ITT: things Veeky Forums meme'd you into

ITT: things Veeky Forums meme'd you into
I'll start
Before Veeky Forums
>meal with Chicken - twice a week
After Veeky Forums
>eating 2 whole whole chickens a week

Actually bought mutant mass cause I thought everyone was actually taking 5 scoops a day. Fuck

The word "meme" has lost all meaning on this site.

fuck off faggot. I'm 27 I know what I'm saying with 'meme'

this desu. don't be a fagoot

>stopped drinking water

Chicken is good tho


And what's wrong with chicken every night? If you're on a cut (or even if you're not) it's a spectacular protein to calorie ratio. And it tastes so good. I brine and grill a chicken breast like 3 nights a week at least.

>a (singular) chicken breast
spotted the twink

>2 whole chickens
>1 week
Found the DYEL manlet

Dude the chicken breasts at the store at like 10-12 oz, no way somebody eats two of those for dinner, wtf.

How important is it to buy quality chicken? Tyson's like 1/2 the price of most of the other stuff but I'd imagine it's got some horrifying bullshit going on

I realize a lot of Veeky Forums doesn't actually care about health but I'm asking about from a health-conscious viewpoint.

Chicken is one of the cheapest calorie to protein meals you can get.

I buy a whole chicken at least once a week and eat everything but the guts.

I eat tyson's a lot for gains. Am I doing it wrong?

That's why I'm asking. I know for sure it's got tons of hormones/antibiotics and the birds are raised under just about the most unhygienic conditions you could imagine. What I want to know is what kind of effect eating that shit has on your health vs higher quality chicken

How many chickens do you eat memelord?
No you split that up throughout the day faggot
2 per week is good.
Often their are sales on corn fed chicken so it's really good value. I like cold roast chicken, as a special I'll have potatoes roasted in olive oil with it.

>2 per week is good.
A chicken is like 10lbs dude. You eat 20lbs of just chicken a week? Is that the only thing you eat?

Chickens are just birds. So I just hang out back with my pellet gun and shoot birds and eat whatever I kill I eat. Once I even ate a parrot. I think it was probably somebody's pet that got loose. Do you think I gave a fuck !?!

You're joking but I eat squirrels out of my yard sometimes

Broiler chicken or roaster chickens are anywhere from 3.5-6 pounds at best you fucking idiot.

A medium sized roasted chicken is like 1000 calories without the skin you fucking dyel manlet.

thats not even half of an average female bodybuilder's maintenance.