Is he /ourguy/?

Is he /ourguy/?

hes my guy, thats for sure

Dom seems bigger to me.

cant say I enjoyed the fact that one of his few colaborations was with that slutbox nikki

>tfw you spot nikki blackketter for a kegel workout

Whats his beef with Guzman?

If you thought bm cant go more cookie-cutter he is now sporting this beard.
Damnit bradley get a grip!

he fucked nikki in guzmans apartment

He is bigger

Is that Keemstar?


Bradley is a cute CUTE

Boring videos
Insecure of hairline
Can't dress to save his life

Yeah, he'd fit right in

definition of bodybuilding NU Male



This world has seen rocks with more personality, but who am I to judge.


Still waiting for that powerlifting meet he'll never attend.
Guy could pass a test easy and put up a 1700+ total if he went.

I seen couple of his vids. He seems like he does not change clothes or takes a shower after workout. Thats nasty, man.

Why does he wear the hat?

When? Guzman doesn't have an apartment.