Motivation / breh


I wanna nut on those freckles

take the jewellery off you'll ruin it

Why does that girl wear make up in bath?








[spoiler]glasses + white hair + big boobies [/spoiler]




great eyebrows




These girls are for hump and dumps only right?



>be me not you
>lifting right nao
>squatting 255 when a dyel comes up behind me to do leg extensions
>I squint at him and realize this fucker is the guy who set up all my classmates against me junior year
>had my only real fight of high school with this jack off
>he looks down at his no legz
>I start grunting at the bottom of each rep

rachel cook btw



If girls motivate you to be what you were meant to be you need to kill yourself.




>tfw gym bae was there today


kinda petty. shows you still give a fuck about dumb shit in the past.

>exploiting a natural desire for gains is a bad thing

absolutely incurable retardation

im normally not into black chicks. but top tier negress' are great


Ya gotta remember most of Veeky Forums are virgins from r9k or v who think that if they have muscles they automatically can get a girlfriend



> motivation
> underage tattooed whore







I don't work out so that i can fap to cartoon girls

you sound like those
"if you need alcohol to have fun you're loser" types.

We aren't saying these women are our only source of motivation. We lift because we want to improve ourselves and our lifestyles and be great men.
women arent the only reward we are looking to earn but that doesnt mean we cant fantasize about that portion of our goal lives.

We are looking for hot chick that HELP motivate. Not saying woman are our only reason for lifting. I'm sure all of us in this thread arent lifting FOR girls but are just thinking of the women they can get in their dream body for the fun of it. So quit being a Manlier-than-thou asswipe



>being attracted to women on MALE HORMONES
>with male physiques
>pretending you are straight


>motivation thread


Fuck this is motivating

> Not wanting a disciplined, physically fit wife to raise amazing children with

Different strokes for different folks, friend.

She's like a black anime character

need some katya up in here

more motivation

trying to de-faggot this thread


motivation for people that are beta cucks that need to lift to fuck girls and aren't lifting for the joy of growing bigger and stronger



> trying to de-faggot
> post almost nude - nude men

O-okay, sir.

That's a horrible excuse to look at other men.
Honestly if there is one thing that should raise a normal mans test levels, it's an attractive female.

>Where were you when you had to confront your homosexual feelings?


>raise children

WIth a "woman" that's B+C Test E?

Good luck

Thanks for the natty inspiration

Don't hate the player hate the game.
Cheer up, you're allowed to look at guys if you want.


>It's an attractive female

Why? I am a dyel shit and I fuck attractive women. Why would I want to look at photos of them when I can look at them with me inside them?

You know what I can't do? Look like this So that's what motivates me. To keep working to look like they do.

Tired of your nu male beta lifting for women bullshit

You don't even need to lift at all to fuck attractive women.

I used to get laid a lot more before I started lifting,

Now I

>Don't drink
>Don't go to bars
>Don't use online dating

Instead I

>Don't drink to maximize progress
>Spend time here shitposting

Does it make sense to you yet?

If you are lifting for girls just stop and save yourself the time

Lol never looked at the natty pics at the same time. In one pic his shoulders and triceps are twice as big as the other. Oddly enough he has ab and pec veins and is really red in the pic where he's way bigger.

Both natty.

>same time
>In one pic he is litterally 2x as big

You're a retard dude. Yes they are both natty. How could you possibly be so stupid to think that they are taken at the same time?

similar thing happened to me but with me was lot better
>enter gym, go to bench
>bench taken with dude that bullyed me at high school
>he is bigger than me, but also higher bf
>hey Chad, how many sets do you have left?
>hey user, still got 3, share the bench with me
>he is doing 155lbs
>he do 11 reps, struggling with the last rep
>i sit on the bench, do a wamup with his weight
>he does another set
>i add another pl8 each side, i usually do 2pl8 for 8 reps but this is gonna be a new pr
>do 7 good reps with that weight
>after he finishes his sets he tells me
>wow, thank god you weren't that strong on HS,i'd get my ass kicked
>hahaha yes you would
>finish my workout feeling like superman


> this much of a closet homosexual
> writing college thesis on why I look at men over women

Please buddy, just come out.

>fit pretends to be these alpha males who get tons of women
>put women on this enormous pedestal from the start, using certain girls as "motivation" to lift for


SAARA? Really dude? Drink your morning bleach.

how much do i have to b-o row to get a gf like this?

> He appreciates a good looking female
> Must have the pussy on a pedestal
> Must life for girls
Yeah man, you figured it all out.
You have a therapist?

Jessica Clements

part of the problem with women now is that their egos are massive due to the insane amount of attention they get on social media, dating apps, etc

so what do you guys do? post pictures of women who are so hot they "motivate" you to do stuff


how is it possible for a girl to have that pretty of a face?

women have been subject to that sort of attention since the beginning of time. like everyone else here you confuse the acts they put on to appear confident with actual self-esteem.

>count step every make

>why I look at men instead of women

The women you look at look like men dude.

This is the single most closet homo shit in the world.

Just date a bodybuilder if you want a girl with shreds with giant obliques



Ps: Those are pectroral muscles not tits. That's what TESTESTERONE DOES WHEN YOU INJECT IT INTO YOUR BODY

You're obviously angry bro.
It's fine, I've said you can look at dudes and you're still telling me I'm wrong.
Just go enjoy Thanksgiving.

Thanks user, I just got fired

w-what is that

She has blush, lipstick, eyeliner, eye shadow, eyebrow penciling, cheek makeup and more on.

Her hair is perfect and she isnt wet anywhere that matters, shes a solid 9.5 but dont fool yourself

who is the guy in this clip?

i ask because im built kinda the same and also have a huge dick

really? where is the makeup? at MOST she filled in her eyebrows

damn dem aesthetics!




lydia graham



>pretty gril is his motivation
I got bad news for you m8


I would happily let a girl like this ruin ma gains for about 2 weeks, mayybe 1 month

anyone have this girls name?

thats pretty dece

another pic of her

the one time my parents walk in the room...

fuarrrrk B R E H S, I'd fuck this girl right there in that mediocre bathroom
