How does Veeky Forums feel about veganism ?

how does Veeky Forums feel about veganism ?

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Completely unrelated to fitness.

I feel good about it.

If you want to be a vegan that's fine, more power to you, but don't go on and on about it or steer every conversation into it or I swear to god Rachel I will scrape the rotting leftovers of that lentil curry you always leave in the bottom of the sink and funnel it into your mouth while you fucking sleep. And you're late for rent. Again.

I wish I could do the vegan thing, but I love my cheese.

Super healthy if you do it right, good for the environment and morally ethical.

Couldn't do it myself, though. I do plan on only eating game meat I get from online or that I kill myself and then keeping chickens for eggs, as far as cheese goes there are vegan cheeses that taste just fine. Could never do Veganism for other reasons than that factory farming is extremely fucked up in every way.

If you can do it, power to you man

I've been for 4 months and the only real downsides are honestly, going out to eat(it can be a real bitch in SE Asia) and the questions you get from non-vegans. I try not to bother others with it but i swear they're hell-bent on convincing me against veganism

It's a meme diet, doesn't make you healtier or morally superior and there is no legitimate basis to do it if you don't have legitimate health/life threatening problems with meat.
>I wish I could do the vegan thing, but I love my cheese
There is literally no reason to bad about that in any capacity
>Super healthy if you do it right
Technically correcting but really reaching and pushing it
>good for the environment
Not any more than regular well balanced dieting and dubious at best
>morally ethical.
Not really

Takes a lot of the joy out of eating for me. The culinary significance of meat is huge and that for me makes it worth eating.

I don't want to be sitting around when I'm 90 years old wishing I hadn't restricted myself to only eating my least favorite types of food.

i feel it is entirely pointless

I'm shocked how rarely Jaime gets talked about/linked to on Veeky Forums.

Its the ultimate redpill

It's a degenerate hippy cult.

If a cow ever got the chance he'd eat you and everyone you cared about and so would the eggs and even the bottle of milk.

Do you really want your loved ones eaten by a bottle of milk?

>meme diet
>literally has existed for thousands of years
yeah okay

Even more of a meme than paleo.


Clarence is a vegan and that guy is insanely strong

It's an IRL troll/meme. It's a conspiracy to steal men's masculinity and natural aggression and replace it with malleability and docility, essentially turning them into women with a penis and testicles (not that they do them any good at that point). World leaders would love nothing more than to have nice, complacent, docile citizenry that do what they're told when they're told to do it, never protest, never raise their voices, and never criticize their 'leaders'. As the damage from veganism progresses, the inherent amino acid deficiencies degrade your cognitive processes, so you can't think clearly anymore, either. After a while veganism becomes like a hole you keep digging deeper in; eventually, you can't climb out of it without help. Avoid, avoid, avoid!

He's clearly getting some nice complete protein from animal sources on the sly, otherwise he couldn't get that strong. Also his face looks gay.

This. I've been vegan for 3 years and it has really detoxified my body. My pineal gland is now fully operational

How the fuck face has something to do with this? hes on roids and can be completely full vegan and still make gains.

Gud if your goal is to become a cuck

>I'm superior because I pay others to kill for me
Yeah ok.

Now I'm no history major, but couldn't it just be because most of them were slaves, and thus wouldn't be fed meat, which is relatively expensive?

>By any reasonable examination plants are alive meeting all the conditions that have been set to verify if an object is living. They are composed of cells, require energy and nutrients, grow, respond to their environment, have adapted to their environment, and they reproduce.

>trying to use logic while not falling for bullshit
What are you, stupid?

You're all commenting on electronic devices that use animal products in the construction of electrical hardware like chips. Clothes that you wear are also made in part from animals in a lot of clothes. Veganism, if you believe in a secular-humanist world view, is honorable, but impossible.

you gotta eat them to be big and strong :)

Takes a lot of effort and is full of pretentious bullshit but on the whole there's no reason to shit on it, it's personal choice and mostly healthy afterall.

Actually they were also know to eat the scraps of animal carcasses, like bone marrow and gristle. So yeah, you're right, but they did get some animal products in their diet.

>Plant based diet

Pick one. The longest living and healthiest individuals on the planet have always had plant based diets, that goes without saying. But they were NOT and are not vegans and to suggest it is just avoiding basic data.

