
Been weightlifting for about 2/3 months now and I'm really started to feel the loss of libido/sex drive. So much so that hot girls I see about don't get me hot and bothered anymore, I don't try it on with girls in clubs and I just delete my Tinder matches because I can't be arsed to talk to them.

Any advice on how to get it back? Also any ideas on the science behind my low libido?

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bumpus mcbumpity

Why the fuck would you want it back

That's weird, it should be increasing.
Have you started paying more attention to the physique of other men?

I have the same issue and it fucking sucks. Especially when a hottie approaches me and can tell I'm not interested, really bad feeling

As I started lifting and getting into better shape, my dick started only getting hard to what made my heart feel good.

Thought i was the only one... Isnt lifting supposed to increase your test levels?

This thread is concerning me due to how relevant it I overtraining??

libido is usually associated with fats. You're probably not eating enough.

How do I start a relationship with a beautiful ultra-christian girl?
I've spent enough time seeing degenerate sluts and had my fair share of one-night stands. I've recently shown interest in a prototypical pale-skinned Christian good girl. However I don't know how to go about this, I'm a blonde eyed blue hair'd master race and I think this pleases her, however I'm not a part of her christian community so she seems hesitant.

How do I increase my libido in general?

>tfw I had ED due to too much alcohol that night

I was almost going to cry. Can I not keep my erection when I'm drunk? Does lifting fix it? Or should I just take cialis?

How about you don't drink so much?

But now I'm scared as fuck if it also happens without alcohol. I immediately started no-porn no-fap journey. I hope this helps, regular fapping is harmful, sexual stimulation only through porns is goddamn harmful.


i had a totally opposite result

i masturbated around once per day but after starting to lift i feel horny all the time and i have to masturbate like 10+ times per day

feels bad man

Happened to me before when I joined the army and went through basic.
Hadn't masterbated for half a year. It wasn't until I got to my actual place of duty that I began forcing myself to masturbate, little by little each day, that eventually I got it back to masturbating 4 times a day.

I didn't do it because I missed being depressed over sex, but to increase my testosterone count to increase gains. Having low sex drive correlates to low testosterone. It is hard if not impossible to make progress lifting without testosterone. Steroids injects a lot of extra testosterone in your body, that's why it works.

To naturally increase test, eat a lot of egg cholesterol, and masturbate a lot. Cholesterol is needed to produce testosterone.
Also stay away from estrogen from foods like beans.

You don't, just don't.
Been there, done that. They are no diffrent than any other girl. Maybe at the begining, but as the relationship goes on you start to see the truth.

Jack off less and take 25 mg of zinc each day. Makes you a sexual beast.

Had this issue bros. Cause is chronic over-reaching which causes your cortisol to stay elevated over a long period of time. high cortisol equals low T brahs. Just fuck it and take TWO FULL deload weeks and eat at mainteance. Libido gains brah

Have you been watching what you eat
if youve been cutting or
eating the same amount you used to despite now lifting
you might have put yourself in a deficit thats to large by accident
Have you changed your diet
you might have changed your eating habits and now your not getting enough FAT wich is important for hormonol functions



No because it uses said test



being physicly active increases test newfriend
unless OP is overtraining(fuck of fletcher it exists for drug free lifters) or has a problem with is diet

What the fuck
diddlilifting gets me so fucking angry, so fucing furious, fills me with rage, I have to walk around with my fist clenched in order not to beat the wall with my fists and should a pussy be around I'd fucking destroy it
>tfw gf doesn't lift
she will
she will have to
for my strength and gains

She's pretty.

Eat lots of veggies

I was battling ED that was rooted in psychological problems, and I came across a YouTube video that used hypnosis to fix things.

Man.... it worked way better than expected.

I'm fucking 40, but my dick thinks its 25 again.

I haven't been this horny in a while.

I'm so easily aroused at any time of the day, and my erections are really strong.

Again this is for ED, but it might help boost libido too.

I listened to this while I slept, so I don't even know what it was saying to me, but my mind believes it.


Take Maca