I think I'm barrel chested, should I just kill myself?

I think I'm barrel chested, should I just kill myself?

pics or gtfo

It's more likely that you're just fat.

no youre just fat

Not fat at all, maybe slightly skinnyfat, but narrow shoulders and deep chest (I think about 1,4/1 ratio). Also have some kyphosis which probably doesn't help I don't know.

if you are barrel chested and not fat, then whats the problem?

It looks like shit.

I guess if youre going for the trap look then a barrel chest is not what you want, but if you want to look like a man then a barrel chest is perfect genetics. You have better muscle angles for a start. Just look at any strength athlete or contact sports player and they will most likely be barrel chested.

Just do more biceps curls.

yeah i have a big rib cage. it sucks. I don't lift for aesthetics and now I feel alot better about myself

What? I thought it was preferred for men to have a barrel chest.

Not for homosexual modeling contests (bodybuilding, men's physique)

Welcome to the master race, friend.

Why would you kill yourself?

Don't you want those supreme chest gains?

Arnold has barrel chest. Just start lifting.

I know this feel. Makes any arms look smaller from the side. Makes pecs look like someone threw some steaks on a barbecue lid. Nothing you can do bout it but keep on movin on.
>tfw you used to just be barrel chested, now you're barrel chested and fat.

Barrel chests are superior when it comes to lifting most in the bench press, you don't get good at bench pressing with a flat chest. Be happy for this OP, a lot lifters envy that

i have a Barrel chest and my rips starts just 1cm above my pelvis bone.
I can barely stick my thumb between these 2 bones.
I think thats not normal, is it?

>barrel chest
>bench is by far my worst lift
I feel cheated.

>barrel chest is balding

What did they mean by this?

>not barrel chested
>bench is my worst lift

still feel cheated

>tfw big hips/legs
>small upper body

FUcking double whammy

just kill me

Is this achievable natty

You fucking idiot.

People develop barrel chest from having severe obstructive lung diseases. COPD (emphysema, chronic bronchitis)

oh fuck

Nah you could just have a genetically deep and round rib cage. My father and brother have it too.

The male ideal is broad and flat. Not narrow and deep.

Arnold also roided

This is dumb.

Because of my barrel chest I look wide and huge and my pecs look 2X as big.

I'm dexa scanned 7.8% bf and I still look as wide as a fat fuck

You jelly?

What the fuck, how?

Wut, how the fuck does a barrel chest make you look wide?

>7.8% bf
>looking big
post pics faggot

I will try to show, the point where my thump is is the point where my pelvis bone ends and where my lowest rip starts.

Then you roid.

dude you look fucking fine don't worry about it

dont block your back with your arm
also just do as the picture says and measure distance from spine to chest and compare it to distance from one underarm to the other

>be barrel chested
>middle school, constantly mocked for "purposefully forcing chest out to look like I have muscles"
>high school, start lifting and get chest muscles on top and mocked for "lol brah do you only do bench press"
>be now, I got back issues for having rolled my spine all these years to make my chest pop out less

i don't think a post has ever resonated so much with me on this fucking internet.

>tfw had gyno to top it off

w-we're gonna make it breh.

>I look like a man instead of a scrawny git, should I kill myself?
I'm gonna have to go with yes, OP, since you somehow felt like you had to ask this question.

wats wrong with roiding

>omg guys I don't have the 100% perfect physique what now kill me pls oh no how will I ever achieve anything
fuck you

no barrel chest is alpha
just don't be a faggot with pectus carintatum on one side of your chest like me

You've got sick Neanderthal genes bro

Carry it with pride

>pectus carintatum
What the fuck is up with Veeky Forums and chest deformities. Swear to god, at least every other user here either has a whole in their chest or something sticking out of it or both.

alot of people with chest deformities lift to hide them
t.the user you replied to

>tfw thought I might have had gyno
>As I'm losing body fat I'm realizing I have barrel chest

My dad has the exact same build. Really broad shoulders and a big chest. Is this good? It means when I bulk my chest should be strong right?

>Veeky Forums
bigger lung capacity?

t.barrel chested

>implying this isn't more alpha than the """""normal""""" proportion

that normal fag has gay posture too.. hold your damned head up you pathetic normie

Lol why did they make the barrel-chested guy balding too?

just train arms so it looks right again

just realised

excavatum reporting
if I wear tight shirts my chest looks huge but it sinks in ~inch

>tfw too primitive to lift
>tfw already born sick gains

>tfw my left ribs stick out of my chest

>barrell chest
>you jelly

not at all kek

are you baiting?

You look fine. Above average tbqh

You don't have a barrel cheat you fucking moron.

Man up sissy.

I'ma real barrel chest and its amazing. Back before I started working out seriously people would ask me what do I do for my chest. When I started working out my arms and now that they caught up I look great.

Look at Arnold bet you didnt even realize he was a barrel chest.