
serial killer loose in Southern California, confirmed to be sexiest man alive

I noticed this shit yesterday at the grocery store and I never notice the 100's of magazines, hmmmmm

And women complain that "sexy" physiques for a woman is too high of a standard.

That's the only shit I see when I see magazines like this, and meanwhile Barbiedolls are getting fatter and Ken dolls are getting more toned..... to date fat barbie

>He might not have hair, but his dick hangs lower than the balls.

>barbie dolls are getting fatter
>ken dolls are getting more toned
you wanna know how I know you haven't been outside or gone on any website except Veeky Forums in years?

That's some clever hand positioning on the left hand to hide his ring finger.

Did they shop him smaller?

youre conditioned after staring at naked buff dudes on fit all day

>tfw The Rock

Why are his shoulders so narrow?

Guys, pls tell me you see it, too.

Or is it just body dysmorphia again?

his traps make them look narrower than they are prolly

theyre not that wide though

Bro you're pretty fucking stupid

This shit makes me sick to my stomach.

Why aren't nu males protesting this literally impossible to achieve natty physique?

I guess girls really do find roids sexy

>hairlets coping

dude's got wide ass shoulders, search the pic of him at 15 years old to see what i mean


This is just another example of traps ruining wide shoulders.

He looks amazing in this picture.

you wanna know how I know you're an adult who dwells in children's toy stores?


He looks fucking 25 here, what the fuck

samoan genetics