Supposed natty

> Started out as a manlet

> Had shit access to protein

> In fucking prison, so only calisthenics

Veeky Forums something tells me this guy's juicing, am I crazy?

He's definitely on that there cartoontech

He bench presses lmao4inmates

>gets huge in one episode
>translates to at most a week if not a day
You tell me, user.

Isn't it implied Iroh was already in permabulk mode? He's literally a legendary fire magician-monk.

Plus all the tea he drank probably raised his metabolic rate so much his TDEE was through the roof.

Magic leaf water made him godmode

He was just strong fat and had an unintentional cut in prison, that's all. Plus his guard waifu hooked him up with extra food every day.

Fucking fire nation genetics reeeeeeeeee


Nigga looks like a gorilla after being in prison

If anyone is still here, I remember watching that show several years ago when it came out and I heard legend of korra is a sequel of sorts. Is it worth the watch in your opinion and why?

while you count your CALORIES and use PERIODIZATION and do daily RESEARCH ABOUT latest SCIENTIFIC INFORMATIONS about LIFTING, iroh literally eats PRISON FOOD and drinks TEA and does CALISTHENICS to get BIG as FUCK while you POST on a ba sing se wall carving forum HE fucks UNDERAGE fire nation PUSSY in a fucking PALACE

how does that make you feel, faggot?

no its shit but first 2-3 seasons were ok. like if aang is 8, korra is 5-6

Bruh but i remember it had some inspirational things here and there though, truly the most Veeky Forums western show

Also i remember there was a guy that increased his high test by posting thicc ass korra pictures

Anyway user explained it already



He burned the fat away.

Many like it so it's worth a watch, personally I set upon watching the whole of the Aang story (instead of some episodes here and there) in order to watch Korra, but then I fell in love with the first one and hated Korra.

season 3 is worth the watch almost entirely for zaheer, and the lavabending, but then you kind of have to watch one and two to understand the world and the characters relationships i guess. i rate season 3 as pretty much on a par with as good as the series has ever gotten

But how did he keep the muscle on if he didn't lift?

Who would win; Ozai or Iroh?

He had those muscles all along, they were just dormant. Like if you take a long break from lifting and notice a loss of definition or mass, but then it's all back within a week of lifting

I wouldn't mind some thicc ass korra pictures atm

mirin' those lats

>ba sing se wall carving forum

Is he natty?

iroh straight-up said he would lose vs. ozai and that's why the avatar would need to face him.



> ba sing se wall carving forum

He actually said "Even if I did defeat Ozai, and I'm not sure that I could" or something to that effect. Remember he said he didn't want people to see it as a brother killing a brother to grab power, so he wasn't gonna fight ozai either way, he could've been trying to downplay his skills so Zuko wouldn't push it.

>actually arguing over some anime with quotes





Season 1 is alright, season 2 is pretty mediocre aside from a couple of decent episode, season 3 is fucking balls to the wall and 4 is a massive letdown.

3 >>> 1 >2 > 4

Fuck you, I just chocked on my water.

General consensus is that the series as a whole is a let down with some high points.

Serious question why was this show so good i

Dude you can get protein powder in jail/prison in canada. It's expensive though like $20 for a lb

Korra sucked dick. It's like there were 3 kataras and a sokka if sokka wasn't smart or useful at all. Overall poor show. I only watched the first season but was so let down I couldn't watch any more.

Thank you brother.

He already had the muscle, he just cut


Cartoon characters don't need roids unless they are in Baki or something.

tears in my eyes, thx user

I'd have to say it was coming of age story for most of the primary characters. Aang, being just a kid, has to learn to become an adult to bear the burden he is faced with.
Sokka who comes into his own as leader of a team rather than the solo 'guardian' of his village.
Katara who has to let go of a rather naive optimistic ad trusting world view when she comes into contact with the outside world.
Zuko who has to learn to find his own way instead of the path his father had in mind for him.
So there are a lot of ways for people to identify themselves with a character.

And secondly the main villain of the show, Azula, is not portrayed as pure evil but as a person who had to become who she is due to the world she grew up in. Which really sends a message to kids about how people who work against you are usually not bad but have motives unknown to you.

Ozai kicks his booty in a deathmatch but Iroh could've successfully led an army to invade the fire nation if he had one. Greatest General alive.

nice oc