I'm 5"11 and weigh 250 pounds how long will it take before i die if i dont change my life around now?

I'm 5"11 and weigh 250 pounds how long will it take before i die if i dont change my life around now?

You have until New Years. If you're not below 180 by then you'll croak the second it turns midnight on January 1st

good luck, faggot

I have been around there for literally yea

I havent been this fat since ever im gonna live healthy before i do some permanent damage

well your skin is already permanently damaged but good luck

In all seriousness, at that weight you'll start losing rapidly with just a mild caloric restriction. If you commit to it you could reasonably be 30-40 lbs lighter by spring.

If that's you then you're cute.

But seriously, you've probably already done damage the only thing you need to focus on is getting the best out of yourself, whether that's taking pics like this or being fit and extending your life expectancy.

Sauce on pic.

i'm hopelessly addicted to cigarettes

i'm almost up to a pack a day

what should I do?

You need to lose weight but it's unlikely to kill you anytime soon. Unless you're already in your 50s or something.

Cut calories to 1200 or 1500 daily and walk a mile or two each morning.


6'0" 330 here

I'm just speedrunning life at this point

looks like sara aikawa

Not OP but thats ruka365. She used to be skinny then one day said 'fuck it' and became a fat fetish model. She posts tonnes of those pics to twitter. Last time I checked her twitter though it was just her posting depressing statuses and complaining about vomiting blood.

Wonder what makes a chick go down the fat fetish model road when they're thin and pretty already to be just a regular ol model.

>Last time I checked her twitter though it was just her posting depressing statuses and complaining about vomiting blood.
That's rough, but her account seems to be suspended now :|

Tons of money in it.

>used to be skinny then one day said 'fuck it' and became a fat fetish model
>Last time I checked her twitter though it was just her posting depressing statuses and complaining about vomiting blood
I wonder why

man the fuck up and get to two packs a day

This is me right now. 6'0 260 fatbro. idk guys. I used to be 310 at my heaviest. I lost 60 lbs in 6 months by drinking meal replacement shakes for two meals per day and eating regular dinner. And then it just stepped happening. That was a year ago. I haven't been able to get back into whatever was working.

Your basal metabolic rate happened. You hit a new low, and now your body adjusted to it. Before you began this meal plan, you were probably eating around 3000 calories, so when you started that plan, you cut those 3000 calories (probably eating 2000 or so) and your body adjusted to the deficit to the point where the BMR and the calories you're currently eating reached equilibrium. What this means is that at this point you're basically eating at maintenance.

Cut 500 calories off of your new BMR. And you'll see steady progress again. I would probably suggest you eat 1600 calories and see where it goes from there.

Stop sugar. Start with sodas and juice. Replace them with tea and stevia. Ban yourself from all sugar products. Get religious about it.

you could stop smoking

>felt my man-titties slapping around uncomfortably while taking a particularly rough bus ride one day
>decide, fuck it, its time to change my eating habits
>have swapped from a diet of mostly processed foods and soda to nothing but whole grains, vegetables, and green tea
Good lord my ass is killing me.
Been to toilet 3 times today. Three. And it's only 3PM. Better out then I though right?

>maintenance for 310 lbs


If you're not a bitch:
cold turkey that shit. when you feel like you want to smoke call someone up and talk about it or just google pics of smokers lungs other fucked up smoking things.

If you're a bitch:
go buy a vape and vape instead of smoke. it's easier to quit vaping than smoking so use it as a transition.

I wouldn't recommend gum or patches, vaping for 2 weeks then cold turkey was not as hard as I thought and I smoked like 30 cigs a day for years.

No good luck bro, there's no luck here. Just fucking do it or die.