Go to bodybuilding website

>go to bodybuilding website
>everyone is 6foot and taller

Other urls found in this thread:


spotted the manlet
6'5 master race reporting

6"11 280 pound master race reporting in

Lol manlets
7'2 300lb master race reporting

wait are there people on this board under 8'9"? wtf?

27'3 780 pounds autobot master race reporting in


its called estats

when i poste don misc i am 5'7 manlet but had it listed as 6'2


6'2 265lb bear mode ass here :')

>27 feet tall
>780 pounds
Giant skelly race

Alex I bought some super male vitality and lost my virginity thank you. Thank you filter senpai

I'd gladly trade my 195cm 6'3" height in exchange for wealth, gf or a better face

I've never had much use for it, but I feel sorry for manlets who are always upset at what they've got

In Sweden the average is 6', are you sure you're not just an American?
Euro master race

>Euro master race

Achmed plz go

i have some bad news for you

>people claim they lift
>they dont filter their water or buy secret 12.

Achmed? More like Achmaeus, the aryan deity of destroying collosal amounts of vagina

According to stats the average in us for whites and blacks is equally 5'11.5 but asian/spics are well below that. It's really unattractive how short latina girls are

>mfw I'm a 6'3" (193 cm) Achmed
That was when I was 18, too, haven't measured myself the past four years

Feels good making Europe my very own playground, if I must be entirely candid with you mate.

>Be 5'11 manlet
>Tell girls in 6'0
>They actually believe me
>tfw some girls jump on my dick simply because I say in 6'0

This so much

gtfo manlets

>medical record has me at 180
>driver's license has me at 183
>all that matters



I'm 6'0 and I feel short as fuck walking down the street.
Bought a pair of timberlands last week, feel significantly better.

I know you guys troll with this, but if you haven't noticed on Veeky Forums, everyone here seems to be decent height (like 5'8" and above), ripped, handsome and is always either having sex, has a girlfriend or is married.

The average number of sexual partners here on Veeky Forums is 30-40. Pretty crazy for a Veeky Forums board

6'4 here
Thats because manlets have no use lifting they will just be seen as overcompensating little men with Napoleon syndrome, but if a tall guy gets ripped he looks like a god Manlets are worthless genetic trash and if I was a manlet I would kill myself.

>tfw 6'5" and sub 6' people always claim they're 6'2" and I have to be 6'7"

>tfw just under 6'2 so I say 6'1 because I'm not a fucking faggot. Then the people who "are" 6'1 tell me I must be at least 6'3

You don't like it, build your body some stilts, bitch.
6'3 says wassup

Just from looking at images of those, they seem to add like one inch max. Which basically every athletic, dress, etc. shoe also does. How much do you get out of them?

>tfw you make more gains than your lanklet friends

>tall achmed
>implying you won't be assimilated into whities in due time
its inescapable kid

3cm approx
I'm not an autistic american so I don't wear running soes outside, it's definitely noticable compared to regular shoes. on par with most boots I imagine

yeah there's no way that makes a noticeable difference. you might feel taller, but you still look the same to everyone else


>no way that makes a noticeable difference
>you might feel taller
the whole point of my post was about how I feel dumbshit
it's not like I was worried at 6ft girls thought I was a manlet

>i need to feel better about my height
>being this insecure

>wanting to feel better is being insecure
sounds like someone is a manlet in denial :D
"you're perfect in every way just the way you are" right?

>decent height
>implying every other thread isn't a KHV >tfw no gf thread

>mfw I'm 5'5 and my 6'+ friends say I have to be 5'8 at least


five eight master race incoming. it only took me 9 months to get shredded as fuck. poor lanklets

are you this retarded? I'm 6'3, the whole point of all my posts has been to belittle the little six foot "man"

inb4 "sure u are XD"

I thought every one was gay on this board

sure you are

I'm 5'9" but I have a big heart

5'9 irl isn't manlet. It's just not tall.

sure you are XD

What's the healthiest natural deodorant?


>tfw same but i'm 6'2 and have to say i'm 6'4

Don't do this. Just keep insisting you're 6'2, and the people claiming they're 6'2 who are noticeably shorter will look like insecure liars. Better yet, say you're 6'1.