How can I get big lats at home?

How can I get big lats at home?


>tfw you realize "lats" is an anagram of "salt"

A fuckton of pullups bitch nigger.

I knew i could stop working on my lats when i got a rash on my inner arm from chafing.

You don't :^)

Chinups are nice. Do them until you can do 5x10. Then do weighted.

Do I do them everyday?


>sqrt(64) = 3
>2x+7 = 15 x=5

what fucking troglodyte made that pic?

No nigga, you do them once then you get super lats

alternate 3 days a week ABA/BAB:

-pull ups (or chins) to failure

-3x5 weighted chins

forgot to mention on A to do 3-5 sets also

Dumbbell rows with arms tucked to body.

How to get h00ge lats:
>Master the pullup technique so you can isolate your back with minimum biceps usage
>Do weighted


Mate you missed the other retarded parts
Nope E=mc^2
>A+B^2 = C
not sure what they're getting at, but maybe pythagoras done wrong? More i think about it, it must be a joke, must be....

you can just do them 1 handed then instead of weighted

Behind the neck or natural pull ups?

Don't do behind the neck, form is more complicated and you can fuck up your shoulders

ofc natural pullups and chin ups
also il expand on 1 hand pull up, basically since you are pussy you wont be able to do real 1 hand pull up, so you just grab the bar like you would do normal 2hand pull up, but just pull up with 1hand, while the other hand just keeps you balanced takes 20-30% off load. Once you become less of a bitch, you might be able to do 1 hand pull up.

you lads are to inteligennt to lift

Essential latkino:

>chin ups
>pull ups
>dumbbell rows
>pendlay rows

Anything I'm missing?


