Need a second gym membership for long work days and of is my only option. Is it really that bad?

Need a second gym membership for long work days and of is my only option. Is it really that bad?

No free barbells, only Smith machines.
So yes.

This, everything is also fucking purple. I popped my weight cherry there but after three months I ran out of weight. If you don't care about using Smith machines and being surrounded by retards then go ahead. Only plus is the chicks. But better gyms have better chicks anyway.

There are way better options. Planet Fitness is not even a real gym, and most of the members are ham planets or skeletons.

It's the only gym that's 24 hours even on weekends and that's the only plus

I've gained a metric fuckton of strength there doing SS. Yes, using Smith machine. I can prove it on free weights though.
>m-muh stabilizers
Ohh well I guess my 375 free bench doesn't count then

Just do it, it's literally only $10 a month.

How the fuck do you do SS when there are no free barbells dipshit

fucking memelord sperg you're giving me the most intense autistic attack I've had in years

Everything on Smith. Pendlay replaces power clean. RDL instead of dead lift.
>You're not following Veeky Forums memes exactly
Stay mad

don't they serve pizza and bagels?

Yea. No free weights and is a judgement free zone. Meaning there is free pizza there, bagels, candy and a no grunt alarm. It's horrible

will Trump close them already? America is a disgrace to the rest of the fuckin world lmao

It really is that bad, but you can make it work. If your goal is to be a power lifter, though, you need to rearrange your life to accommodate that.

you can make it work, but that means incorporating smith machine only and not having barbells higher than 60 lbs. although some have ez bars with clips and you could add weight to it. For an arm day I would say no problem, but for legs prolly not, and for chest and back you're gonna have to tweak your routine


But the price is realy fucking low. So it helps people of lower income be able to afford a gym and better themselves.

Shitty fucking gym if you want to be a bodybuilder or a Power lifter. If youre the average joe I guess its not a bad place

I swear, it's like the fucking chuck e. cheese of gyms.

>everything's an ugly purple and yellow
>they give out pizza every month
>there's a jar full of shitty candy at the front
>a fucking tornado siren goes off if you even blow on the dumbells

The deck is stacked against you here. Avoid if possible.

I've been going here for a year and I've never heard the lunk alarm pulled...i think it's more of a joke than an actual thing you're supposed to use. God knows the threat of the alarm doesn't stop ppl from grunt-screaming and dropping weights

Also don't have to eat the pizza........ They don't make you eat the pizza...................

It's not that bad. Go scope the place out first and see if it's got what you need. The one in my town has a lot of the shit that everyone says PF is missing.

You don't even have to do RDLs, just place a plate below you or two.

I hate the imbalance of standing on uneven plates. What if I built a box? Would the PF police kick me out?

>pendlay replaces power clean

>go to a planet fitness in a military town
>free weights everywhere
>cardiobunny wives of deployed mahreens
>everyone is fit
>squat/curling racks
>20 burgers a month

Stay mad

yes... yes they do

I'm just basing that replacement on the founder of SS recommendation. What the fuck he know

PF is fine if
>You are primarily doing barbell workouts
>okay with smith machines
>starting out
>on a calorie cut (don't eat the pizza/begals/cookies moron)
>you go during off hours

for 10 bucks it is a good 24hr fitness

I heard it 3 times in 1 hour. I guess it just depends on the gym.