I like the idea of lots of vegetables, and vegan foods are generally high nutrition and thoughtfully prepared. I would be a bit concerned about getting addiquet levels of protein, calcium and B12 though. From what I have been told, it is possible to get enough of these on a vegan diet, but it takes a lot of disciple, and probably eating certain foods and herbs you have never heard of.

It depends. If you're retarded enough to become an ideological vegan then you're cancer. If you want to reduce your calories, then go for it, it's not the healthiest way to lose weight but it has it's pros and cons as every diet does.

>meme diet
>literally has existed for thousands of years
Shitty pseudoscience and false claims makes it a meme not it's existence. And is anything it helps proves the addage how a lot of people can believe in something and be wrong.
>but couldn't it just be because most of them were slaves, and thus wouldn't be fed meat, which is relatively expensive?
Partly yes.
>"Contrast these diets of these lean, mean killing machines with that of the gladiators. Gladiators in the Roman era were generally captives obtained from battles with neighboring tribes, all of whom generally subsisted on meat. As such, they were generally described in accounts by ancient authors as huge framed, broad shouldered, muscular, and wild eyed,(Tacitus, Jordanes, Turnbull) and were chosen to be warriors for their stature and ferocity. Once placed into the arena, however, their diet was changed to a nearly vegetarian diet, and not because the gladiators needed the extra energy.
>"The vegetarian diet had nothing to do with poverty or animal rights. Gladiators, it seems, were fat. Consuming a lot of simple carbohydrates, such as barley, and legumes, like beans, was designed for survival in the arena. Packing in the carbs also packed on the pounds. 'Gladiators needed subcutaneous fat," Grossschmidt explains. "A fat cushion protects you from cut wounds and shields nerves and blood vessels in a fight.' Not only would a lean gladiator have been dead meat, he would have made for a bad show. Surface wounds "look more spectacular," says Grossschmidt. 'If I get wounded but just in the fatty layer, I can fight on," he adds. "It doesn't hurt much, and it looks great for the spectators.'"(Curry)"

Last game?

>meme diet
>literally has existed for thousands of years
Shitty pseudoscience and false claims makes it a meme not it's existence. And is anything it helps proves the addage how a lot of people can believe in something and be wrong. And even the go to culture for veganism/vegetarianism, India; was 100% or barely largely either one in any capacity as is argued..
>but couldn't it just be because most of them were slaves, and thus wouldn't be fed meat, which is relatively expensive?
Partly yes.
>"Contrast these diets of these lean, mean killing machines with that of the gladiators. Gladiators in the Roman era were generally captives obtained from battles with neighboring tribes, all of whom generally subsisted on meat. As such, they were generally described in accounts by ancient authors as huge framed, broad shouldered, muscular, and wild eyed,(Tacitus, Jordanes, Turnbull) and were chosen to be warriors for their stature and ferocity. Once placed into the arena, however, their diet was changed to a nearly vegetarian diet, and not because the gladiators needed the extra energy.
i just love dicing up animals and eating them too much :(

>"The vegetarian diet had nothing to do with poverty or animal rights. Gladiators, it seems, were fat. Consuming a lot of simple carbohydrates, such as barley, and legumes, like beans, was designed for survival in the arena. Packing in the carbs also packed on the pounds. 'Gladiators needed subcutaneous fat," Grossschmidt explains. "A fat cushion protects you from cut wounds and shields nerves and blood vessels in a fight.' Not only would a lean gladiator have been dead meat, he would have made for a bad show. Surface wounds "look more spectacular," says Grossschmidt. 'If I get wounded but just in the fatty layer, I can fight on," he adds. "It doesn't hurt much, and it looks great for the spectators.'"(Curry)"
>he longest living and healthiest individuals on the planet have always had plant based diets, that goes without saying.
Except they were no more healthy and longer living than societies that also included meat. Lack of meat being a compelling or top reason for blue zones is a shitty correlation/causation argument.

I always wondered if it was a choice or not and I grew up in a very religious household.

Turns out its not really a choice and being vegan is something you either are or aren't. I used to term them as "faggots" but the correct term is homosexual.

Nice to share a board with you guys

Wolfestein, Doom, R.A.G.E?