Why dont you were shoe lifts Veeky Forums?

Why dont you were shoe lifts Veeky Forums?

Im 5'8 and become 5'10 and I have noticed people treat me a lot better. And If I go out clubbing, I get a LOT more attention from girls.



nah, you get more attention because you are more confident not because of the lifts

Because I'm 6'4"

>Why don't guys wear high heels?
>Makes me feel so manly

Until you get her back, take your stilettos off and she realises you were wearing stilts all fucking night. I bet you complain when women wear make-up as well.

Some height insoles don't have to look ridiculous. I wear 2cm ones normally.

>Why dont you were shoe lifts Veeky Forums?
Why the fuck would I want to be 6'4?

I'm 6' so I don't need it. It's an ideal height

I'm already 6'2 and relatively lean (13% bf) at 97kg. Why the fuck would I wear lifts?

Fuck off normies. I'm asking the manlets if this is something they would seriously consider.

>you cant be an autist if youre tall

>using logic on retards
not even once

holy shit this is my first time on Veeky Forums

are you guys this unironically obsessed with your height?

Except she is most likely also wearing heals, so you both take off your shoes and you probably end up taller than her anyway. All balances out.

Blame the world for being obsessed with height.

They make your torso and arms look extremely short.

They make your shin bone look longer than your thigh bone...

They make your ass stick out in order to balance properly... which is one of the reasons women wear heels.

Yeah... i'd rather be below average height than be average height but strange as fuck womanly body proportions.

>nah, you get more attention because you are more confident
That is true but 5'10 is the point where u are no longer short. Not tall, not short, it is a pretty balanced height. Every 5'9 actor in hollywood gets some shit because of thier heights. 5'10 actors dont or rarely.
Look at conor mcgregor. I wouldnt say he is short at 5'9 but yeah... compare him to a strong 5'10 mike tyson. The difference is big yet so small.
5'10 is the boiling point. That +2inch for op is a great confidence boost, thats right but it makes him much better looking and you cant deny that. Some of us are so out of proportions +2 inches can mean the difference between meh and hot.

Why not take this to the logical conclusion and start wearing heels?


>get in apartment
>take shoes off
>how did you shrink anonkun

Where can I order some?

>mfw 6'6"

how do your knees feel?

For the same reason that I don't wear inflatable muscle suits when I'm out

Why not wear a slipsole in your shoe?

I mean, if I were to wear nice shoes for the office, I would most likely add them to acquire some extra height and extra comfort.

Kunfudence is key guys! Looks don't matter!

you are putting too much emphasis on looks

next time you're outside and see couples take a look at the guy. it's rare that they look like they are working out and have a 6+/10 face

you'll be surprised at how many cuties are with average looking dudes