Beginner's Veeky Forums

post your routine

>start Nov 1st
>deadlifts, squats, too beta to benchpress in front of people so supplement with 3 random exercises I find around gym, like dumbell flyes prison press, barbell row
>get approached by gym staff and pressured into taking 6 free personal trainer appointments
>they prescribe programme with machines with sheets I have to fill in to show I'm progressing
>been to gym 5 times a week and just use the 6 prescribed exercises because they all know me by name somehow and I'm beta fuck

fuck my life senpai I feel like I'm wasting my time because Veeky Forums tells me machines are useless for helping with deadlifts, sqquats and benchpress later on.

Anyway my routine - leg press 230kg 3x12, the row pulley thing 6 (they don't give kg) 3x12, bench press 4 (same issue) 3x12, back extension with 5kg plate 3x15, plank with stupid leg routine 3x24, lateral pulldown 110kg 3x12

desu the leg press is really fun. Just upped it to 230kg today and sweat was pouring down my forehead and felt strong af. Honestly have erection thinking about it - the leg trembling, the power. For some reason it doesn't feel like imminent death like the bench press though.

Long time since I have laughed so much from a Veeky Forums thread. But seriously, stop giving a fuck, because in reality, they do not care as much as you think they do. Do your own shit.

Tell them machines are for pussy bitches wearing bicycle shorts up their ass. You wanna do man shit and lift with barbells.

>lateral pulldown 110kg 3x12

but that's pretty good, isnt it?

>can't bench, squat, or deadlift in front of people, can leg press 250 kg, and lat pulldown 110 kg

Are you sure you're not confusing kg with pounds because there's no way you're lat pulling 250 pounds

>lateral pulldown 110kg 3x12

What? That's complete bullshit

>Long time since I have laughed so much

it might be user I'm not trying to belittle anyone saying I'm weak shit, but pretty sure my leg press is my strongest suit

lat pulldown 110kg, leg press 250kg. I'm Irishfag we don't use pounds.

wait no you confused me - leg press 230KG

Back 11-15-16

Under hand pulldown 4x8 210
Low cable row 2x8 185 2x8 200
Side pull down 3x12 160
Seated row hmr 3x12 110
Btn press 3x12 80
Upright row 3x10
Hammer curls 4x8 40
Rear delt 3x12 100
Barbells Curls 3x12 50
Hammer preacher curl 3x8 70

Lat pulldowns don't even go that high in Ireland.

>be 110lb twig of a manlet
>drawfag, morning shift, no work out equipment.
>unlimited supply of eggs
How do I become strong on eggs and no workout equipment.
Is this possible.
Do eggs = Strong (?)

if this is lateral pulldown, yes it does

the first time they got me started they suggested 50kg but I just bumped it up to 110kg because I could.

Your machine strength sounds really high, i dont know your gym but at my gymon the 3 different leg presses i can do 1,5 my squat, so 230 kg for 12 reps means instant 2pl8 squat, and with that lat pulldown you should be able to do 3x12 pullups. To keep it easy, start to learn the form by adding some free weight exercises with light weight after your workout and after some time when you know how to squat dl bench start a beginner routine, machines are accessories, not something you should focus on. Remember, the only big guys that use machines are roided af, all others do free weight.

Benchpress, 4x10
Incline Dumbbell Press, 5x15
Chinups 5x10
Dips 5x10
Weighted Decline Situps 5x20

Squats 5x10
Barbell Front Raises 5x15
Dumbbell Side Raises 4x15
Dumbbell Side Raises, bent over 4x15
Barbell Curls 5x15
Dumbbell Tricep Extensions 5x15

Incline Benchpress 5x15
Deadlifts 5x15
Cable Crossovers 5x15
Bent Over Dumbbell Rows 5x8
Ball Crunches 3x30
Hanging Leg Raises 3x10



lads it's not important, possible I'm misremembering what my lat pulldown is. I leave my workoutsheet there so I'm going from memory. Mind you I just got home from gym and hour ago so pretty sure I'm getting it right.

I've been doing push-ups, pullups and chin-ups regularly so yeah I can do 3x12 pullups. And I could pretty easily add in dl, bench presses and squats but when I go there in the mornings I'm pressed for time and in evenings I'm usually wrecked. Anyway I've used up 4 of the free pt sessions soI'll probably drop their routine entirely afterwards, or incorporate it somehow but focus only on the three free weight lifts. I'm a pretty big guy, still play rugby regularly after work even after secondary school.

Currently doing sipersquats
1x20 squats
1x20 pulldown variation
1x20 legpress/1x5deadlift
1x20 the press variation
1x20 row variation
1x20 ab exercise
1x20 minepress
Then finish with some oly practice
This 3x a week, putting on 2,5kg every workout, and if i stop progressing i switch to another variation. Finishing my bulk off with this to start an early cut in january, hope to reach 70kg squat and 50kg bench for 20, translating it into 2pl8 and 75 kg 1rep maxes and hopefully ill reach a 75 kg clean and maybe a 3pl8 deadlift

More back and lats, althought this routine could actually be a chest+try delt+leg back+bis split

Irishfag here too, pretty sure those machine's are in lbs. 110kg lat pulldown is ridiculously high.

Thanks, I'll probably add lat pulldowns and seated cable rows to A.

To confirm your weights when you can do so many pullups your pulldown is probably 110kg and the leg press too. You have a really high strength base, do something with that, others need a year to reach these weights

You'll just get fat. Read the sticky. And trip off, you fucking dyel

Here in Norway they are in lbs even though we don't use lbs as well.


how are we meant to know if it's kg of lb then? Even the pt thought it was kg when I asked.

110lb Lat pulldown is a LOT more realistic than 110kg.

The OP is clearly inept in some form or another. What happened in your life that made you so insecure about squatting and deadlifting? Maybe you should seek assistence with your compulsive lying disorder before touching weights.

dunno what you wheigh but i lat pulldown 3x12 110lb at bw 165 and can do 4 pullups at max, so doing 3x12 pullups but only lat pulldown 50kg is a lot less realistic than 12 pullups and 110k pulldown

id like a rule that forces you to hit 1/2/3/4 before you can trip, dyel trips are the fucking worst

Bench Press 5x5 100kg
Pendlay Rows 5x5 120kg
Squats 5x5 140kg

Plus flies, pull-ups and shit

OHP 5x5 65kg
DL 5 Reps 160kg
Squat again

A again. Start nect week the other way around. B A B.