogy of having major surgery.
I have good medical and scientific and anecdotal reasons to believe that anesthetics work, and that I won’t wake up while under the knife.
Yet when they turn on the lights, set me in the chair, and I start smelling all sorts of chemicals, I panic.
These sensations are not arguments against surgery, but they drive reason from my mind. I am not convinced, in these moments of fear and panic, by reason. The best I can do is just trust that what I have previously established by reason is true. That’s faith.

The second, and higher kind, is the regular practice of things that nourish you spiritually.
Just as you keep your biological life going by eating, drinking, and cleaning daily, so too must you do things that grow you spiritually (prayer, study, Scripture reading)
According to Lewis, most former Christians simply drift away from God, rather than finding some actual rational reason why it is false. This is what faith is; the daily practice of things that keep you aligned to the truth.
Or, since we’re on Veeky Forums, how many formerly fit people actually found good reasons to stop exercising? Don’t most just, you know, stop going to the gym?

It’s not a matter of “spiritual feelings”. Faith is the result of years of discipline in doing the right thing, even when we don’t feel like it.
If you want to develop it, do things that you don’t feel like doing, but know should be done.

Nice. Saving these. I keep hearing about City of God. Thanks for the reminder.


army men

Nah I'm with you man. Most people don't understand that that's the way heaven is described in the bible. It's not our own personal paradise, it's eternal worship of God.
For all we know there's something good about it and it's not as bad as it sounds, but for now I'm sticking with my pagan views because that's what I like and when I die I'll hope to make it to valhalla

Give us Lord our daily gains, and forgive us our fapping. Amen.

also rolling for pushups

Of course there's something good about it, you're reducing heaven to earthly measurements. It's not supposed to be a hedonistic fuckparty or a shallow numale pride parade like Valhalla, it's eternal peace in connection to God. We are incomplete without God, we literally cannot be at rest or feel happy before we are on the same plane as He is.

How can you be Christian in 2016? Serious question. Do you just pick and chose what to believe in the bible ?

>Do you just pick and chose what to believe in the bible ?
Basically yes.

Parts of the Bible are indisputably true. It tells the story of the Hebrews as they go from wandering throughout the Middle East to being enslaved in Egypt to migrating to the land known as Israel. It tells the story of how they struggled to maintain this land, and tells of people known as prophets who came to the Jews and tried to lead them. Are you saying this is historically inaccurate? There was never a group of Jews who lived in the land known as Israel/Palestine?

Now obviously there are some parts that are just bullshit. For instance, it says that Abraham lived for like 300 years and that Samson killed 1000 men with the jawbone of a donkey. But you've also gotta understand that the Torah was handed down from father to son after many, many generations, basically a thousand-year game of telephone before anyone bothered to write it down.

But back to the parts that are true, do you dispute the existence of a man known as Jesus/Yeshua? Is it not more foolish to say that this man never existed? So some parts of the Bible are most likely true. Which other parts are true? Did Jesus really tell us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves? Did he baptise people and condemn the moneylenders of the church?

Some parts are certainly true, so to dismiss the entire thing is even dumber than to accept the entire thing at face value.

>le current year meme
This is probably pic related.

But on the off chance you actually think this, I'll first ask you to justify your initial premise here.
Since you've brought up the 2016 thing.
>Why does the current year have anything to do with it?
>Do you believe people are more intelligent nowadays that they were previously? Where do you get this data?
>What social, scientific, moral, or technological developments have led to the obsolescence of the fact of Christ's death and resurrection?

And no, we don't pick and choose. We read it, contest it against what we know to be true, and have found that it aligns best with reality.

Once you've answered my questions about the current year, please tell me what parts we're "picking and choosing".

>assuming your conclusions: the post.


We're talking about things we have no way of knowing for sure, so we have to make assumptions. Doesn't Socrates use a similar method of reasoning?

Look at life as a series of possibilities. Some of these possibilities are true, but we don't know which ones. What we can do is assign probabilities to events. Like, I think it's highly probable that there was a group of Hebrews who lived in Israel ~1000 BC. So probable that I can take it as fact.

I also think it's probable that you're under the age of 18 since you respond to posts with green text and reaction images instead of engaging in actual discussion.

Ayo any special snowflake buddhists in here??

Okay, here’s a better way of putting it.

The Bible is a book which claims to give the origins of all existence, the
That there is an omnipotent, omniscient, completely good being who is behind and outside the universe, and created it.
That this being created rational creatures to share in the universe with him that went in rebellion upon creation.
That this being manifested an aspect of Himself as one of these creatures, and underwent the death that He could never have done normally, to bring them all back into perfection.

And you’re stuck on some life expectancies and kill counts.

You’ve assumed before starting that the supernatural does not exist. That this book is nothing more than a history of the Hebrew people, some poems from them, the story of this one very moral teacher called Jesus or Yeshua, and the story of his followers after the fact.

It is the definition of closed-mindedness.
Do you pick up a mathematics textbook, decide beforehand that Calculus is fictional, and then go through, deciding that the author was on drugs every time it comes up?
You pick and choose what you think is real because you have decided beforehand the scope of what you will believe.

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” – Aristotle.

Probablity has nothing to do with it. It's rationality. You can't assign probability to something unless you accept the possibility of it happening in the first place.

I can really get behind this.

What is some essential reading (apart from the Bible obviously) to dedicate my strength to our Lord and Savior?



Not christian but this shit is pretty good.

I base being fit in greek philosophy. Pretty much the same thing.

Deus vult lads

>He invented eating. He likes matter. He invented it.



>the best Christian thread on Veeky Forums in months was started by a joke/b8 image on Veeky Forums of all places, with only one shirtless muscular pic of a man being posted in nearly a hundred posts and only 2 drawings of a muscular Jesus

and the shirtless man is Alex Jones


I don't even know what's wrong with Veeky Forums but at this point it's easier to just go with it


